He has accomplished some obvious good in his first three months plus in The Oval Office.

He has appointed and gotten confirmed a Cabinet of largely Constitutional conservatives with experience and expertise to do some good work for the country.
He has nominated and gotten confirmed Neil Gorsuch, a Constitutional originalist to the Supreme Court of the United States, to replace the similarly minded, late, great Justice Antonin Scalia.
Now, if we could get so lucky to have legislate from the bench, lunatic liberal octogenarians R.B. Ginsberg and little Stevie Breyer die or retire. maybe we could solidify Constitutional credibility to the highest level of our Judiciary. Of course, it would be nice if Ginsberg had ANY honor, and moved to New Zealand, as she intimated during the campaign that she should, should Trump be elected.
As I have for years, I recommend Federal Appeals Court Judge Janice Rogers Brown.
There are any number of suitable candidates to replace wacky world view Breyer....former Texas Supreme Court Justice, Dale Wainwright, former US Attorney General and Texas Supreme Court Justice, Alberto Gonzalez. I still like the thought of Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court, but he is needed SO much where he is in the US Senate, as one of only six A rated conservatives in that body.
And if we could somehow rid ourselves of that flip flopping, unprincipled, Constitution ignoring Chief Justice, John Roberts
Other accomplishments, that are as important, include the President's rolling back of stifling Obama era regulations, especially in areas like coal and steel production. He is steadily improving our international status and relationships, especially with important allies, like Israel and even allied adversaries, like China.
As for all of this Russia horse crap that the lame street media constantly continues to propagate, it is just that...barnyard bull squeeze. And it is in this arena wherein I'm losing some confidence in President Trump, as he seems to be losing the bravado and bobbasity for which so many of us voted. When even a buffoon of a British bolshevik like Piers Morgan says that the American press is full of crap in dealing with President Trump, it is FULL OF CRAP!!!
It is time for the President to not necessarily go back to his mantra of "fake news', but to blatantly label them as the blatant liars whom they are. And remind the American people of what Mark Twain said: "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read the newspaper, you're misinformed." Of course, that quote could contemporize to include "watch telecast or cablecast news".
The President also needs to publicly proclaim in an unmistakable manner, that dumb mass Dummycraps and Demoncats on Capitol Hill, such as idiotic imbeciles like Marxist Maxine Waters, Marxist Muslim Keith Ellison and senile, socialist Senator Sanders need to just shut their sub-moronic Marxist mouths and move to the back of the bus, as their beloved Marxist Muslim Monarch Baracka Hussein O told the Congressional R's to do in 2009.

And more than anything, in matters from the Russian ridiculousness, to the Comey cockmamerie, to the rightfully executed travel ban, the President and his administration need to IMMEDIATELY cease cowtowing and capitulating to the liars and lunkheads on the left with stupid ass moves like Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusing himself from what is beginning to look like everything.
Mr. President, do you want to win back the trust in you and restore the hope for you that SO many of are still holding onto, if only by a cat's whisker? Then quit being such a damned politician. Tell the pissy ass politicians, particularly pussy boy Paul Ryan and Mayberry misfit Mitch McConnell to do the job that we elected their party members to do.
Like REPEAL Obamacare! I never heard the words"and replace" in any campaign speeches or promises. And I need to be working more than twenty-nine hours a week, you overpaid, underworked yabeaus. Representative Ryan, do we need to replace you, as you replaced John Bonehead? I'm thinking that Mark Meadows, of my home state would be an EXCELLENT Speaker of the House, as he has been being a superb chairman of the Freedom Caucus.
Muddlehead Mitch, I'm thinking that it's about time to put your old ass out to pasture, too. There are several Senators who are true Republicans, rather than Repulsican, like you. You wouldn't be missed for a moment by real Americans if you were replaced by fellow Kentuckian Rand Paul, the Libertarian Senator, or Mike Lee, the most conservative Senator, or Tim Scott, the Negroid Senator. These three represent a whole half of the Senators to whom Conservative Review gives an 'A' rating. I'd suggest Ted Cruz, but I'm afraid that he is too polarizing.

Anyway, thank you Mr. President, for all that you have managed to get done, despite the overwhelming obstacles that I know are being thrown in front of you on a daily plus basis. Please continue to do what you know is right for America. DON'T GIVE UP! DON'T SURRENDER!
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