Saturday, September 29, 2012

Another Dumb Mass Dummycrap Dunce Gets It Wrong

Virginia State Senator Louise Lucas says, incorrectly and with incorrect grammar"Let's be real clear about it.  Let's be real clear.  Mitt Romney is speaking to a group of people out there who don't like folks like Barack Obama in any elected or leadership position.  We know what's going on here and some people may be afraid to say it, but I am not.  I am not afraid to say it.  He's speaking to that fringe out there who do not want to see anybody other than a white person in a leadersip position.  They don't want President Barack Obama in office as President and for all the reasons that you and I and a lot of other people understand."
Louise, I want to be really clear with you and that "lot of other people', who's largely comprised of your fellow Obama 'Truth Team' members.  Firstly and foremost, the only truth you propagate is a series of half truths and lies of omission and commission.  The half truth is that there is a group of people out here who doesn't like folks like Baracka Hussein Obama II, or Barry Soetoro, or whatever his real, legal name is, in any elected or leadership position. 
We do absolutely abhor elected folks like you and Barry and the simple-minded, subsequent appointments of appeasers and apologists like UN Ambassador Susan Rice.
We despise and detest such members of Congress as Charlie Rangel, who prevents New York City police from arresting a cop killing Negroid Muslim and who was shielded from Congressional consequences, including criminal prosecution because of his brown epidermal pigmentation.  We are exasperated by the excuses made for the likes of uneducated imbecile Hank Johnson, who thinks a small island like Guam can can be tipped over and capsized by too much weight placed on it.    We fear for the future of our Republic with Congresspersons like admitted socialist Maxine Waters, who wants the government to take over the oil companies and proud Muslim Marxist Keith Ellison, who weeps because "the GOP is basically a bigoted party" and who took his Congressional oath of office on Thomas Jefferson's Koran.  Monticello never should have let him use that artifact, as Jefferson bought that book not to promote Islam, but to protect against it.   
The lie of omission is that we admire and appreciate people like past Congressman J.C. Watts and past Ambassador and Assistant Secretary of State Alan Keyes.
We LOVE what current Congressman Allen West is doing in the Congressional Black Caucus.  It is only because of the good and important work that he is doing in his present position that I don't offer him as first choice to be Romney's Secretary of Defense.   We have high hopes that Utah will send Mia Love to Congress, to help Lt. Col. West.   Ms. Love continues her campaign for Congress, despite a creepy letter containing a hooded Ku Klux Klan character.  Louise, I want you to understand that the Klux was, is and shall always be part and parcel of your own beloved Dummycrap/Demoncat party.
Call us fringe if you like, Louise, but we're not all redneck, honky, cracker Caucasoids, and together, we are LOTS of people who are disgusted and disillusioned by your "black leaders" of religion like murderous Al Sharpton, extortionistic Jesse Jackson and Muslim Marxist turned Black Liberation Theologist Jeremiah Wright. 

