Monday, April 2, 2012

Enough Trayvon Tripe; How About the Coon Kid in KC?

And no, that isn't a racial slur.  It's the Caucasoid boy's family name.  That's what I'm assuming, since that is his parents' name.  His still married and raising their son together parents.  Typical, just as it's typical that Trayvon's parents weren't.
There are differences in the two cases.  1) Coon didn't die.  Trayvon did.  2) Trayvon's Hispanic killer did not beforehand intend to kill Trayvon.  Coon's Negroid assailants did intend to kill him in a most horrific and heinous manner by purposely pursuing him to his front door and dousing him with gasoline and setting him on fire.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, as this is a horror young Coon is going to have to carry with him for the rest of his life, so that death may have been preferable, the Negroid thugs that attacked him strictly for racial hatred were too typically stupid to be able to accomplish their goal.   Much like the Negroid 'identical cousins' who robbed, raped, abducted and left for dead on a country road a Caucasoid female motel clerk here in NC back in the 70's..  Much like the three Negroid street thugs who stomped this writer into the snow covered street in 1980.  But unlike the Negroid gang bangers who murdered UNC student body President, Eve Carson a few years back, all of those putrid punks got away, as George Zimmerman says.  3) Trayvon's death is touted as a 'hate crime', though the media are having a tough time selling that, since Zimmerman is more of a brown faced Hispanic than a pink faced Caucasoid.  They're going out of their way to label Zimmerman as a white Hispanic.  What a load!  Of course, the attack on Allen Coon is not being pursued by authorities as a hate crime, since only Caucasoids can commit hate crimes against members of another racial group.  4) Coon is thirteen and no match for two cowardly, collectivist, sixteen or seventeen year old Negroid thugs, much like Trayvon.   Though the press is having a field day with this, publishing pictures of Trayvon when he was thirteen or so, in an attempt to heighten the already heightened tensions in Sanford and throughout the States.  Why don't they use a more recent, relevant photo of him.  I would guess that that would too accurately portray Trayvon as the the leering, sneering, thuggish punk into which he had grown the last few years, since once being an angelic faced youngster.

As for Obama interjecting his presence by espousing that if he had had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon.  A President of the United States has no business to so personally put himself in the middle of a local criminal matter, to which he has no personal ties.  But as Obama has always been a chip on his shoulder Negroid himself, he couldn't possibly pass up such an opportunity to once again race bait the nation.
In a broader overview of race, you have to love Preacher Manning of Harlem.  You don't have to love what he says or how he says it, but you have to love his chutzpah for why he said it.  Not for the primary reason of trying to convince Negroid voters to support Clinton, but for the secondary, and actually more important reason, that being that Barack Hussein "Call me 'Barry'" Obama is not the new Negroid champion of all things.  As Preacher Manning says in response to allegations that he is trashing Obama, "Obama was born trash" as the result of "his in-heat African father going a-whoring  with a trashy white woman!"
Obama's dad was an African, ergo, a Negroid.  That's a given, as are the facts that he was, at the time of Obama's conception and birth, a young, healthy male of the human race.  What's not necessarily a given, but a truism, that as such a being, he was "in heat", perpetually and pointedly, as ALL such beings without physical health issues, are, regardless of racial status of Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, et al.
To escape the specificity of  race relative to the Obamas, let's talk race generalities, like terminologies.  Many might object to and/or be offended by terminologies used herein referring to race. These are the accepted, tradition scientific, anthropological terms, if not the overly popularized, politically correct terms that more so identify geography or sociality rather than anthropology. A liberal arts university professor of anthropology recently informed me that the traditional measure of race being skull/brain pan size and shape is no longer considered accurate.  I specifically asked her if this were based on new science or just contemporary political correctness, so as to not offend the Negroids by stating out loud that they have the smallest brain pans of the races.  She, in her holier than thou, guilty white liberalism had no ready, convincing answer.  That fact does not in and of itself say that Negroids are intellectually inferior, it just says that they are different from the other races.  Dr. James Watson, eminent scientist, Nobel prize recipient and Caucasoid found out the hard way that facts don't matter up against racial sensitivity when he pointed out that intelligence tests scores over the years  were higher for Caucasoids than for Negroids. 
