Inversely, of the nine people who have served as judges for America's Got Talent, only three have been Americans, which is, of course, less than the four Brits that there have been. On the current panel with two Brits are a Canadian and a German, both of whom are more American like, as Dutch songstress Glennis Grace is, than are the Englanders.

The one instance in which I detested Mel B's Limey liberal lunacy the most was her treatment of The Singing Trump, from the instant he first stepped out on stage and throughout that appearance. She did mostly make up for it with profuse apologies at his second round performance.
But the one action of Mel B's that I shall remember most fondly and love her most affectionally was her treatment of Jaycob Curlee.
If Mel B does not return for season 14, due to personal problems or fan furor, or if Howie or Heidi leaves (Simon has signed on for awhile), let her, his, or their replacement(s) be AMERICAN. If we can't have American contestants, let us have at least one American judge.
Relative to the judge issue is the issue of the show's Presenter. I have no real negative issue with Tyra Banks, as many AGT fans seem to have. She's a relatively bright and a stunningly beautiful woman.. even if she is a transsexual, as some fans have ventured.

Granted, she is no Nick Cannon,

The next format fix to consider is the elimination of the dumb mass Dunkin' Save. It is such a gimmicky, idiotic idea, that serves no practical purpose other than giving the show's primary sponsor more mentions and visuals.
Simon, you need to find another hook. As I've written before, the first and foremost unfair aspect of this gimmick is that viewers in the western time zones don't get to participate. I don't care what you say about using Twitter, or any of the other available media that are supposed to grant access. It doesn't work. If it is designed to give the judges an additional say, I say, "You've had your say!" After each performance, state your 'expert' 'professional' opinion to influence the vote. But, at this point in the competition, the vote is supposed to be up to us (US). Speaking of which, since you allow entrants from all over the planet, and none of the judges are American, including a Canadian, why not allow Canadian viewers to vote? And is it right to force the two acts which garnered enough votes to advance to endure another, compressed vote against each other and the next act in vote total that didn't qualify for advancement?
Next, let's address the Golden Buzzer. Some, maybe many of the Golden Buzzers have been some of the most heartwarming, joyous, emotionally moving moments I've witnessed. I've watched many of them over and over. Every time, I am thrilled and re-thrilled, delighted and re-delighted. I'm not even going to try to pick any to insert here. I urge you all to go to YouTube and view some...or all. Include Britain's Got Talent as well as America's Got Talent. Some of my favorites are Sal 'The Voice' Valentinetti, Drew Lynch, Daliso Chaponda and Beau Dermott.

The original intent of the Golden Buzzer was to allow a judge who felt particularly strongly about an act to advance that act, despite not acquiring enough judge support to advance. Howie did it with The Hudson Brothers, Howard Stern did it with Dustin's Dojo, and Simon would have done so with Sara & Hero, if the Golden Buzzer parameters hadn't changed to merely allow one judge to let an act skip a round or a public vote.
If you notice in all three of these instances, Mel B gives us (me, at least) reason to detest her.
Simon, I now that you are a leftist, globalist loather of the contemporary Trumpian United States, except for the dollars. But will you PLEASE revamp the show to its original concept of discovering and developing "the best new talent IN AMERICA"? As much as I adore the artistically brilliant and aesthetically beautiful, Dutch platinum recording artist Glennis Grace, she has no business being in the show. Would you invite or allow Irish, Grammy nominated Celtic Woman to be in the show?

Further, for the love of God, Jesus. Mother Mary and all that is holy and righteous...can you please do away with all of the bull squeeze and balderdash, mostly boo hoo hoo back stories!?!
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