10/24 NOTE: This article was originally published about two weeks ago, but was lost to cyberspace during an after publication edit.
REMINDER: I use the correctly color coded electoral maps from Dave Leip's Atlas of US Elections. Dave uses the Red for Dems and Blue for Reps. This dates back to 19th century European politics at the time of and following Karl Marx. This practice carried over to the USA. It was not until 1996, when the American lame street media reversed the assignations, possibly partly because it was easier for their lame brains to remember R for R, but more probably to distance their side from images and symbols like the Red Star and Red Flag identifying their leftist political philosophies of fascism and socialism. Yes, dear Dummycraps, fascism is left wing politics, between capitalism on the right and socialism on the far left.
With that out of the way, let's address perhaps the most important opportunity the American electorate has faced in the history of the Republic. On November 6th, 2018, the voters will be casting ballots in 35 elections for United States Senators. The great majority of these seats are currently held by Demoncats/Dummycraps, including two supposed 'Independents' who are as leftist/progressive as any in the caucus.
One of them, crazy Bernie, might actually be President today, if he had not been cheated out of the party nomination by the most demonic of the Demoncats, Hitlary Clinton.
Currently, the Senate is almost exactly evenly split, with 51 on the right and 49 on the left. Considering that there are two women sitting on the right side of the aisle who are as apt to vote with those on the left as they are to do so with their own party colleagues, you can see the dilemma facing the voters getting ready to choose members of what was designed and intended to be a serious deliberative debate society which has become the 'most exclusive (social) club in the world'.
Other articles have already addressed some of the individually intriguing races of the year. Let's look at the remainder to see if we can infuse a soul of cold sobriety and common sense to a group of people who hold and shall hold such power over our lives.
There are a handful of states which have no soul any longer. Oddly, they are all ocean front states. New York and New Jersey are lost causes in the cause of Americanism. NJ will return criminally indicted and not not guilty lifelong politician Bob Menendez as their senior senator.
Then again, there are eight candidates on the ballot. Maybe enough Garden Staters will revolt, as they did 245 years ago with their Committees of Correspondence to create a New Day, not just for NJ, but for US. I wish that I could hope to wake up Wednesday, November 7th, to read or hear that Tricia Flanagan is the Senator Elect from New Jersey.
But these are the voters who sent us (US) the soulless, conscienceless Corey Booker.
New York will return kooky Kirsten Gillibrand, another Ivy League pinhead liberal lawyer turned professional political party hack, who is seen as a Demoncat rising star and potential presidential candidate.
Connecticut is merely an extension of New York City, which rules Empire State statewide politics, as Maryland is merely an extension of D.C., whose dumb mass Dummycrap denizens are always going to vote Demoncat, including such liberal landslide losers as Fritz Mondale and George McGovern, when the District joined one other state in each of the presidential elections of 1984 and 1972.
Voters in Rhode Island and the Hawaiian Islands are all just off on an island in their political minds.
Massachusetts voters are mainly maniacs, who think that Pocahontas Warren is a good senator and would be a good president. Maine was once part of Massachusetts and remains a philosophical/ political extension of Boston and beyond and will return 'Independent' incumbent Angus King.
Geographical descendants of Ethan Allen and The Green Mountain Boys, Vermont voters are just vapid and vacant, as they will return espoused socialist curmudgeon Crazy Bernie to the Senate.
Delaware might have the distinction of First State, but it has lost its constitutional conscience. It will demonstrate that again by reelecting career politician Tom Carper. He is a retired Naval officer and an MBA, rather than another JD, so maybe he can purvey some principles, particularly in regard to national security and fiscal responsibility.
Out on the left coast, the states of SeaTac and LASF are lost, as they presently stand. The choice in Washington is a mind masher and hand wringer. Party super hack Maria Cantwell can't do anything well. She has opposed every presidential conservative nomination to the Supreme Court, including Brett Kavanaugh. Her Republican challenger, Susan Hutchison is not necessarily conservative, having spent most of her life as a TV journalist and philanthropist. As a military daughter of a West Point graduated, USAF pilot and lieutenant general and a military wife of a Naval Academy graduated, USMC colonel, she's got to be a better choice. And of course, she does see the right of right side views of such issues of health care and housing, which communistic Cantwell doesn't.
