Thursday, September 6, 2018

All In All, I'm Pleased

Image result for agt 2018

Well, my preferences in and predictions for the first semi-final show pretty much came to pass.

Image result for agt 2018 finalists Sam Comroe continued to make me Laugh Out Loud, maybe even more so than he did in the quarter-finals.  And that's not an easy thing to do with this grumpy old man.   I was dismayed that he had to go through a second vote to advance, but I was tickled to see that he crushed the competition in the dumb mass Dunkin' Save.  That freed me up to try to vote for VOH, which the NBC site blocked me from doing. 

Image result for duo transcend agt 2018  Duo Transcend did step it up, adding a new aspect to their acrobatics and this time, he dropped his wife on purpose.  Though Duo Transcend is probably more of a Vegas type act, I'd pay to hear and see Voices of Hope before I would want to see them.
Image result for agt 2018 finalists Michael Ketterer continues to be a sincere and soulful singer who deserves his spot in the Top Ten.  And with Sir Simon's unabashed support, he'll probably finish in the Final Five.
Image result for shin lim agt 2018 Shin Lim dazzles and delights and adds great variety to the show. I'm glad he made it, as I figured that he would.
Image result for zurcaroh agt 2018 Zurcaroh remains my odds on favorite to win the whole kit and kaboodle.  I just wish that they were American, like the aforementioned four are.  Despite being Austrian, I have to recognize their talent as the most beautifully breathtaking in the competition.

So, who, from the upcoming second semi-final show should and shall join these five for the Finals?

Image result for aaron crow agt 2018 Aaron Crow is a Belgian bull squeezer who should not have been advanced this far.  He'll get no votes from me and not enough from others to advance further.
Image result for angel city chorale agt 2018  As Simon said, an act like Angel City Chorale has a way of just washing over you to make you feel amazing.  Despite their fuzzy wuzzy, politically correct message and song selections, I love this act and would want to sit front row center for their show in DPAC, as I did for Celtic Woman.  I'm not sure enough voting viewers will agree with me, however. 
Image result for brian king joseph agt 2018 Brian King Joseph is the most electrifying instrumentalist I've seen and heard since Mairead Nesbitt and Vanessa Mae. 

This time, as opposed to his quarter-final performance, I hope that Brian will lose the dumb mass, distracting dancers and overblown, overproduced production behind him and rely on his violin virtuosity for votes, including lots from long as NBC doesn't block me again.
Image result for christina wells agt 2018 I've written it before and I'll write it again.  Christina Wells has the vocals, but not the visuals to gain my votes or win this competition.  And I'm not a fan of her boo hoo hoo sob story.  She made the conscious choices that made that story so.

Image result for agt 2018 courtney hadwin quarter finals As Howie proclaimed, just before Golden Buzzering her, Courtney Hadwin is from another era.  She is the 21st century Janis Joplin, with better vocals and visuals.  She is a much better singer and a waaaaaay prettier woman.  But being from County Durham, England, she should be performing in Britain's Got Talent, vying for the pounds and opportunity to perform for the royal family, rather than for the dollars and a Vegas show.  Of course, I'm not sure that Queen Elizabeth has the taste for Courtney's particular talent.  I imagine that she will survive as one of the few solo singers in the Finals of America's Got Talent, since it has basically become Anywhere's Got Talent, thanks to the globalist views of Syco and the entertainment industry, as a whole.
Image result for agt 2018 da republik quarter finals If the voting viewers were allowed one such vote, similar to the judges' Red X Buzzers, Da Republik would get mine.  The only thing at which this group is perhaps best is their bull squeeze and balderdash back story. I think (hope, at least) that enough other Americans will agree with me that this will be as far as they go...unless the vote counters and/or judges step in again.
Image result for agt 2018 daniel emmett quarter finals Considering his immense talent and considering that through which Simon put him to prove that talent, Daniel Emmett may be the best male vocalist and even solo singer in the show this year.  He very well might garner enough of the young female vote to advance, as Michael Grimm did to win a few years back over the much more talented Jackie Evancho. Image result for agt michael grimm jackie evancho

Image result for agt Glennis Grace quarter finals  Glennis Grace is a breathtakingly beautiful woman and a superb  songstress.   I'd love to be down front for one of her concerts that I'm sure that she'll be doing after AGT concludes this season.  She is SO American like, that I never would have suspected her to be Dutch, which the show has been careful not to publicize as part of her bull squeeze back story of being too shy or scared or whatever to pursue her passion for performing. If that were true, she probably wouldn't have platinum and double platinum recordings. 
Image result for agt Noah Guthrie quarter finals As a gifted singer/songwriter and fellow Carolinian, I really like Noah Guthrie.  But not enough to vote for him over others whom I like more, as entertaining performers.   And I think that the overall vote next week will reflect that.
Image result for agt vicki barbolak quarter finals As I've written before, I always root for the comedians, as long as they tickle my funny bone.  Vicki Barbolak does that.  I'm hope, hope, hoping that she will become the second comedian in the Top Ten.  Regardless, I am eagerly anticipating her sitcom Trailer Nasty.Image result for agt we three quarter finals Being a singing sibling band, rather than just another solo singer might be enough to propel We Three into the Finals, despite the apparent distaste for singers by much of the audience this year.  I hope so.  They write well.  They harmonize and play well.  And their sob story is at least real and realistic.

  Well, let's wait and see if I am as pleased at this time next week.😀

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