I've been recently thinking about the vast wasteland that is TV, as it has been since former FCC Chairman Newt Minow described it over a half century ago.

We've previously written and read about the networks' news divisions, which are mandated to serve the public trust, which they obviously no longer do, if they ever did at all. To paraphrase and contemporze the great Mark Twain, "If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed. If you do watch the news, you're misinformed."
I'm more familiar with the likes of other, more modern moderators. About a dozen years back, I stood next to a bushy bearded, bedraggled bum, wearing a tee shirt that on the front and back read, "Tyranny Response Team", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. He was screaming at the top of his lungs across the tarmac of the Burlington (NC) airport at Sean Hannity that Sean was lying to the American people and not telling us the whole truth.
Sean came to the fence around the tarmac, with his cameraman in tow to interview this nut bag. He repeatedly calmly kept asking the guru why he was so angry and what exactly had him so upset. The obvious Dummycrap continued to yell the same mantra of lying and truth withholding. At one point, this thistlehead turns to me and loudly asks, "You know that he's lying to us and not telling us the whole truth, don't you!? I could only respond, "Oh, like Rather, Jennings and Brokaw aren't?"
We all know what a liar Dan Rather is. And we know that the others don't tell us the whole truth, unless by a accidental slip of the tongue, like when I believe it was Brokaw who declared on election night, 2000, when it looked like Al Gore was going to sneak away with the electoral victory, "Well, it looks like we've won."
Now, I want to address the entertainment divisions of these networks, which are also regulated to serve the public trust. More importantly, they are mandated by the marketplace to mass market to the most massive mass possible so as to amass as much advertising revenue and programming profit as possible. Ideally, this is to be done with programming that entertains through intelligence, wit, and positive emotionality that raises consciousness to higher awareness of positive American values and principles. But all too often, from the medium's beginnings to the present, prime time programming has promulgated stupidity, witlessness and salaciousness, demeaning its viewers to a dumb downed debacle of sex and violence.
From the 'Golden Age' of television of the 1950's to the present 21st century shows, 99 and 44/100ths percent of programming has been and continues to be not only a vast wasteland, but a basic waste of electricity, not to mention time, attention span and intellect. Last season, there were a handful of shows which rose above those stereotypical standards. The syndicated Jeopardy!, whether the daytime version with Art Fleming
I think that FOX keeps airing it just to pad the longevity record. FOX just bid farewell to one of my favorite from start to finish shows,

to cancel
The left wing, lunatic liberal, dumb mass Dummycrap president of ABC Entertainment, Channing Dungey
demonstrates that she's just another affirmative action asshole and idiot, as well as an ass covering prevaricator. There is no way that a programming executive cancels a show with the ratings and the dedicated core audience enjoyed by Last Man Standing for monetary or scheduling reasons. And more to its credit, Last Man Standing achieved those numbers through its six seasons of being buried in broadcasting's proverbial graveyard of Friday evenings. During those six seasons, LMS won the ratings war for that time slot and allowed the following show,
to have some viewers, despite the fact that it was one of the unfunniest, stupidest shows since the Nincompoop Broadcasting Company
aired, in the same time slot as LMS, Joe Namath and the Waverly Wonders, which lasted for exactly one month in 1978.
It was so bad that the network canned more episodes than it aired. It was much like the new show with which Always Broadcasting Crap is basically replacing LMS;
. This is an obvious, ridiculous rip-off of the generally good and genuinely funny Eddie Murphy movie,
. Eddie, or somebody from that fine film needs to be looking into copyright infringement violations. There is no doubt in my mid that The Mayor will attain a dedicated and diverse audience, the mass majority of which will be from that coveted 18 to 49 age demographic, mostly at the low end of that age range. These youngsters are going to be landslide majority minorities and 'guilty white liberal' Caucasoid kids who have been raised and matriculated to hate that they are Caucasoid and that anything associated with the hip hop rap crap culture is cool, including killing police, abusing women and hating whitey. Of course, in these days of lingering Obamanomics, these muddle headed millennials are sitting in Mommy and Daddy's basement with a mountain of student loan debt that they can't service, as they can't find work in their chosen fields of study, like Women's/ Gender Studies, African American Studies, etc. So, why are they such a coveted demographic, when the older audience attracted by LMS actually has disposable income? I'm thinking that this official trailer for this piece of poop shows that ABC continues to be ABC UNfunny. LMS could easily be inserted in ABC's Tuesday night line-up, leading it off, giving ABC a true shot at overtaking the aging, increasingly PC and unwatchable NCIS
, long one of my favorites. It won't grab the primarily Caucasoid, grandma audience, who still has the screaming thigh sweats for Mark Harmon, but they're an undesired demographic, anyway, right? In that time slot, it would be paired with
, which can't possibly be cancelled, regardless of ratings, as it does such a great job at attaining the goal of Conning Dingey and her ilk, to show a contemporary American Caucasoid family as dysfunctional, dumb ass, redneck red staters, with a son named Brick. None of ABC's other Tuesday night comedies, or any of their Wednesday night shows can dare be touched, as they all do SO well at promoting multi-culturalism, including flaming homosexuality. I find it amusing that deep into the 21st century, that an achieving, American Negroid family like the Johnson's, so much like the Huxtable's of the 1980's, are not quite considered to be truly 'black' by such ignorami as the National Association of Always Complaining People and The Congressional Black Caucus, who never really accepted Lt. Col Allen West as one of their own, despite his epidermal pigmentation.

