Monday, August 31, 2020

Here's How To Avoid Being Shot By Police

In video of fatal shooting, Little Rock officer heard ordering driver out  of car  This two step system works if you're Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Hispanic, Hindi, or any of the races that could be labeled Mullatoid.
First and foremost, don't break the law.  Don't engage in criminal, especially violent criminal activities.
Secondly, if you do break the law and get caught, suck it up and surrender.  Comply with the requests and orders of the officer(s).  Do not resist arrest.  And for the love of Pete, don't attack, assault or threaten the officer(s), especially with any type of weapon or threat of weapon.
And let's speak truth to truth for a moment. 
USA-today-logo-10 – III Forks Restaurant Even left wing USA Today says "There is no epidemic of fatal police shootings against unarmed Black Americans".  Over the past five years, police have fatally shot about a thousand civilians annually, the vast majority of whom were armed and threatening.  Negroids accounted for only about 23% of those killed.  Given the approximately ten million arrests police make each year and the number of deadly weapons attacks on officers (about 27 every day),  these 1,000 civilian shooting deaths do not comply with the narrative that law enforcement is out of control.
The Store At The Washington PostThe really left wing Washington Post reports that in 2019, police fatally shot fourteen unarmed Negroids and twenty-five unarmed Caucasoids.  There are approximately 7,300 Negroid homicides each year.  Those fourteen killed by police comprise only about two tenths of one per cent of that total.  If black lives really matter, how about the 7286 killed by others (mostly other Negroids) other than police.  And if black lives really matter, how about the life of retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn?
St. Louis man charged with murder in fatal shooting of retired police  captain
And do the lives of the eight St. Louis cops shot during just the past three months matter?  How about the three dozen or so cops killed this year, which is a 28% increase over 2019? : Blue Lives Matter Thin Blue Line USA American Flag for Police  and Law Enforcement 3x5 Feet Flag : Garden & Outdoor

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Here's A Way To Garner Minority Votes, Republicans

As a university educated political scientist who spent much of my life in advertising sales, I offer this template for yard signs, bulletin board notices, billboards, etc.

The top left picture of Demoncat Bull Connor's police can be replaced with his firefighters, Demoncat Governor Orval Faubus' segregationists or modern day Dummycrap looters, arsonists and rioters.

Seattle Times, four TV stations, ordered by judge to give police ...Downtown businesses assess damage, weigh reopening after nights of ...

The template can be used as is, with the scowling jackass linked to the true 'white supremacists' who have always been and remain the heart and soul of the Demoncat Party.  Its racist history of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, separate and unequal segregation, opposition to The Civil Rights Act and The Voting Rights Act, the destruction of the nuclear Negroid family and much more MUST be made known to that segment of our population.
As 19th century Demoncat plantation owners kept their slaves ignorant by not allowing them to learn to read and write and by selling off family members to destroy traditional father/mother/children families, the modern 21st century Demoncat Party continues that practice by providing less than mediocre schools for urban youth and by signaling Dummycrap men and women of all races that a bread winning father is not necessary to the orderly operation of a household, as the government shall provide the barest of basic necessities.  
Hopefully, the wordless template will also message minority voters that it is the Republican Party, whose first president, with the aid and assistance of a primarily Republican Congress which abolished slavery in this Republic and was the party of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  
LBJ spurs Congress to enact voting rights bill, March 15, 1965 ... Through perhaps the most successful prevaricating propaganda campaign in American history, supremely racist Demoncat President Lyndon Brainless Johnson signed those aforementioned Acts, telling American Negroids that his party is the party which is most concerned with and caring about their welfare, creating the modern welfare state that this country has become.  He had absolutely no desire to do anything for those people he called "niggras", but as an astute politician, he knew that he had to presidentially approve of that legislation, which had been filibustered and adamantly opposed by his fellow Demoncats in Congress.  
Fact check: Democrats hold Senate filibuster record, 75 days in 1964

He knew that the largely politically ignorant wouldn't make the connection that those laws were made law by the 535 mostly Republican people on Capitol Hill.  It was (and is) easier to credit or vilify the one person in The White House.  As a Demoncat, it was was relatively simple for LBJ to say that it was the Demoncats who were the champions of civil rights, when that was (and is) a damned lie.  
Words and additional images can be added to the template.  At the bottom could be inserted:

The template can also be used for specific races, like the Michigan Senate race.  The pasty pink face of Gary Peters could be placed top center, with John James' handsome brown face bottom center, with the caption of JOHN JAMES FOR U.S. SENATE.    
Gary Peters 'looks forward' to debate after challenge from John ...  It should inundate southeastern Michigan.

