Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What Does ABC REALLY Mean?

That's especially true now, for the third place broadcasting network.   ABC Entertainment Group's president and affirmative action hero Channing Dungey, obvious dumb mass Dummycrap cancelled the one show the network aired that wasn't crap.
That show is , one of few, if any others aired by Always Broadcasting Crap, to regularly win the ratings competition in its time slot over the past six seasons.  Now Miiiiiz Dungey tells us that it is a business decision designed to manage failure.  She lumps Last Man Standing with such stink as , perhaps the stupidest, unfunniest piece of poop to be aired since Joe Namath and the Waverly Wonders.  Even on Last Man's coattails, this ridiculous romp that served no purpose other than putting a non-Caucasoid in a starring role, couldn't garner a gathering to save its Mongoloid life.
Miiiiiz Dungey also stipulates that Last Man's cancellation was influenced by scheduling necessities, as Always Broadcasting Crap wanted to change Fridays away from comedy.  Okay, fine, cancel one of your really stupid, laughably unfunny 'comedies', like

But we don't dare do away with a show that shows a Caucasoid family to be nothing more than dysfunctional, barely middle class morons.  Or a show that is nothing more than a Negroid Nirvana, or a homosexual haven, promoting every non-traditional value a bunch of drug doing drunkards can conceptualize.  We sure as hell can't keep a show depicting a high achieving Caucasoid family, when we have a new rap crap filled new Negroid Nirvana called The Mayor, which sounds like an incredibly weak and stupid copycat of Eddie Murphy's masterpiece The Distinguished Gentleman.  
Though the landslide majority of Last Man's Baxter family and their neighbors and coworkers is  Dummycrap Obamabots and Hitlaryites, the fact that dad Mike and youngest daughter Eve are staunch conservatives, with actual debate parries, rather than talking points, as is Tim Allen in his Trump supporting real life is just too much for Miiiiiz Dungey to tolerate.  She and her ilk in the Hollywood establishment, with their practice of black listing and black balling conservatives who make the mistake of openly admitting their political philosophy, remind me of a much maligned, and mostly wrongfully maligned historic figure from about sixty years ago.  Wish he had been tactically smarter, so that he may have been allowed to finish what he started.  But that's about the time political correctness got started.

So, farewell, Baxters.  Over the past six years, you have made me smile big and wide, laugh out loud, and look forward to one of only two watchable, worthwhile half hour slots on broadcast television each week.  And the other one surely as hell isn't on Always Broadcasting Crap.

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