The conservative rural residents of California, who are the tax paying sustainers of the state need to be to allowed, as they are petitioning to be, to secede from their Marxist masters in socialist Sacramento, who vote in liberal lockstep with the coastal communists and municipal Marxists who are running and ruining the once Golden State.
To spotlight how leftist California has become, even if we were fortunate enough to be rid of the most elderly of the Assembly of Elders, Dianne Feinstein, we will have fellow Demoncat Kevin de Leon taking her place, as California election law allows the top two vote receivers in the open primaries to face off in the general election, regardless of party affiliation.
In between the coastal extremes, out in the desert, is New Mexico, which has basically become El Norte of old Mexico. Perhaps President Trump could cede it to Mexico as a bargaining chip in negotiating the NAFTA replacing USMC trade treaty. Americans would have to be guaranteed safe and unimpeded passage and accommodations through the I-10, I-25 and I-40 corridors and along the US Highways like 60, 64, 66 and 70.
It is HIGHLY unlikely and improbable that an R can win statewide office in New Mexico. There IS a twist to this Senate race that could give us (US) a superbly shocking surprise.
Former two term Rebooblican governor Gary Johnson presents a lot of promise of which to be proudly supportive. He is a lifelong entrepreneur, who began a business during his college years with one employee (himself) and grew it to a multi-million dollar enterprise employing over a thousand New Mexicans. He campaigned on and administered with a "common sense business approach", including support for implementation of The Fair Tax. He exercised his gubernatorial veto authority more than the other forty-nine governors combined. He won reelection with a landslide majority in a state with a two to one Democrat registration advantage.
He was the Liebertarian presidential candidate in the past two elections. In 2016, he received over nine and a third per cent of New Mexico's votes. Wouldn't it be wildly wonderful if another thirty or so per cent of New Mexicans joined those 75,000 to send him to the Senate? It would be especially outstanding if he could join New Day NJ candidate Tricia Flanagan to be non-R's sitting on the right side of the Senate aisle, to offset the two 'Independents', Angry Angus and Bolshevik Bernie sitting on and voting from the far left.
The ten most interesting and intriguing races are in states with Demoncats defending their Senate seats where President Trump won in 2016, including five that Romney carried in 2012.
With an R +9 Partisan Voting Index, Missouri seems set to unseat Demoncat Claire McCaskill. She's a little down in the polls, which is a horror for a long time incumbent. On general principles and for her outrageous, unhinged participation in the Kavanaugh case, I think that Missourians are going to show me something good.
With an R +16 PVI and polls showing her being waaaay down, North Dakotans are DONE with party putz Heidi Heitkamp, especially considering her recent promise that if reelected, she will be "a super liberal".
Fat cat Dummycrap incumbent John Tester's claim of conservatism or moderation or centrism is being seen as the lie that it is. He is a lockstep liberal who votes as Chuck U Schumer tells him to vote. He faces Republican and Libertarian challengers, which will most likely help his cause. Republican Matt Rosendale is the State Auditor, who won that statewide race in 2016, by beating a basically incumbent Demoncat. My one personal connection to Montana is my best friend from childhood. His family moved to Montana when we were kids. When his family moved back to NC years later, he remained there to become a successful small business owner/operator. He tells me that Tester is most probably a shoo-in for reelection, as Rosendale is received and perceived as an interloping Easterner, who "talks funny" and is not Montanan. He informs me that he will, as many Montanans will, vote Libertarian.
