But to the bulk of the always demographically aware Bolsheviks in the progressive, prevaricating, propagandist press, and to the like minded Marxists of the Socialist Demoncat party and their criminal cohorts who are destroying our once great cities, it does not. It is all a matter of demographics.

You see, Cannon Hinnant was a happy little pink faced five year old who was maniacally murdered, execution style, in front of his similarly aged sisters by drug thug, Darius Sessoms, a 25 year old man with dark brown skin. I heard a spokesman for the lunatic liberal left say today, "one in three Americans are racist." Of course, he meant that one-third of Caucasoid Americans are racist because non-Caucasoids, like hate filled hoodlum Sessoms are incapable of racialism or racism. I wonder if Sessoms would have similarly executed a little kid of his own racial kind? Maybe. They do it in Chicago every day.
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