Of all of the returning
Unfunny comedies returning this fall,
has out performed
in the ratings rankings, despite LMS's relegation to Fridays. Despite five straight seasons of top 25 ranking during its nine year run, Modern Family has shown a precipitous drop in its ratings the past two years, while LMS has demonstrated a rise in its ranking. missing the Top 40 this past season by one. I see it as also interesting that
barely made the top 100, finishing 95th, this past season. But we can't cancel a period piece about an immigrant Mongoloid family.
Unlike many shows that have lasted six seasons, which were obviously running out of smart, entertaining stories to tell, Last Man Standing still has lots to say and share. If nothing else, there's four, or maybe even eight years worth of Trump jokes
to tell by Hitlaryite wife Vanessa, and uber-liberal daughter Kristin and son-in-lay Ryan.
There'd be plenty to tell about All-American daughter Eve at The Air Force Academy in nearby Colorado Springs.
She could perhaps utilize her amazing musicality to break the current gender barrier and join In The Stairwell, currently competing on America's Got Talent.

She could also continue her high school football career my making the Academy's team as their kicker and perhaps kick winning field goals against her parents' beloved alma maters, University of Michigan and The Ohio State University. She could matriculate to become an Air Force Ranger or fighter jet pilot.
There are stories to tell about Kristin and Ryan's as well as Mandy and Kyle's marriages and possibly more grandkids for Mike and Vanessa. And of course, don't forget the possibilities of bringing back The Inglorious Baxters! (Be sure to scroll on after enjoying "Pie Rack" to see, hear and love "Love Arrow".)
From its pilot episode to its last, Last Man Standing has been a bright spot in in the dismalness that is network prime time programming. It is funny and witty, even with Vanessa's puns, "the lowest form of humor", as stated by grandson Boyd. It is smart and intelligent, which is probably a big part of its cancellation, since dumb mass Dummycraps like Dingey tend to seek out the lowest common denominator of dumbness in everything they air. Crappy shows don't attract established stars like Nancy Travis and Hector Elizondo to be part of the primary cast.
And crappy shows don't get established stars and big names to join the cast seasons into the series to be regular and recurring characters, or even one time guests.

Despite her repetitious remarks that are as recent as a couple of weeks ago, Dingey cancelled LMS for Tim Allen's accurate outspokenness about liberal Hollywood being like 1930's Germany and his own personal, conservative leanings and for the show's conservative messaging. Though there are plenty of liberals among the cast of characters, they are generally quashed by conservatism's common sense triumphing over the mental disorder of liberalism. Over the six seasons, Allen's character, Mike Baxter, has often cited "the great Ronald Reagan" and even spoken well of Nixon for opening up China, and Republicans in general terms, while taking any and every opportunity to lambaste Demoncats by individual names and in general. But in the season five Halloween episode, he identifies himself as "definitely a Libertarian".
That's another thing that makes LMS SO wonderful and heartwarming...its fabulously sweet and funny holiday episodes, despite being preempted from its Friday night spot SO often by every rerun holiday special from Frosty the Snowman to every Charlie Brown...
To fans' delight and then disappointment, it has been rumored that another network would revive the show. I knew from the outset that there was no way that
had the necessary kind of cash. So, it has to fall to
. After all, FOX owns the show and would admittedly lose the licensing fee monies they've garnered fro ABC, but they would pick up the advertising revenue from a very popular show that is obviously getting more popular. To deflect the fact, that much like ABC, they are a bunch of screaming meemie libtards, too, who detest any expression like the show's, or the show's star's conservatism. Their excuse is that there's no room in their schedule. Bull squeeze! Bolster your faltering Sunday nights by making inserting LMS your and canceling that stupid ass, piece of poop
or the on air for way too long
, perhaps the most stupidly salacious/salaciously stupid show in production, with its BDSM, beastiality, incest, misogynistic promiscuity and teenage butch lesbianism. Both shows fall well behind LMS in the ratings, with Family Guy not cracking the top 100 the last two seasons, after barely doing so in the 2014-15 season. In its three seasons, The Last Man on Earth has finished 93rd, 114th and 122nd in the ratings ranking.

Also, though a six season show is sensational for syndication, as LMS is presently proving, a show with ten or more seasons is TREMENDOUS! Ask those involved in the syndication of
, or
, or past their prime, but still in production The Simpsons and NCIS.
Though I well imagine that it is of no use, I urge, beg and beseech all reading this article to sign the on-line petition to save Last Man Standing for many more seasons of wonderfully watchable broadcast network television.
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