As for assigning colors to identify the different races, that's fine, as long as we're not color blind in making those assignments.  Among the millions of humans I've seen in a half century of life, I have never seen a black or white person.  I've seen some who were VERY dark brown, and I've seen some albinos who were almost bleached white.  But in the final analysis, they all were some shade of pink or brown.  And do we even need to discuss the absurdity of red and/or yellow?  Though skin color is not the primary or even secondary scientific means of determining race, it is perhaps the easiest, most overt means for most of us anthropologically ignorant.  In reality, there are officially classified Caucasoids as dark and darker than any officially classified Negroid.  As socialization plays as much as or more than a role in racial identification as or than scientific assignment, we may propose that the original three races of man needs a contemporization.  Using external organ pigmentations of skin, hair, and eyes along with socialization as primary determinants, rather than skull construction and other skeletal-muscular characteristics, we have the original humans, the Negroids of Africa, developed through evolutionary or morphological means.  Through probably morphological means, the Caucasoids came to be, followed by those who could be called Semitic Mullatoids, who could now, in very contemporary terms be split  into Hebrew and Arabic Semitic Mullatoids.  Sometime during that period of unrecorded history, which goes way beyond six thousand years, for you fundamentalists, came the Mongoloids. From them, with perhaps a mixing in of others and other external influences of mass mileage migrations, there are what we might label as Occidental Mongoloids; those "native" peoples inhabiting the western hemisphere when the Caucasoids 'discovered' the North and South American continents.  By that 'discovery', particularly that to the south of what is now the United States, we developed a new race that can be accurately named Hispanic Mullatoid.  By socialization of nationalistic and religious characteristics, there is that huge and still growing group of very dark brown Caucasoids who are definitely not Negroids who might be best called Hindi, whose close cousins  might be the Australoids, who are, then again, probably more closely related to the Oriental Mongoloids, like most other Pacific Islanders.
        Throughout the human race, it is human nature to base most ideas and actions on emotionality, rather than on intellectuality.  And negative emotionality, particularly fear is the primary driving force in most anything and everything that humans do.  It is especially the fear of the different and/or unknown that is most frightening.  It is therefore, at the heart and soul of humanity to be, if not racist, bigoted and/or prejudicial.  Until we, as the human race, evolve intellectually, so as to subdue our dominant emotionality, there is going to be prejudice, bigotry, and racism.  Even in the United States, the most racially and culturally diverse place on the Earth in the history of Earth, there is not a Caucasoid alive who hasn't thought or said at some point "Damned Negroid(s)!" as there's not a Negroid alive who hasn't said or thought "Damned Caucasoid(s)!"  Of course, I've used nouns here that are not from the actual exclamations.  Though it's probably publishable, with no problem to label Caucasoids as Honky, Cracker, White Devil, or whatever, don't for goodness sake refer to "The N word",  or the Ch!^k word for Asians or Oriental Mongoloids, or Indian for the "Native Americans" or Occidental Mongoloids or the Sp!<k word for the Hispanic Mullatoids.  And those exclamations have been thought and declared by members of every racial sect about members of every other racial sect.  It is instinctively human to distrust that or whom which or who is different.
And though there are distinct, objectively decipherable differences between the races, that is not to declare that any are any better than any other.  Despite, perhaps because of our differences, we are designed so, so as to complement each other.  And perhaps our differences are amplified, not based on racial identification, but through cultural assimilations.  Members of  racial groups tend to strengthen that racial bond through cultural ties and traditions.  Throughout history, Caucasoid cultures have been based on the expansion of an individualistic independence, whereas Negroid, Mongoloid, and other cultures are rooted in a compliance to a common collectivism.  Perhaps that's why the African war lord told the captured American pilot in Mogadishu, "We Africans have been killing one another for thousands of years, and there's nothing you white people are going to do about it."  Maybe that's why an American Negroid who attempts to obtain an education or pursue professional goals is branded by other American Negroids with much worse racial epithets than ever uttered by any Caucasoid.  As "Hillary was never called a N(-word)", to quote Obama's pastor, Obama was surely berated as "Uncle...", "uppity...", and "acting white."   But as Obama has always been an affirmative action socialist, he probably never heard it like Herman Cain or Condoleeze Rice or Clarence Thomas most assuredly did..and do.  For those dark brown historical throwbacks, it is more important to maintain ancient tribal turbulences and instinctual ignorances like over-procreation, criminality, and remedially redundant recreations now exercised and exhorted as irreverent, irresponsible reproduction, gansta'ism, and rap than it is to actualize oneself as an independent person who can transcend the inanity of racialism through embrace and endeavor of familial faithfulness, personal productivity, and creative vocations and avocations.  As a truly biracial person, Obama has perhaps transcended racialism as what we could call a Globalistic Mullatoid, perhaps like Tiger Woods and Vijay Singh.  It is not the paternal, dominant  genetics that determined Obama's darkness of skin, hair, and eyes that is an issue. Nor is it the maternal, recessive genetics that determined that those pigmentations are such that  Obama is "..not (Negroid) enough" for some Negroids  that is the issue. It is the paternal, maternal, and step-paternal contributions to his raciality through socialization that is the issue.  That transcends race into the categories of the other two "Real R's", of human interaction in general and politics, in particular.  Those are, of course, Religion and Revenue.