In breaking with the Party to vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh, incumbent Demoncat senator Joe Manchin did so strictly for personal political expediency. If his vote to not confirm would have changed the outcome of that Senate confirmation vote, you can bet your shoes that he would have. Much like his pork producing predecessor, Robert KKK Byrd, Joe Manchin is a political opportunist who will do and say anything to maintain and advance his personal political position and power. Remember when, with his shootin' iron in hand, he dramatically advertised in his first Senate campaign he promised to take dead aim at the Dummycraps' Cap and Trade bill and repeal the "bad parts of Obamacare"? Well, the first one never came to vote and the second one...well, he didn't. With an R +20 PVI, over two-thirds of West Virginians voted for President Trump, who carried every county, garnering eighty-some per cent in many of them. I hope that those same voters turn out this year. A poll released today shows that state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey had moved ahead of Manchin by at least two points.
The five 'rust belt' Great Lakes states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin are going to be decisive in determining the Senate's demographics.
Trump narrowly won Pennsylvania's Electoral College votes and the state shows an even PVI. The metropolitan morons, particularly the fools of Philadelphia and the putzes of Pittsburgh will probably carry Obamabot Bob Casey to reelection. However, Republican challenger, successful businessman Lou Barletta is a persistent campaigner with an electoral history of overcoming Demoncatic favorable odds and defeating Demoncats. He is also very strong on the all important issue of illegal immigration.
At the other end of the Great Lakes, in Wisconsin, also with an Even PVI, proudly progressive and loudly lesbian, lackey lawyer /pro politician Tammy Baldwin seeks her first reelection to the Senate. As Congresswoman, she co-sponsored bills of impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. I'm sure that she harbors similar thoughts regarding President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh. If the Demoncats were to take control of Congress, with Tartlet Tammy retaining her seat, you can again bet your shoes that she'll be one of the loudest, proudest voices advocating such. Beyond the pale of all of her run of the mill, boilerplate tax and spend liberalism, legalizing illegal immigration, and sovereign surrender, her most despicable acts while on The Hill were voting against Kate's Law and being one of twenty-two members of Congress to vote against a resolution honoring 9/11 victims.
Republican challenger Leah Vukmir, BSN, MSN, RN, NP and military mom of an Army 1st Lt. is currently assistant majority leader of the state senate. We must hope that the voters of Wisconsin who are wise enough to vote in a Republican majority state senate will also be wise enough to vote Nurse Vukmir to be part of an even larger Republican majority in the federal Senate. As she has been a stalwart conservative supporter of Gov. Scott Walker's policies and agenda, she shall be similarly supportive of President Trump and his agenda. Former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus touted her proven track record of advancing a conservative agenda. She also has a record of beating incumbent Demoncats/Dummycraps. Again, let us hope.
There is a ton of money being poured into this race on both sides, from the usual contributors and culprits. The polls are all within the margin of error, though the Pol Pot pollsters and pundits are calling it Leaning, Likely, or even Safe D. What a bunch of deceitful dumb masses.
You just never know about Ohio. Will the three C cities win, or will the vast rest of the state outvote them? George McGovern campaigner, Ivy League pinhead progressive populist college professor Sherrod Brown is seeking his third term in the Senate after fourteen years in the House of Representatives.
Brown made his move up as part of the Bush bashing 'blue wave' of 2006, which turned over control of Congress to Scary Harry Reid and Princess Pelosi.
Betraying his good friend, Crazy Bernie, he opted to support Hitlary and would have been her running mate, if he were not from a state with a Republican governor, who would have picked his replacement in the Senate.
Overseeing vast and varied profitable enterprises, businessman Jim Renacci, CPA, became a Congressman as part of the Tea Party movement of 2010, defeating an incumbent Demoncat. Though the polls say he's way behind, maybe he will do it again as part of the Trump trusting 'red tide' of 2018, like Brown did twelve years ago.
President Trump won his Vice-President's home state with a landslide majority. They may have garnered sixty per cent of the vote if it had not been for Libertarian Gary Johnson's almost five per cent take. Indiana has an R +9 PVI and polls from the past couple of days favor the Harvard MBA corporate CEO, Democrat turned Republican challenger Mike Braun. He has an excellent chance to unseat freshman Joe Donnelley. Much may depend on how well or badly Libertarian candidate Lucy Breton does.
