1948 was the last time the Republicans nominated their Presidential candidate in a brokered convention. That's long before they became the Repulsicans and Rebooblicans and Republican'ts. Their nominee, of course, lost in the general election to the incumbent Democrat, who was, who is, probably the next to last member of that party to hold the office before they all became Demoncats and Dummycraps.
Now, in 2012, sixty-four years later, the sixty-four trillion dollar question, the sixty-four trillion dollar hope is: May we have another one? Please? It is the last, best hope for putting up a nominee who can debate Obama, and defeat Obama, and thereby, save my country. Through this entire debate after debate after debate debacle and the business as usual politics of personal destruction, there has been one, alright, two true Republicans of truly conservative convictions. One of them is best suited and situated to become second in line to the Presidency, a position perhaps more politically powerful than the President, and certainly more so than the first in line Vice-President. She would show Nancy Pelosi how a real American woman keeps a House and John Boehner how to speak for a conservative Congress.
Michele Bachman could have and would have debated circles around Obama, as many, if not most of the Repulsican candidates could and would have. But she, like the others, especially the four remaining contenders, five, if you count Buddy Roemer (WHO!?!), probably can't defeat Obama for one simple reason. That reason is that there are too many stupid people in America and they're allowed to vote. That is in no way saying that the vote should be taken away from these people. It is to say that these ignorami need to be educated and enlightened.
Any of the remaining Repulsican candidates who tries to accomplish such a feat is going to be liberally labeled. Romney as a Ritchie Rich rich Rockefeller Repulsican, a pale faced, dime's worth of difference from Obama, with a Wall Street background and a better suit. Gingrich is perhaps the smartest person to seek the Presidency in my lifetime, and undoubtedly the candidate who would best best Obama in one on one debates. But he wouldn't best Obama in those debates in the minds of the dumb masses who vote for Obama and his ilk, because there's a "D" after the name. They would and will see Newt as a know it all college professor turned fat, jowly, white haired blowhard politician, in the vein of John McCain't. Santorum has become Sanitorium and Sanctorum to too many of the stupid people and doesn't stand the proverbial snowball's chance in Hell of beating Obama, unless the stupid people were to stay home on election day, which they, and their illegal alien friends and dead relatives won't. God bless Ron Paul. He has been a GREAT Congressman from a GREAT state for a LONG time. He has announced his retirement from Congress. So, when he doesn't get the Repulsican nomination, we best hope that he doesn't run as Liebertarian or some kind of Idiotpendent. That would insure an Obama victory. Either, or any way, in running against Obama, he would be perceived as just an old, old man with as many nutty ideas as good ones. And in contemporary American politics, perception is everything. He would be a GREAT last Secretary of HHS and a GREAT first cabinet level Surgeon General, overseeing the new Department of Science & Medicine, including the USPHS, the CDC, the NIH, the FDA and the EPA.
None of these candidates can successfully debate AND defeat Obama. Because to defeat him in a debate, one has to defame, denigrate, and destroy him with the truth, much of that truth lying in the fact that much, and yes, even most of his support comes from the stupid people. If any of the remaining Repulsican candidates were to call him on that along with his past and his practices and policies, in last grasp, last gasp fashion, Obama would play his winning hand with the always wild, always ready race card, as he and his supporters did in '08.
That is the sad, sad fact of why Herman Cain has to be the Republican nominee. Beyond the fact that Herman had the only real and meaningful ideas among the candidates to save my country, he has the charm, the charisma, the universal amiability that would have moved him past the muckraking and mud slinging to the party nomination on first ballot at the convention, if only...if only. Those ideas and those attributes, along with his dark brown pigmentation would have beaten the breath out of Obama in a landslide. Many of the stupid people, who would not be able to call him racist for opposing Obama would have called him Uncle Tom and sellout and house ni&&er, as one Negroid co-worker of mine called him. But Herman Cain could, as no other candidate can, engage and enlighten and educate enough of the stupid people to win against Obama and whomever the Demoncats and Dummycraps run in '16, because of his sound, first term governance guided by his own experience, expertise, insight, intelligence and common sense conservatism.
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