Republicans, you must begin to truly educate the Demoncats' maleducated, misdirected Dummycrap base.  It could be the difference between keeping a capitalist representative republic or creating another fascist/socialist oligarchy.  
State Symbols USA | Official State and National Symbols, Emblems ...Federal subjects of Russia - Wikipedia

Monday, August 17, 2020

What's The Problem With The Postal Service?

USPS: Your mail may be delayed, but it's on the way
Frankly, first and foremost, it no longer consists of  "trustworthy, incorruptible men who shall not be kept from their appointed rounds by rain, sleet, snow or dark of night."  That was the vision envisioned by Benjamin Franklin, when he was appointed to be America's first Postmaster General in 1775.
On July 26 in 1775, Congress establishes... - DAR Mojave Chapter ...

Historically, The Postal Service, or The Post Office, as it used to be called, was an important and integral aspect of government's service to the people.  The Constitution mandates that the federal government "establish post offices and post roads".  For almost a century and a half, Postmasters General sat as part of the Presidential Cabinet.
United States Postmaster General - Wikipedia

Nowadays, it s largely populated by unionized, affirmative action applicants, who don't even have to take and pass the simple civil service exam.  They are, by and large, like my local postmistress, insolent incompetents who can't complete the fundamental task of getting the correct mail into the correct box.  During the decades in which I kept and paid ever increasing fees for a post office box, I can't fathom the number of times I received other people's mail.  As I generally checked that box outside of their limited operating hours, I would push the misplaced mail out of the back side of my box.  I'm reasonably sure that those letters were picked up off of the floor the next day and thrown away.  More recently, I have used a box at the terminus of my country dirt road, with a street number of 2776.  It sits on a single post, beside a stand supporting my neighbors' four boxes.  As I only expect about three pieces of mail a month (bills, of course), I rarely check it.  When I most recently did, there were three pieces for the country Baptist church in the 2900 block, one piece for the family in the same block and two pieces for the man in the 2800 block, who has been dead and gone for about ten years.
Overall, the Post Office was designed to be self-supporting, with the possibility of providing some income to the federal government through the sale of stamps, P.O. Box rental fees and such.  Needless to say, that has not been the case for decades.  As a matter of course, the USPS has operated at multi-billion dollar annual losses for years.
Now, we're supposed to trust an organization, largely manned and managed by a bunch of trade unionist functionary flunkies, who regularly violated the law by allowing those flunkies to work on Hitlary Clinton's and other Demoncats' campaigns to be in charge of our elections?
Tennessee absentee voting: Counties prep for wave of applications    The service has already publicly proclaimed that such is beyond their competence and capability...unless of course, they get an additional influx of funding.  Even then, it will be iffy, they admit.
In states like California and New Jersey, which have already started moving forward with universal mail-in balloting, I don't worry about the corruption that will occur relative to the presidential race.  States like that are going to go presidentially Demoncatic, regardless.  What worries me is Congressional voting.  Areas of California outside of the Marxist dominated major metroplexes and southern New Jersey  tend to be some of the most capitalist, conservative districts in America.  Do you think for a moment that any Republican rightful winners will be declared as winners, which would unseat plastic faced Princess Pelosi from her throne and keep Shyster Schumer, the Shmearing Shi+ from becoming Senate Majority Leader?
Dennis Guthrie tells Nancy Pelosi what he thinks | The Clockwork ... Shyster Schumer the Shmearing Shit! | SOLO - Sense of Life ... 

I love that description of Chuck U, as put forth by the fine folks at SOLO.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Does Cannon Hinnant's Life Matter?

Now that the funeral is finished and the prayer vigil has been postponed to let the family grieve and mourn, I think that it's a good time to ask that fair question.  It does to some people.  A Go Fund Me page, designed to raise about five thousand dollars to offset funeral expenses and such has garnered over $300K for the little boy's surviving family.
But to the bulk of the always demographically aware Bolsheviks in the progressive, prevaricating, propagandist press, and to the like minded Marxists of the Socialist Demoncat party and their criminal cohorts who are destroying our once great cities, it does not.  It is all a matter of demographics.
Cannon Hinnant Darius Nathaniel Sessoms
You see, Cannon Hinnant was a happy little pink faced five year old who was maniacally murdered, execution style, in front of his similarly aged sisters by drug thug, Darius Sessoms, a 25 year old man with dark brown skin.  I heard a spokesman for the lunatic liberal left say today, "one in three Americans are racist."  Of course, he meant that one-third of Caucasoid Americans are racist because non-Caucasoids, like hate filled hoodlum Sessoms are incapable of racialism or racism.  I wonder if Sessoms would have similarly executed a little kid of his own racial kind?  Maybe.  They do it in Chicago every day.   

