Back in the day when the networks actually aired some intelligent, entertaining fare, there was a show called Northern Exposure, by which I not only was entertained, but from which I gleaned some enlightenment. There was an episode in which Maurice, the millionaire was all distraught over the fact that the new lessees of one of his real estate properties turned out to be homosexual. And more distressing than that, one of the men was, like Maurice, an ex Marine. In lamenting his case to Ruth Anne, the wise, old storekeep, he said he was thinking of burning the building down to keep the homos from inhabiting it. To this, wizened Ruth Anne replied, "Maurice, it's just sex, and it just doesn't matter!" She's right.
Whether it's a bunch of San Franfreako freaks on Folsom Street, or Alabama women seeking some sexual gratification from an adult toy, it just doesn't matter. The freaks might come close to overstepping the bounds of propriety in their very public display of debauchery, but from the pictures that I've seen and reports that I've read, it doesn't appear that they caused anyone else demonstrable loss or harm through force or fraud. They're simply a bunch of freaks having their brand of fun. They are no longer allowed , for reasons of sensitivity and political correctness to earn a living by being part of the freak shows in the back tents of the traveling carnivals and fairs. So, what can we expect? They have to get it out of their systems somehow.
As for the oppressed, suppressed women of Alabama, there is nothing to do but apologize. Apologize for a Supreme Court with no courage or common sense. And apologize for the misogynistic men and thin lipped, dry lipped women of the Alabama state legislature. These are the pin headed, paunch bellied, bald pated, pencil-penised putzes and jowly jerks who have never orgasmed a woman in their pathetic lives and the cold fish females who, from the point of puberty were indoctrinated with the dogma that sex is a dirty, defiled, and devil inspired evil that is to be performed only for the purposes of propagating the species and for fulfilling their wifely duties to their horribly horrendous, hedonistic, heathen husbands, who just can't save themselves from their illicit, libidinous lust.
People, it's just sex. As long as it's not explicitly performed in the public square or doesn't violate the rules of consensual, contractual interaction, it just doesn't matter. Even if it is performed in public, there is no real crime, as long as force or fraud is not involved. The puritanical moralists should see such an event, not as a terror, but as a teaching opportunity to evangelically espouse their point of view without invoking the police power of government at the point of a loaded gun. Or better yet, they could take notes.
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