It's no shock to me that the judges. producers, or whoever is responsible for selecting wild card acts, would rely more on their own non-American, globalist, left coast inspired liberal leanings than on objective enjoyment/entertainment evaluation and consideration of their American audience's input.
With or without the American audience's votes, I can easily envision a Final Five completely comprised of foreigners, with one of them becoming the third foreign act to win the competition, which was designed to be, in the words of early show host, Jerry Springer, an avenue for "the best new talent in America".
Golden Buzzer recipients English Courtney Hadwin and Austrian Zurcaroh, along with Golden Buzzer deserving Dutch Glennis Grace are all serious contenders for sufficient fan votes to advance.

Among Front Pictures, and hip hop, shit show dance troupes Da Republik from the Dominican Republic and Philippino Junior New System, any two could be put through on the basis of being the best bull squeeze and balderdash sob story of pain and poverty.

As for my preferred pick as the semifinals Wild Card act, I had touted American French Accent, "obviously" from Wyoming, as the only act in AGT history to have judges take back their X's to vote yes and advance him to the next round. Of course, he's not shown up in the Judge Cuts or since.

I have since discovered that former judge Howard Stern did it at least twice, once declaratively and demonstrably and once just demonstratively.
And don't you just know that the one Canadian, one German and two British judges just hate having Old Glory, The Stars and Stripes superimposed behind their picture above? Even American hostess Tyra Banks probably does, too.
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