With all 435 seats in the House of Representatives up for grabs, the Demoncats need to flip at least twenty-five seats, so that Princess Pelosi can put back on her political strap-on. The pollsters are predicting some fourteen such flips and one flip to the R's. They're also calling some seats, mostly held by Republicans, toss-ups. One such race is in the district bordering mine. Receiving much money from outside of the state, Dummycrap candidate Kathy Manning is airing a TV campaign, in which she is reluctant to declare her party affiliation, in an attempt to unseat first termer businessman Ted Budd. I'll delve into that race in a separate article.

Well, it will be interesting to see how many of those pollsters have to pull their feet out of their mouths. It is historically true that the party residing in The White House loses seats in Congress in the midterms. This presidency has been any and every thing but historically comparative to previous administrations, except maybe the very first one.

Therefore, I'm thinking (hoping, at least) that few, if any of those projected flips will actually flip and that the grand majority of the toss-ups will land on R, and not D. I'd like to predict that this midterm election will fly in the face of historic precedent and the R's will actually increase their 54% majority, as they will increase their scant, and actually nonexistent 52% majority. I say nonexistent because Lisa Murkowski, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins and even party Leader Mitch McConnell are as apt to side with the Demoncats/Dummycraps as they are to stand up for conservative Republican principles.

Let's start with the states holding special elections. In Minnesota, Dummycrap incumbent Tina Smith of the Democrat Farmer Labor Party was appointed to fill the seat of disgraced, uncomedic comedian Al Franken.

All of that, coupled with President Trump's overall rising approval ratings and the Repulsicans'/ Rebooblicans'/Republicans' sudden, unexpected resurgence of truth telling about the Demoncats and their masters in the media could be enough for Republican candidate Karin Housley to close the narrow gap between herself and Smith in the polls and be a unexpected upstart upset.
She is a native Minnesotan with statewide name recognition. Four years ago, she was chosen to be the candidate for Lt. Governor on a gubernatorial ballot. She married and remains married to her high school sweetheart. He was a hall of fame NHL player and is currently an NHL head coach. Like it or not, that's going to count for something in possibly the most hockey loving state in the Union. She is a real business owner/operator of a real estate comapny. . Despite her opponents' advertised allegations of a weak legislative record, she is a very popular senator in her district and has been very strong on issues concerning the elderly and veterans. The Demoncat machine will undoubtedly point up her endorsements by The Susan B. Anthony List and The National Right to Life folks. That will probably fly high in the 'hoods of Minnesota's few metropolitan areas, But with the God and life loving Lutherans, et al.
Maybe all of that will be enough for enough Minnesotans to say, "Hey! Let's elect somebody sort of normal, rather than another goofball, oddball, eff-up like Franken, a happy idiot like Humphrey or a mutton head like Mondale." Let's face it, the big claim to fame for those last two were being Veep in two of the most horrific one term administrations in American history.
In Minnesota's other, regularly scheduled Senate election, I don't see much hope for Republican challenger Jim Newberry to unseat third term expectant Amy Klobuchar.

Though she is seen as a 'rising star' in the Demoncat Party, along with the likes of Cory Booker and Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren, she, like so many other Demoncats/Dummycraps has been tarnished for her role in the Kavanaugh case. Her seat is predicted by the pollsters to be "Safe D". Maybe enough Minnesotans could finally see enough to see that their senior senator is just another Ivy League pin headed law practicing political party putz and dump her on the ash heap of history. Conversely, Newberry is an outspokenly honest and very popular state representative. Perhaps catching Karin's coattails, he and the state senator could ride a big red wave of populist revolt down the Mississippi, across on the Ohio, portaging overland to the Potomac to surf right into the United States Senate. Do we dare to dream that the northernmost of our contiguous states is capable of such political comprehension and competence?
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