the FOX News Channel
and sites like The Drudge Report and maybe even John Galt's Uncle.

For the past two elections, McCaint's speeches and advertisements have promised Arizona voters that he would vote to repeal Obamacare. Prior to this year, such votes were meaningless, as he knew that Baracka Hussein stood ready to veto any such legislation, as would expected President Hitlary. But with the magnificently miraculous election of Donald J. Trump, he, of course, followed in the footsteps of such prominent Progressives as the Presidents Roosevelt. Asshole. Now, thanks to him, and his fellow travelers Collins and Murkowski, I'm still stuck with only being allowed to work twenty-four hours a week.

John McCain't is an embarrassment, as he has always been. As a Naval aviator, McCain't is best known for crashing numerous planes, admitting to "daredevil clowning", that took out power lines in Spain, being a central figure in the USS Forrestal disaster, which killed 134 sailors and injured another 161, and of course, for being shot down by a third world military.
The only job he ever held between his time in the military and his political career was that of a do nothing executive for his wife's inherited beer distributorship.
As was proposed a few years back, the voters of Arizona need to recall McCain't , as well as the state's junior senator, Jeff Flake, who is a flake, joining McCain't in 'The Gang of Eight', who cozied up to Obama in the quest for outright amnesty for illegal aliens. Both men have falsely labeled themselves with R's after their names, when they are obviously dumb mass Dummycraps/Demoncats. They could then be replaced by principled, Constitutional conservatives. McCaint's 2016 primary opponent, Dr. Kelli Ward ran on a conservative agenda, including the repeal of The Unaffordable Care Act. 
McCain't assured his constituency that they didn't need to elect her, because by reelecting him, the could rest assured that he would cast such a vote. LIAR!
As McCain't's dementia will surely deepen, before he has the decency to die or retire, Arizonans, we beg and beseech you to immediately recall this sorry sack of sand!

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