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Timeline and Anatomy of an Attack

I shall not pretend to portend that the following is in any way an accurate or exact series of transcripts in the same way that lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan liberal, lackey lawyer turned professional political party putz Adam Schiff for brains did relative to President Trump's phone conversation with the Ukrainian president did.
Is Adam Schiff's Ibogaine Addiction A Threat To National Security ...

Biden, Xi demand fair competition - CNN Video
XI:  Mr. Vice President, it is so good to see you again and welcome you and your brain addled, drug addicted son to communist China.
BIDEN:  It is my privilege and pleasure to be so welcomed by you, Mr. Secretary General.  For my personal edification and gratification and on behalf of Barack, may I French kiss your butt and suck your tiny Asian putz?
XI:  Oh, by all means!
BIDEN:  Mmm!  Mmm!  Slurp, slurp, slurp!
XI: Uhh!  That was SO good, Mr. Vice President.  I usually have to rape some peasant farmer's daughter for that type of satisfaction.
BIDEN:  Oh, it was good for me, too.  And Barack will vicariously enjoy it as well, when I tell him about it.
XI:  Let us get down to brass tacks.  We in the Chinese Communist Party are gravely concerned about the direction that American politics is heading.  You and your big eared, baseborn, bolshevik boss barely squeezed out an electoral victory over a very weak Repulsican/Rebooblican opponent.
mitt-romney-jsellergren | Little Village
If Herman Cain's wife had not been so weak willed. so as to convince her husband that the race was not worth pursuing, we in the CCP, as more astute students of your history and civics than you are, are convinced that Mr. Cain's populist approach and campaign would have buried you and Barack by a landslide margin.
Herman Cain, Precursor to Trump and 2012 Candidate, Dies
We fear that in 2016, another constitutionally conservative, populist candidate shall arise and beat your butt, as you seek to move up from vice-president to president.
BIDEN:  Oh, I won't be running for the presidency in 2016, Mr. Secretary General.
Is Hillary Clinton a fascist? - Socialist ActionHitlary Clinton will be our party's nominee, as she was surprisingly surpassed by Barack's racialist populism in 2008, and we sort of owe it to her and her rapist husband, Bill, whom you know to be an absolute champion for China.
Bill Clinton and China Gate * Free State of V * The Media
XI: Oh, indeed, we do!  He sold us your naval military secrets for a mere three hundred thousand.
BIDEN: Hitlary is more fascist than socialist, but she will continue to move the country in the right direction, that is to say, the LEFT.   During the primary campaign season, we shall smokescreen that for the benefit of capitalist moderates and conservatives by running supremely socialist Senator crazy Bernie Sanders against her.
Why 'crazy Bernie' will never be president
XI:  That sounds like a sound strategery.  But as Senator Sanders is a very populist type of personality, he could whip up fervor that could defeat the fascist blonde.  So, your people need to continue to get the Dominion voting systems into as many states as possible.  They very well may be the difference maker at some point down the road, as they have been for us in Venzuela.. 

 But, in case of a worst case scenario, we are, with the aid of your hard left Harvard professor, Dr. Charles Lieber, developing a second, more virulent, violent SARS virus, as a means to our ends.
In case you missed it, January 28th,... - The Renegade Network ...Was Charles Lieber Arrested for Selling the COVID-19 Coronavirus ...

We do have to hope that no one in a proper position points out that the 'SA' should stand for 'South Asian', rather than 'Severe Acute'.
BIDEN: Well, Mr. Secretary General, I don't think that such a biological solution will be necessary and I'm sure that no one with any influence will ever make the 'SA' connection.  But if such a solution does become necessary, you can count on the collusion of my party's politicians and the deep state Demoncats in the bureaucracy and the complete cooperation of our progressive, propagandist, prevaricating press to promote the policy..
XI:  That is what I wanted and needed to hear, Mr. Vice President.  To aid and assist in that effort, here's a billion and a half dollars, to be distributed among those politicians, bureaucrats and journalists, as incentive to advance the cause.  Launder it through your simple minded son  in the form of some sort of investment firm, so that it may grow over the next few years, if it is needed at that time.
BIDEN:  Excellent idea, Mr. Secretary General.
2020 election: Trump and Biden are vulnerable on China as attacks ...  

