1980 2016
These maps depict two of the most seminal presidential elections in our lifetime. The reason there is as much red as there is on the 1980 map is that the Dummycrap candidate was a native son of Georgia and his good friend, Demoncat Sen. Robert 'KKK" Byrd controlled West Virginia politics. And the peanut farmer's Veep candidate was Minnesota native son Walter Mondale, who was SUCH a loser, that Minnesota was the ONLY state he carried four years later as the Dummycrap presidential candidate. The Dummycrap denizens of D.C. are always going to vote for their Demoncat plantation masters as they did in 1984, to give Fritz the Cat 13 whole electoral votes, resulting in the biggest presiential election butt beating EVER! Maryland is merely an extension of D.C. Voters in Rhode Island and the Hawaiian Islands are just off on an imaginary political island in their minds. Though not as lopsided, the reason there is as much red in the 2016 map is that state politics have been skewed in Nevada by an influx of Californian entertainment industry elitism in Las Vegas, Reno and Lake Tahoe, just as statewide politics has been similarly skewed by the DC suburban counties in northern Virginia. Colorado's once proud politically righteous mind has been marred by legal marijuana. And New Mexico has basically become El Norte' of old Mexico. In both instances, Minnesota stands out like a big red starfish awash in an ocean of blue. Only once in my remembrance has Minnesota veered from that invariability. That was in 1972, when even New York, Illinois and California did.
Besides those three states, all strangulated by the socialistic strategery of cities voting blocs, our northernmost state of the contiguous forty-eight is the most liberally voting state in the nation.
To look at those four state maps, as well as the national maps above, one would think that they were all awash in an overwhelming ocean of conservative blue. But in each state, the enclaves of Red red represents overpopulated dumb mass Dummycrap metropolitan areas which overwhelm the populist populations of rural and small town conservatism that occupies the grand mass of geography. The Empire State is dominated by Buffalo in the west, cross state to Albany, to include big college town Syracuse and down the I-87 corridor to the five big boroughs. Chicago shellacs all of the rest of the Land of Lincoln. California, of course is controlled by the coastline crazies from the L.A. illegals and felons to the Haight Ashbury hippies of San Francisco. Minnesota receives its mandates from the metro's of Duluth, Rochester, and of course mainly from Minneapolis/St. Paul, so infamous for its illiberalism that it gives us the likes of Keith Ellison and soon, Ilhan Omar, another Manchurian candidate. All of that magnificent mass of Land of 10.000 Lakes is just moot.
Minnesotans have a history of electing some WEIRD wackos to statewide office. like Libertarian (?) GOVERNOR Jesse 'The Body' Ventura, after leaving rasslin' and before joining Russian State TV.

Then, there are senators such as Hubert The Hump Humphrey, the aforementioned Walter Fritz the Cat Mondale , and OMG, AL FREAKBOY FRANKEN!?!

On the other hand, small sections of Minnesota have sent to the federal and state capitols great legislators like Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and state Senator Karin Housley.

Ms. Bachmann was a prime presidential candidate and very well could have become Speaker of the House, after John Beohnhead's departure, if she hadn't understandably given up on her good fight.
Ms. Housley is a very popular and well respected state lawmaker, who is making a viable run for the seat vacated by disgraced Dummycrap Franken and currently held by appointed Dummycrap Tina Smith. The Minnesota DFL is so fearful of Sen. Housley that they are playing their age old, worn out race card. Citing a decade old Facebook post, they accuse Sen. Housley of racist remarks about Muchelle My Belle Obama. Truth is, she merely observed that Muchelle is a hulking, stoop shouldered slouch with no idea of proper etiquette when dealing with the Queen of England.

Minnesotans have a wondrous opportunity to show the rest of America that they're not a bunch of northernmost know nothing numb skulls locked in an eternal lethargy of liberal lunacy. Besides the chance to send State Senator Housley to the Federal Senate, Minnesota has a golden opportunity to send a Congressional delegation who would better represent the state's true nature of American stoutheartedness.
District 1, with a present Partisan Voting Index of R +5, is wide open. Incumbent ladder climbing professional politician Demoncat Tim Walz is retiring to run for governor. Republican nominee Jim Hagedorn has a real shot to win the seat once occupied by his father, representing conservative, southern Minnesota. He has much of the bombastic appeal that appealed to those voters who cast their ballots for Trump two years ago. The fact that the media is blasting him as the worst Republican Congressional candidate running this year tells me he has something going for himself.

Covering the Minneapolis/St. Paul, with high Demoncat PVI's, Districts 4 and 5 are lost causes. There was some joy in Mudville, when 5th District Representative Marxist Muslim Keith Ellison announced his retirement to run for state attorney general. Remember, he's the one who persuaded the curator of Monticello to dishonor Thomas Jefferson by allowing Ellison to use President Jefferson's Quran to take his first congressional oath of office.

But the aforementioned joy was short lived, when I discovered that Ellison's replacement on Capitol Hill is a real Muslim. A Somali Muslim. You know, the Muslims responsible for contemporary piracy on the high seas. Much like their ancestral forbears, the Barbary pirates, who first declared war on this country during George Washington's administration.

Districts 6 and 7 are leaning heavily Republican with PVI of R +12. 6th District Republican incumbent Tom Emmer has won his two elections by landslide majorities.

Long time 7th District Congressman Collin Peterson will be reelected to represent the very rural and conservative western portion of the state. Though he is registered as DFL, he is one of the original Blue Dog Democrats and votes more conservatively than many Repulsicans and Rebooblicans, which I'm sure pisses off Princess Nancy enormously. He may be the last true Democrat in Congress. And as long as he retains those principles, I'm okay with him.
With its R +4 PVI and three term incumbent Dummycrap Rick Nolan retiring, District 8 should be easily won by Republican Pete Stauber.

With all of that said, Minnesota could give us (US) their greatest gift since building The Mall of the Americas, with a Congressional delegation consisting of five real Republicans and a true blue Blue Dog Democrat and a fresh faced freshman senator of constitutional convictions. I hold little hope for defeating an entrenched two term Demoncat senator, even when it's a chump like Amy Klobuchar.
If cosmic forces could converge to make all of that happen, I could once again hold real hope for the Republic as a whole. It would be more Minnesota Wild than the state's NHL team.
10/24 UPDATE: With the ever increasing exposure of the Keith Ellison domestic violence scandal, there is even more hope for hope for Minnesota.

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