XI: Mr. Vice President, it is so good to see you again and welcome you and your brain addled, drug addicted son to communist China.
BIDEN: It is my privilege and pleasure to be so welcomed by you, Mr. Secretary General. For my personal edification and gratification and on behalf of Barack, may I French kiss your butt and suck your tiny Asian putz?
XI: Oh, by all means!
BIDEN: Mmm! Mmm! Slurp, slurp, slurp!
XI: Uhh! That was SO good, Mr. Vice President. I usually have to rape some peasant farmer's daughter for that type of satisfaction.
BIDEN: Oh, it was good for me, too. And Barack will vicariously enjoy it as well, when I tell him about it.
XI: Let us get down to brass tacks. We in the Chinese Communist Party are gravely concerned about the direction that American politics is heading. You and your big eared, baseborn, bolshevik boss barely squeezed out an electoral victory over a very weak Repulsican/Rebooblican opponent.

If Herman Cain's wife had not been so weak willed. so as to convince her husband that the race was not worth pursuing, we in the CCP, as more astute students of your history and civics than you are, are convinced that Mr. Cain's populist approach and campaign would have buried you and Barack by a landslide margin.

We fear that in 2016, another constitutionally conservative, populist candidate shall arise and beat your butt, as you seek to move up from vice-president to president.
BIDEN: Oh, I won't be running for the presidency in 2016, Mr. Secretary General.

XI: Oh, indeed, we do! He sold us your naval military secrets for a mere three hundred thousand.
BIDEN: Hitlary is more fascist than socialist, but she will continue to move the country in the right direction, that is to say, the LEFT. During the primary campaign season, we shall smokescreen that for the benefit of capitalist moderates and conservatives by running supremely socialist Senator crazy Bernie Sanders against her.

XI: That sounds like a sound strategery. But as Senator Sanders is a very populist type of personality, he could whip up fervor that could defeat the fascist blonde. So, your people need to continue to get the Dominion voting systems into as many states as possible. They very well may be the difference maker at some point down the road, as they have been for us in Venzuela..
But, in case of a worst case scenario, we are, with the aid of your hard left Harvard professor, Dr. Charles Lieber, developing a second, more virulent, violent SARS virus, as a means to our ends.
We do have to hope that no one in a proper position points out that the 'SA' should stand for 'South Asian', rather than 'Severe Acute'.
BIDEN: Well, Mr. Secretary General, I don't think that such a biological solution will be necessary and I'm sure that no one with any influence will ever make the 'SA' connection. But if such a solution does become necessary, you can count on the collusion of my party's politicians and the deep state Demoncats in the bureaucracy and the complete cooperation of our progressive, propagandist, prevaricating press to promote the policy..
XI: That is what I wanted and needed to hear, Mr. Vice President. To aid and assist in that effort, here's a billion and a half dollars, to be distributed among those politicians, bureaucrats and journalists, as incentive to advance the cause. Launder it through your simple minded son in the form of some sort of investment firm, so that it may grow over the next few years, if it is needed at that time.
BIDEN: Excellent idea, Mr. Secretary General.
Mid June, 2015

XI: This is just the type of business friendly populist candidate to which I referred several years ago.
BIDEN: He is no one about whom to worry, Mr. Secretary General. He is a bombastic New York City billionaire businessman who will not appeal to middle America. And he is a B list celebrity television star who will never be taken seriously.
XI: You mean like that washed up B movie actor of forty years ago?

Summer, 2016
XI: It's looking like you were wrong about Trump, Mr. Vice President.
BIDEN: He may have duped his way into his adopted party's nomination, but there is no way he can win against Hitlary. Besides our party's efforts against him, we have the support of many useful idiots from his party, as well as the leftist, lame street media running him into the dirt.

November 9, 2016
XI: Now what, Mr. Vice President?
BIDEN: Not to worry, Mr. Secretary General. Barack and I are already putting together a plan, so that he will never be inaugurated.
January 21, 2017
XI: Now what, Mr. Biden?
BIDEN: Not to worry, Mr. Secretary General. We have a series of scenarios guaranteed to force him to resign or to be removed from office.
Late Summer, 2019
XI: Well, Mr. Biden, your politics of personal destruction regarding Trump and especially his associates, your Russia collusion delusion, which has backlashed against Hitlary more than Trump, your Ukrainian quid pro quo, which has backfired into your face, rather than Trump's have all failed, as will your attempt to impeach him out of office shall fail. We are releasing the SARS 2 virus from the Wuhan University of Technology's biological research laboratories. We are counting on your complicity that you promised.
BIDEN: You shall have it, Mr. Secretary General.
February 6, 2020
XI: I told you impeachment would fail, Mr. Biden. The virus is spreading well across the world. Here in China, the CCP has done well in keeping it under wraps for as long as possible, with the aid and assistance of the World Health Organization.

We are hoping that the bug will get to, infect and kill leaders like Trump, Johnson and Merkel.

Even if we fail at that, this virus is virulent and violent enough to kill enough people around the globe to scare those and other leaders into killing capitalism. Your Doctor Fauci, and similar deep state Demoncat doctors and scientists must continue to advocate for continued lockdowns and economic restrictions.
Mid 2020
BIDEN: Do know, Mr. Secretary General, that I have been busy contacting and meeting with key governors, mayors, and bureaucratic health officials to implement policies that will make the virus more widespread, or at least seem more widespread and deadly than it really is, or that it would be without those policies. Because of this irrational widespread fear, we will be able to institute unconstitutional mail-in voting, which will be a tremendous boon for us, allowing us to manipulate the numbers to our advantage, no matter how huge Trump's victory is. And I have been constantly and consistently feeding disinformation to our progressive, prevaricating, propagandist press to further fear monger. I have been spending your money well to achieve our shared objectives.


The past few months
China Joe remains in his basement, diligently delegating authority to socialism sympathetic authorities to do all that they can to perpetuate the pandemic. The goal, of course, is to get Trump and as many other Republicans as possible out of office. Like every other despicable dirty trick that they have tried, it is failing.
Yes, this is conspiracy theory. It is my conspiracy theory. I base it on a pre-political correctness secondary and university education in world and U.S. history, American civics and political science and a lifetime of looking long and hard.
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