Chuck E., you need to close your lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan lawyer turned professional party hack politician mouth! All this crappola you insist on spewing about the Senatorial Republicans/Repulsicans/Rebooblicans writing their health care bill in private and secret because they're ashamed of it and because it is going to hurt Americans is just more dumb mass Dummycrap/Demoncat disingenuous misdirection and deceit.
Let's think back about eight years when you and the rest of the jerk off jackasses
Let us recall your fellow Demoncat, elitist MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, the architect of that mega-monstrosity stating that transparency was not possible for the bill to pass, as the stupidity of the American public was necessary for the legislation to become law of the land.
And let us PLEASE recall and remember your plastic faced Princess Pelosi with her famously infamous declaration that "We have to pass it to see what's in it!"
Now that the American electorate have put you political putzes in your proper place as the minority, it's time you were told a paraphrase of King Baracka's quotes early in his reign
"Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won" and "We don't mind Republicans joining us. They can come along for the ride, but they gotta sit in back. "
It is now time for you Demoncats and Dummycraps to realize that the Electorate has corrected their mistakes of 2006, 2008, and 2012. It is now your turn to sit in the back and shut the farouk up.
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