Michigan is another of those states comprised of a vast geographical area of conservatism, with a couple of metropolitan areas controlling statewide elections. In Michigan's case, of course, it is the dumb mass Dummycraps of dilapidated Detroit. However, Trump squeaked out a narrow plurality victory in 2016. The margin of victory would have been wider, with President Trump receiving a majority of Michigan votes, had the Repulsican 'Never Trumpers' not wasted their votes on Liebertarian Gary Johnson.
I cannot understand how these people, mostly Negroids are most likely going to reelect an old fat faced, pink cheeked, frosted haired 'white' woman like Debbie Stabenow, who has spent her entire life, dating back to her college years, as a ladder climbing, uberlib political party hack.
It's because, as one of the most liberal tax and spend loons in Washington, she progressively promises them the world and moon for free, to stab them now and forever in the backs with barely sustainable sustenance. I can't comprehend it, especially this year, when they have an outstanding option to elect one of their own own; John James.
West Point graduate, Ranger qualified, decorated Flight Officer, Capt. James led the way, commanding two Apache platoons in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Honorably discharged after eight years of service, Capt. James returned home to Michigan to become President of his family's logistics business, quadrupling revenues and hiring 100 new employees, while earning two masters degrees.
Because of all of that, the welfare wastes of Detroit, et al. won't see him as one of their own. They'll call him turncoat, Uncle Tom and Oreo, because he pursued educational and vocational excellence. As a hard working and high achieving American Negroid, he will be rejected and not accepted by the vast majority of his race, for recognizing the right of conservatism's core values of self reliance and personal responsibility. They will despise him for declaring himself a Trump supporting Republican and for daring to have the audacity to marry and raise children with a Caucasoid woman.
How dare he rise above the ruins of their lives of living in squalor, begetting baseborn bastard babies through as many couplings between coke whores and man whores as possible to be supported by the tax payers of America through the auspices of their Demoncat plantation Masters and Missuses like Debbie Stabenow? It is the same stupid shiite we've encountered time and again with intelligent, industrious Negroids who lifted themselves up by the bootstraps to get out of the ghetto and off the tenant farms.
I keep hearing and reading that 'the black community' is recognizing, realizing and rising up against the bolshevik bull squeeze of the deceit and demagoguery of the Demoncat Party. This Michigan Senate race is perfect opportunity for them to exhibit that they're not a bunch of brainless baboons.
Then, there's forever important Florida, where numb skull New Yorkers go to die, bringing their political asininity with them to corrupt an otherwise conservative paradise, by voting for the same failed policies and practices that have made their home state all but unlivable.
As the maps depict, President Trump and Governor Rick Scott won their elections in almost identical fashions. 76 year old, three term Senator Bill Nelson won his last senate race as he did by riding King Baracka's robetails and by being just another lying lawyer turned two faced, forked tongued prevaricating political party hack, like the rest of his Senate colleagues on the left side of the aisle.
In the state's vast geography of conservatism, he passes himself off as moderate. In the metroplexes' ghettos, barrios and interlopers' retirement communities, he tells the truth about himself, promising perpetual care and to not let the rascally Republicans steal their social security entitlement.
Rick Scott is a very popular governor. He has been an entrepreneur, dating back to his college years. Much of his business experience has been in the healthcare industry, which gave him the insight to create Conservatives for Patients' Rights. Its intent was and is to force the D's to enact healthcare legislation based on free market principles and practices.
As governor, Scott is credited with keeping his campaign promise to create 700,000 new jobs and for leading Florida out of The Great Recession. He has been stellar in matters of hurricane preparedness and recovery. Unemployment, taxpayer debt and statewide crime have all declined during his time in office. He has supported permanent tax cuts while increasing funding for Everglades restoration.