To close, let's address everyone's modern day favorite mud sling of "racist/racism".  Racism is the belief that one race is genetically and/or inherently superior to another or other race or races.  Racial prejudice is believing or thinking something of another race or member of another race before one has the facts.  Racial bigotry is mistrust or dislike for another race based solely on that person's or group's race.  Very few people are actually racist.  Among those who are, they're not all Caucasoids.  The Hispanics have La Raza, the Arabic Semitics teach their young of the superiority of their religiously, if not racially, based culture.  The Negroids have Black Power, Black Liberation Theology, Nation of Islam, The New Black Panther Party, the SEIU and the ever present National Association of Always Complaining People.  The inscrutable, Oriental Mongoloids have something, don't you think?  The Hindi's have their own religion and language.  And, of course, all Caucasoids belong to the Klan.    Though almost nobody in America is truly, strictly racist, it is still an easy catch phrase with which to lambaste people, as our wonderful governmental education system has failed to teach vocabulary for years, if not decades.  On the other hand, everybody is innately and/or influentially prejudiced and/or bigoted.  Whether it comes from personally observed, anecdotal evidence or individual, ignorantly stupid stereotyping, or from studying empirical statistical data, we all have racial prejudices and bigotries.
Before any of you jump me for not supporting Obama "because he's black", let me assure you that I am whole heartedly against him, as I've always been against him because of the other two "Real R's" mentioned above.  Last election I wrote in the names of Colin Powell for President and Herman Cain for Vice-President.  I look forward to voting for Herman for President this November, whether as the balloted candidate, or as a write-in, as I see him, regardless of his race, as the last, best hope for saving my country.
Remember that it is not this country's proclamation that all men are created equal. They're not.  They're equally endowed with rights, like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  They're equal before God, or the law.  As there was a time in American history that Negroids were undoubtedly short served by a legal system almost wholly controlled by Caucasoids, contemporary times have reversed that trend, in that Negroids have been given special dispensations, like North Carolina's Racial Justice Act within the law based strictly and solely on their race.  Though it is a statistical fact that in America, the vast majority of criminality is perpetrated by Negroids, generally on other Negroids, but increasingly on Caucasoids, it is verboten to say so and use that statistical data to profile likely perpetrators.
Much can be ascertained from a racial group's members' pursuits of happiness, historically and contemporarily.  While European Caucasoids were exploring the planet in transoceanic sailing ships, other groups were trying to figure out how to get across the river, or over or around the mountain, while not being eaten by the indigenous wildlife.  Now, while Caucasoids like Steve Jobs work  to create as many new products and services and relative employment opportunities for others, mostly non-Caucasoids, as they possibly can, too many Negroids' primary goal in life is creating as many baseborn, bastard babies as they can to be supported by others, mostly Caucasoids.  Sadly, there is an ever increasing number of Caucasoids who think that it is cool to copy that culture of illegitimacy and illegality.
As for the equality question, let's recognize that Negroids are far superior to the other races in terms of physicality, athleticism and emotionality.  Who wins Olympic races?  Who dominates sports team rosters? Who, before rap crap/hip hop wrote and performed the best music?   Who feels most deeply, and exhibits and expresses those emotions most openly and intensely, whether it be happiness, anger, or grief?  And, of course, who has the biggest penises?                                   
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