Frankly, first and foremost, it no longer consists of "trustworthy, incorruptible men who shall not be kept from their appointed rounds by rain, sleet, snow or dark of night." That was the vision envisioned by Benjamin Franklin, when he was appointed to be America's first Postmaster General in 1775.
Historically, The Postal Service, or The Post Office, as it used to be called, was an important and integral aspect of government's service to the people. The Constitution mandates that the federal government "establish post offices and post roads". For almost a century and a half, Postmasters General sat as part of the Presidential Cabinet.
Nowadays, it s largely populated by unionized, affirmative action applicants, who don't even have to take and pass the simple civil service exam. They are, by and large, like my local postmistress, insolent incompetents who can't complete the fundamental task of getting the correct mail into the correct box. During the decades in which I kept and paid ever increasing fees for a post office box, I can't fathom the number of times I received other people's mail. As I generally checked that box outside of their limited operating hours, I would push the misplaced mail out of the back side of my box. I'm reasonably sure that those letters were picked up off of the floor the next day and thrown away. More recently, I have used a box at the terminus of my country dirt road, with a street number of 2776. It sits on a single post, beside a stand supporting my neighbors' four boxes. As I only expect about three pieces of mail a month (bills, of course), I rarely check it. When I most recently did, there were three pieces for the country Baptist church in the 2900 block, one piece for the family in the same block and two pieces for the man in the 2800 block, who has been dead and gone for about ten years.
Overall, the Post Office was designed to be self-supporting, with the possibility of providing some income to the federal government through the sale of stamps, P.O. Box rental fees and such. Needless to say, that has not been the case for decades. As a matter of course, the USPS has operated at multi-billion dollar annual losses for years.
Now, we're supposed to trust an organization, largely manned and managed by a bunch of trade unionist functionary flunkies, who regularly violated the law by allowing those flunkies to work on Hitlary Clinton's and other Demoncats' campaigns to be in charge of our elections?

In states like California and New Jersey, which have already started moving forward with universal mail-in balloting, I don't worry about the corruption that will occur relative to the presidential race. States like that are going to go presidentially Demoncatic, regardless. What worries me is Congressional voting. Areas of California outside of the Marxist dominated major metroplexes and southern New Jersey tend to be some of the most capitalist, conservative districts in America. Do you think for a moment that any Republican rightful winners will be declared as winners, which would unseat plastic faced Princess Pelosi from her throne and keep Shyster Schumer, the Shmearing Shi+ from becoming Senate Majority Leader?

I love that description of Chuck U, as put forth by the fine folks at SOLO.
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