Scott has gained surprising double digit support from Florida's older Hispanic population. This could be the deciding demographic in a race which the pollsters and pundits are calling a toss-up.
Perhaps the Demoncat held Senate seat which hits closest to home for me is literally closest to my home. It is close enough that I hear radio ads for it. I know that the once conscionable Commonwealth of Virginia is no longer such. Its constabulary and judiciary are crooked and corrupt, which I'm sure trickles down from such politicians as Senator Tim Kaine.
The only thing that needs to be and can be said of Tim Kaine is that he was chosen to be Hitlary Clinton's running mate in 2016. He was selected solely because he's from a largely conservative swing state with a Demoncat governor who would appoint another Demoncat to take Tim's Senate seat when Tim became President of the Senate. I went to bed Election Night, 2016, thinking that Trump/Pence had carried the state. I woke up Wednesday to discover that that was not the case. The vast statewide geography of conservatism was outdistanced by the ghetto dwellers and government employees of Richmond; the non-military trade unionists of the Tidewater, surrounding Naval Port Norfolk; the college kooks and crazies of UVA and VPI; the few down east, run down ruralities along the state line with North Carolina; and especially by the federal bureaucrats living in the three D.C. suburban counties in northern Virginia. Since there is probably no way to cede those three counties to Maryland, it is vitally important that Virginia voters throughout the great length of the state turn out to defeat Tim Kaine by electing Corey Stewart.
Corey Stewart is a Trump like trumpeter of truth. Like Trump, he is falsely smeared by the Libs as being a racist Kluxist. In truth, he is just a proud Virginian who wants to honor the historic heritage of his state. He served as a key campaign manager for Trump in 2016. Even after the campaign was coerced to let him go, he remained a Trump loyalist. That kind of loyalty is admirable...and rare in contemporary political circles.
As the multi-term, landslide elected Chairman of his county's Board of Supervisors, Stewart demonstrated and continues to demonstrate his strong opposition to ignorance or acceptance of illegal immigration. They even made a documentary movie about that. And he is hated by the state Repulsican establishment, which s another good reason for Commonwealth conservatives, constitutionalists and capitalists to support him. As an international trade attorney, he could be an invaluable asset as a Senate-White House liaison on matters of writing, negotiating and ratifying trade treaties.
Stewart also has the audacity to speak truth to power in his radio ads.
In his latest ad, which I'm hearing regularly on local radio, which broadcasts across the state line, Stewart plainly points out that the Demoncats are the "party of mob rule" and are an "unhinged, angry mob of thugs", with Tim Kaine being a stalwart standard bearer. It should be no contest. But it will be, as the polls have Kaine well ahead of Stewart, with a large undecided faction. VOTE Virginians.
In a rare and wonderful political oddity, there are very few Republican held Senate seats up for grabs this election year. Even the optimistic, oppositional pundits and pollsters concede them as unlikely to be grabbed by the Demoncats and Dummycraps.
It is safe to say that Deb Fischer, Mitt Romney and John Barrasso are all safe bets to retain the R seats in Nebraska, Utah and Wyoming.
Pro politicos would have us (US) believe that Texas' Ted Cruz is in trouble in his first reelection bid. Recent rallies and present day polls show otherwise. My one Texas contact, my CSR at my conservative cell phone company, Patriot Mobile, says she sees little chance of Ted losing. If Sen. Cruz were to lose, he'd be an excellent choice to replace the needs to be replaced, ineffective Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, or to fill the next vacancy on the Supreme Court.
There is little chance for Sen. Cruz to lose, as 'Beto' O'Rourke continues to exhibit that he is just another punk kid, empty headed empty suit liar.
Retiring Repulsican Bob Corker heapeded high praise on Senate candidate, Dummycrap ex-governor, Phil Bredesen, after Bredesen applauded Corker for opposing Trump on trade. As a 'Never Trumper', Bob Corker opposed the President on many other matters, as well. That led to his rising unpopularity in The Volunteer State.