But we respect and hold in high regard the real Reverend James Manning of Harlem who told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when he proclaimed from his pulpit that "Obama was born trash as the result of his in heat African father going a-whoring with a trashy white woman!"  We like and look up to Alveda King, who continues to preach her Uncle Martin's message of rights and responsibilities.
Louise, what you and your fellow travelers DON'T understand that results in your outlandish lie of commission, that you are not afraid to say,  is that we, the lots more people than your "a lot of people" is that we don't give a tinker's damn about a person's pigmentation.  We do, as Republican Dr. M.L. King did, care about that person's content of character.  It's racialists like you, and the most hideously character flawed non-Caucasoid in a present leadership position, Attorney General Eric Holder who are the true bigots and bullies in America today. You and your ilk have to believe that all of the aforementioned and below referenced people whom you emotionally exalt and whom we rationally reject are rejected by us because of pigmentation, rather than political philosophy.  What is "going on" is that the only reason we reject you and Barry, et al. is not because you're brown skinned, but because you're all a bunch of bolsheviks.  And you have to believe that those aforementioned and below referenced 'people of color' whom we do support are turncoats, traitors, sell-outs, Uncle Toms, Oreos and house ni&&ers.  In one Presidential term, those turncoats, traitors, sell-outs, Uncle Toms, Oreos and house ni&&ers could accomplish more with and for the American Negroids and other minority demographic groups than the Dummycraps and Demoncats have managed in eighty years.
Romney could and should immediately dispel this myth of mindless myrmidons by announcing before, or even during the upcoming debates, if opportunity arises, that he, nor the Americans to whom you refer, Louise, are not opposed to 'people of color' being in positions of leadership because of their color, because we don't like pink faced people (who are also people of a color) like FDR, LBJ, Jimma Carter, Ted Kennedy, or Bernie Sanders.
Maybe not as basic as your lust to play the race card at every opportunity, Louise, but there is a relative, favorite cause celebre of you Dummycraps and Demoncats with which you try to tarnish us with one of your pet talking points that we're all racist, bigoted, sexist, homophobic, etc., etc.  We don't care that Barney Frank and Jay Carney are overtly homosexual.  We do care that they are aspiring communists, like your beloved, believably reported to be bisexual Barry.  Louise, do I hear and understand correctly that there is a large number of Negroid clergy who are upset with and opposed to Barry's support of homosexual marriage?

Romney should declare that his administrators helping him and Paul Ryan save our republic will include a legitimate law professor and actual, accomplished author, Steven Carter, to replace lying, cheating and Federal Agent murdering Eric Holder as Attorney General to reestablish our Justice Department from the present Just Us Department. 
Romney should continue by declaring that five of the most important people in his administration, working to restore and revive the nation's economic status will be these proud persons of color and character.

 Economics Professor Emeritus Walter E. Williams as Sec. of Treasury;  Business Owner and Executive Herman Cain as Sec. of Commerce; Texas Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams as Sec. of Energy; Charles Butler, Senior Fellow with The New Coalition for Economic & Social Change as Sec. of Education; and Economist, Family Business Owner and former Labor Sec. Elaine Chao as SBA Administrator. 

Romney should continue the review of his racism by stating that he will hire Michelle Bernard as his primary spokesperson, the Presidential Press Secretary.   And he should conclude by saying that he will exercise one of his most important Presidential powers of appointing Supreme Court Justices by nominating these three jurists, as opportunities arise. 
Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson, Federal Appeals Court Judge Janice Rogers Brown and Texas Supreme Court Associate Justice Dale Wainwright.

Hopefully, they will replace current Clinton kooks and ComSymps Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer, both relics born in the good ole days of FDR's depression era 1930's. Fellow 1930's relic Anthony Kennedy could very well die or retire in the near future, as well.

It's no doubt too much for which to hope, but maybe something will necessitate the replacement of Obama's obliterators of constitutionality, Sonia and Elena.  But we can hope for change. 
It would be so cool to have four common sense, conservative, constitutionalist Negroids on the High Court, all appointed by Republicans; Republicans just like the Republicans who advocated abolition and ended slavery in America a century and a half ago and who made possible the passage of the Civil Rights Act in the 1960's.  It's a crying shame and a dismal declaration of the failure of your highly touted, beloved unionized government school system which doesn't teach American history or civics, or the science that islands don't tip over and capsize or how to spell, as evidenced by their own misspelling of  the name of their and your harebrained heroine, Tonya Dixon-Neely, of nearby North Rowan County High School.


In closing, Louise, let me inform you and your crazed, communistic cronies, that even more than you and Barry, etc., whom we don't want elected or appointed, we don't want idiotic, anti-American imbeciles like this one in the linked video voting for you.  That's how we've wound up with you lying liberals and prevaricating progressives. And it's not because she's Negroid, because there are plenty of copycat Caucasoids with the same level of immensely ignominious ignorance whom we don't want voting, either.
And before you start screaming about us wanting to take away your right to vote, understand that no one has  any Constitutional right to vote in any federal election.  I bet you didn't know that.  Did you, Dummycrap?

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