The top left picture of Demoncat Bull Connor's police can be replaced with his firefighters, Demoncat Governor Orval Faubus' segregationists or modern day Dummycrap looters, arsonists and rioters.

The template can be used as is, with the scowling jackass linked to the true 'white supremacists' who have always been and remain the heart and soul of the Demoncat Party. Its racist history of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, separate and unequal segregation, opposition to The Civil Rights Act and The Voting Rights Act, the destruction of the nuclear Negroid family and much more MUST be made known to that segment of our population.
As 19th century Demoncat plantation owners kept their slaves ignorant by not allowing them to learn to read and write and by selling off family members to destroy traditional father/mother/children families, the modern 21st century Demoncat Party continues that practice by providing less than mediocre schools for urban youth and by signaling Dummycrap men and women of all races that a bread winning father is not necessary to the orderly operation of a household, as the government shall provide the barest of basic necessities.
Hopefully, the wordless template will also message minority voters that it is the Republican Party, whose first president, with the aid and assistance of a primarily Republican Congress which abolished slavery in this Republic and was the party of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

He knew that the largely politically ignorant wouldn't make the connection that those laws were made law by the 535 mostly Republican people on Capitol Hill. It was (and is) easier to credit or vilify the one person in The White House. As a Demoncat, it was was relatively simple for LBJ to say that it was the Demoncats who were the champions of civil rights, when that was (and is) a damned lie.
Words and additional images can be added to the template. At the bottom could be inserted:
The template can also be used for specific races, like the Michigan Senate race. The pasty pink face of Gary Peters could be placed top center, with John James' handsome brown face bottom center, with the caption of JOHN JAMES FOR U.S. SENATE.

Republicans, you must begin to truly educate the Demoncats' maleducated, misdirected Dummycrap base. It could be the difference between keeping a capitalist representative republic or creating another fascist/socialist oligarchy.

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