Polls were showing that Bredesen could quite possibly unseat Corker. That moved Back Room Bob to announce his retirement, to avoid the embarrassment of such a legacy ruining loss. That could still be the hindsight, as Corker was openly admonished by fellow Repulsican, Leader Mitch McConnell, pointing out that such stalwart statements about an opposition party candidate could jeopardize the R's ability to increase, or even maintain their Senate majority.
All of this has opened the political door for the nomination of Marsha Blackburn to be Tennessee's next Republican senator, replacing an obviously open Repulsican.
A business executive and owner/operator, Ms. Blackburn has conservatively well served her constituency in Congress for sixteen years, as "a hard core, card carrying Tennessee conservative" who is "politically incorrect" who carries a gun in her purse. She proudly proclaims that the Libtards have labeled her as a "wing nut". I absolutely LOVE this woman. She has won all of her 7th District races, garnering anywhere from 66% to 100% of the vote. She is leading in the polls beyond the margins of error. With her business and HoR experience, including Leadership roles in The House, she shall be a solid asset in a larger R Senate majority.
In Nevada, where statewide politics is so influenced by Californian entertainment industry elitism in Las Vegas, Reno and Tahoe, freshman Dean Heller's seat has been considered a toss-up. He is the only Republican seeking reelection in a state carried by Hitlary.
With the recent Trump endorsement rally, today's Reuters poll shows Heller with a six point lead. This is a classic case of contrasting views on issues like Obamacare. Heller's Dummycrap opponent, Scary Harry Reid inspired, first term Vegas area Congresswoman Jacky Rosen's strong support of the ACA resulted in her big endorsements from Obama and Biden.
With all of that said, coupled with other articles I've recently written on the subject of the Senate, I think that it's safe to say that the R's are going to have a net gain of seats of any number from two to ten, or maybe more if miracles occur.
When that happens, particularly if that number is five or higher, it would be perfect opportunity for Party Leader Mitch McConnell to step down from that position.
Though he has become more Republican than Repulsican recently, primarily due to the Kavanaugh case, it is time for him to step aside to make room for a younger, stronger Leader to oversee this new largest R majority in my voting lifetime. He is 76 years old and is serving his sixth term in the Senate. This past June, he became the longest serving Republican party leader in Senate history, first as Minority Leader and as Majority Leader since the R's took back the Senate following the 2014 elections. He has to be thinking of retirement after this term. He could leave a positive legacy of accomplishment and achievement. Stepping down from this stressful position would have to make his last couple of years in the Senate easier and more enjoyable.
As current Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is about to become Senate President Pro Tem, that all important chairmanship would be a perfect position in which McConnell could conclude his Senate career. As a lawyer, a US Deputy Assistant Attorney General and a County Judge/Executive, prior to his Senate service. he is imminently qualified for that post.
Some good candidates from whom to select a new Majority Leader could and should include:
47 year old Mike Lee of Utah. Senator Lee is the current Chairman of the Senate Republican Steering Committee and is, by consensus, one of the chamber's most conservative members.
53 year old Tim Scott of South Carolina. Another consensus conservative with Tea Party backing and an advocate of the Fair Tax. And there is the racial demographic component in choosing to select Scott.
I imagine that it is unprecedented to put a brand new senator into the powerful position of Majority Party Leader. I also imagine that proudly self proclaimed "politically incorrect" Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn would balk at the suggestion, as there is a gender element of political correctness in considering such a choice. Older than others whom I consider as good picks, her visuals, verve and vitality belie her sixty-six years. Her eight term tenure on Capitol Hill, which includes House leadership roles gives her credible credentials for the job. In it, she could spearhead the elimination of the issue which she states is the reason for seeking this seat: dysfunctional Senate Republicans "acting like Democrats, or worse." She is a "hard core, card carrying..conservative" with the uncompromising courage to tell Chuck U and Princess Nancy to kiss her where the sun doesn't shine.
With any one of these three leading the newly strengthened Senate it can be a new day, even without New Jersey's Tricia Flanagan.
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