A great 'blue wave' has been promoted and predicted by Demoncat Congressional Leaders Princess Pelosi and Chuck U Schumer, along with their minority minions on The Hill and George Soros' generated generation of knee jerk jack and (mostly) jenny asses.

These people really did pick the correct animal to represent themselves. Along with the ass, other historical symbols and images that have been part and parcel of party policy and practice include these:

As depicted in the image above, this tsunami like blue wave will wash away the Republican majorities in both houses, and hope against their hope, completely out of Washington, D.C. From their as old as time political playbook, they expected to use the same, recycled slanderous and libelous lies to defeat and destroy Brett Kavanaugh as they did to Herman Cain in 2012.

It didn't work this time. Whether it's a matter of the Dummycraps getting dumber, or The Right just being more willing to do and say what is right, I'm not sure. It's probably a combination of the two. In their attempt to demonize a decent and dedicated man, the Demoncats have only explicitly exhibited their own evil excesses. As they've tried to prove with so many people associated with President Trump, Kavanaugh's 'crimes' were shown to be unbelievable, unsubstantiated...stuff. Their big 'October surprise' this year seems to have backfired, shooting themselves in the collective foot. Instead of their big blue wave, they might be drowned by a 'red tide'.

While it is historically traditional for a sitting president's party to lose seats in Congress in midterm elections, there has been pretty much nothing about the Donald Trump presidency that has been traditional. I think that we're going to witness another tradition trashed on November 6th. As sure as I was when I placed my last serious wager on Super Bowl III, I'll bet that contemporary considerations, including the Kavanaugh case costs the Demoncats/Dummycraps seats, especially in the Senate. It is odds on that Heidi Heitkamp and Claire McCaskill are GONE, thank the good.

See my insights on the subject in my previous article,
Seeking A Soul For The Senate.
Over the past century or so, there have been a very few presidents who gained party power in Congress in the midterms.

Woodrow Wilson would not have even been president, if not for the schism on the right, caused by the ego-maniacal originator of progressivism with his Progressive ('Bull Moose') Party, Teddy Roosevelt.

In 1914, the Demoncats gained four Senate seats, but lost sixty in the House. In 1918, he lost those four Senate seats, plus one, as well as twenty-two more Representatives.

TR's cousin, cousin marrying Franklin (ugly cousin marrying) progressed Teddy's progressivism toward surefire socialism. During his first term, the Demoncats picked up nine seats in each House. In the four subsequent midterms, with the Stalinistic stench of FDR's policies being immensely influential, they lost a total of 199 House seats and 31 senators.

Even the beloved and wildly popular "Ike" Eisenhower experienced midterm minuses. He lost 18 and 48 Representatives along with 2 and 13 senators in the two midterm elections during his eight year presidency. If the Congressional Rebooblicans of that era had not back lashed against the reign of Roosevelt with the 22nd Amendment, Ike would've probably served into the '60's.

Since Ike couldn't run again, and his Veep had nothing of the character or charisma of the Kennedy's, we got, until Trump, the only non-traditional president of my lifetime. In 1962, the Democrats only lost four House seats, while gaining two senators.

LBJ, a traditionalist, and therefore terrible, took us back to form in 1966. when his party lost 47 House Representatives and had their 1962 Senate gains negated plus one.

Richard Milhouse Nixon was elected in 1968, simply because familial assassination kept him from facing another Kennedy.

In 1970, the Richard Repulsicans only lost a dozen House seats, well below the average, while picking up a senate seat. That was lost in 1974, as Gerald Ford finished out Nixon's failure.

The Repulsicans said good-bye to 48 representatives and four senators.

Despite being abysmal from Day 1, Jimmy Carter's Dummycraps only lost fifteen representatives and three senators in 1978.

In 1982, the policies of Ronaldus Magnus had not yet taken hold and the country was still in Jimma Carter's malaise. The R's lost almost the historic average in the House, but held steady in the Senate. In 1986, they fared much better in the House, losing only five seats, but doubled the average in the Senate by losing eight.
Bush the Elder did much better than average, as the R's lost only eight representatives and one senator. But he lost his oval office in 1992, ushering in the calamity of

The Clinton's. In 1994, as a rebuke of Hitlarycare, Whitewater, (which stole my parents' life savings), and such, Americans revolted, resulting in the Republican Revolution. Gaining 54 seats in the House, the R's held the majority there for the first time in forty years. Picking up double the average with eight seats in the Senate, the R's took control of the upper chamber, as well.

By 1998, "The Contract With America" and other initiatives of Newt Gingrich's Congress were bettering the state of the Union. Being the crooked, consummate party politician, Clinton claimed credit, as he had to get reelected in 1996. With establishment Repulsicans nominating weak assed, uninspiring Senator Bob Dole for the presidency, many Republican conservatives stayed home in 1996 and 1998. Dummycrap people being sheeple, and slick Willie being a polished, professional prevaricator, the Demoncats picked up five seats in the House and the Senate held steady, despite Monicagate, impeachment and disbarment.

Largely due to being terrorized by war in our homeland, Bush the Younger became the first president in 68 years to have his party increase representation in both Houses, gaining eight in the HoR and two in the Senate. By 2006, following another highly contentious election in 2004, short American memories were already forgetting 9/11, with the help of the lame street liberal media and other politically correct institutions and individuals. Couple that with a war with no end in sight (still, twelve years later), it was an inevitability that the like of Princess Pelosi and her illiberal ilk to take back control of Capitol Hill, gaining the average of thirty seats in the House and six in the Senate, to usher in the Age of Obama, for the 2008 coronation of

Marxist Muslim Monarch Baracka Hussein O. It didn't take long to realize that we had made
America. In 2010, with the advent of the Tea Party Movement, the R's regained majority in the House with an astounding 63 seat pick-up. The Senate elections were a little weird that year. The Demoncats lost six seats, while The R's picked up five. The differential of one is someone we all know and mostly abhor. Here's some more reasons to abhor her. Originally appointed to the Senate in 2002, by her Repulsican father to take his seat, after he became governor, Repulsican Lisa Murkowski won the 2004 election without a majority of the vote.

In 2010, she lost the primary election to Tea Party candidate Joe Miller. She entered and somehow won the general election as a write-in candidate with 39.5% of the vote, joining the likes of Strom Thurmond as only the second senator elected by write-in vote.

This might be the apex and epitome of nepotism and familial political machinery of which I've ever heard. The Daley's and Kennedy's could take notes.
After the Repulsicans lost their one good presidential candidate who could have beaten King Barack in 2012, His Marxist Muslim Majesty had enough robe train for the Demoncats to gain eight House seats, which were not enough to take a majority. They also gained three senate seats, if you count 'Independent' Angus King.

In 2014, with no presidential robe train onto which to grab, the Demoncats lost thirteen seats in the House and nine in the Senate, giving the R's majorities in both chambers.

Riding the populist tsunami wave of Donald J. Trump in 2016, the R's held their majorities in both chambers. This was not a given, considering many Republican freshman senators, who were swept into office as part of The Tea Party Movement in 2010, were up for reelection for the first time.
Now, in 2018, in less than a month, we shall see if President Trump's rising approval ratings and populism can combine with the evermore mounting evidence of the Demoncat Party's politics of demonic destruction can widen the R's margins of majority.
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