Mid June, 2015

November Election: Don't Count Out Trump |

XI: This is just the type of business friendly populist candidate to which I referred several years ago.
BIDEN: He is no one about whom to worry, Mr. Secretary General.  He is a bombastic New York City billionaire businessman who will not appeal to middle America.  And he is a B list celebrity television star who will never be taken seriously.
XI: You mean like that washed up B movie actor of forty years ago?
President Ronald Reagan | Edalisse Hirst | Flickr 

Summer, 2016

XI:  It's looking like you were wrong about Trump, Mr. Vice President.
BIDEN: He may have duped his way into his adopted party's nomination, but there is no way he can win against Hitlary.  Besides our party's efforts against him, we have the support of many useful idiots from his party, as well as the leftist, lame street media running him into the dirt.
McCain joins Romney in GOP establishment civil war against Donald ...John Kasich talks faith, not politics, at NY synagogue | The Times ...UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE - HENRY MORTON STANLEY SCHOOL ...

November 9, 2016

XI: Now what, Mr. Vice President?
BIDEN:  Not to worry, Mr. Secretary General.  Barack and I are already putting together a plan, so that he will never be inaugurated.

January 21, 2017

XI:  Now what, Mr. Biden?
BIDEN:  Not to worry, Mr. Secretary General.  We have a series of scenarios guaranteed to force him to resign or to be removed from office.

Late Summer, 2019

XI:  Well, Mr. Biden, your politics of personal destruction regarding Trump and especially his associates, your Russia collusion delusion, which has backlashed against Hitlary more than Trump, your Ukrainian quid pro quo, which has backfired into your face, rather than Trump's have all failed, as will your attempt to impeach him out of office shall fail.  We are releasing the SARS 2 virus from the Wuhan University of Technology's biological research laboratories.  We are counting on your complicity that you promised.
BIDEN:  You shall have it, Mr. Secretary General.

February 6, 2020

XI: I told you impeachment would fail, Mr. Biden.  The virus is spreading well across the world.  Here in China, the CCP has done well in keeping it under wraps for as long as possible, with the aid and assistance of the World Health Organization.
World Health Organization (WHO) | NCD Alliance
We are hoping that the bug will get to, infect and kill leaders like Trump, Johnson and Merkel.
UK election: Boris Johnson win with big majority, world leaders ...
Even if we fail at that, this virus is virulent and violent enough to kill enough people around the globe to scare those and other leaders into killing capitalism.  Your Doctor Fauci, and similar deep state Demoncat doctors and scientists must continue to advocate for continued lockdowns and economic restrictions.  

Mid 2020

BIDEN:  Do know, Mr. Secretary General, that I have been busy contacting and meeting with key governors,  mayors, and bureaucratic health officials to implement policies that will make the virus more widespread, or at least seem more widespread and deadly than it really is, or that it would be without those policies.  Because of this irrational widespread fear, we will be able to institute unconstitutional mail-in voting, which will be a tremendous boon for us, allowing us to manipulate the numbers to our advantage, no matter how huge Trump's victory is.  And I have been constantly and consistently feeding disinformation to our progressive, prevaricating, propagandist press to further fear monger.  I have been spending your money well to achieve our shared objectives.  

N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo gives green light to reopen schools ...NYC Should Prepare for 'Shelter in Place' Order, Mayor Bill de ... 
Gov. Whitmer extends coronavirus emergency through Sept. 4Governor Cooper urges congress to pass additional state support ...
Birx, Fauci: America's chief health science communicatorsFake news" is modern terminology for political propaganda - Imgflip
 The past few months

China Joe remains in his basement, diligently delegating authority to socialism sympathetic authorities to do all that they can to perpetuate the pandemic.  The goal, of course, is to get Trump and as many other Republicans as possible out of office.  Like every other despicable dirty trick that they have tried, it is failing.

Yes, this is conspiracy theory. It is my conspiracy theory.  I base it on a pre-political correctness secondary and university education in world and U.S. history, American civics and political science and a lifetime of looking long and hard.