Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here's an Idea for the Presidential Debates

Now that we can pretty much safely assume that Repulsican Mitt Romney is going to be the other major party candidate running against Demoncat/Dummycrap, Baracka Hussein Obama, we can begin to think about upcoming debates, in the style of Lincoln-Douglas (though those were Senatorial debates), Kennedy-Nixon and Reagan-Carter.  With style equal to or greater than Obama, and substance superlatively superior to Obama's, Romney should be able to out debate the lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan Chicagoland lawyer without a law license, even with the disadvantage of Barry reading his teleprompter, while Mitt responds on his own.  But as Romney insists on being a proper and polite politician, as exampled by his statement that Obama's a nice guy, when he is, in actuality, the epitome of evil, Romney, on his own and by himself in a one on one debate will have his ass handed to him by the Muslim Marxist.  Though Romney is adept at under the table dirty tricks, i.e., Ginger White, he hasn't the chutzpah to be up front, open and honest enough to publicly and proudly proclaim the above stated facts about Obama, or that he is a baseborn, Bolshevik buffoon illegitimately conceived by a Mau Mau Muslim Marxist and an air-headed, anarchist slut, and that he is more of a Malaysian Muslim than an American Christian.  Or that for whatever Christian credentials Obama tries to claim, his Black Liberation Theology is waaaay more radical, irrational and unreasonable than Mitt's Mormonism.
That's why Romney needs to go ahead and name his cabinet, to help him campaign in more than just a "Unity Tour", to face off against Obama and his cabinet kooks in a series of oval table debates.  Imagine an 'economic cabinet' debate with Obama, Biden, Geithner and Tom Bryson on one side of the table, facing Romney, Jon Kyl, Prof. Walter Williams and Herman Cain.





                                                                                                                                                           Picture a 'security cabinet' debate of Obama, Biden, Rodham-Clinton, Holder, Ann Rice, Napolitano and Panetta being made to be seen as the Dummycraps that they are by Romney, Kyl, Newt, Barnard or Carter, John Bolton, Tom del Bacarro and Admiral McRaven.  A round table debate on law and legality with law licenceless Obama, with Biden, Holder, vapid and vacant headed Verrilli, US Atty Exec Director H. Marshall Jarrett and Barry's appointed Trotskyite twats on the Court, Kagan and Sotomayor versus MBA and JD holding Romney, with Kyl, Carter, Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, Judge Brown and Justice Wainwright would be SO entertainingly enlightening and enlighteningly entertaining.



And wouldn't you just love to see such one on one face-offs as Kathleen Sebelius and Dr, Ron Paul, Ray LaHood and Gov. Mary Fallin, or Steven Chu and Michael Williams?   Even an ethnic opposition between Chu and Elaine Chao would be a hoot and a half.  I'd even enjoy a back and forth between that clown, Jay Carney and Michelle Bernard.   
And I know that Sarah Palin would make mincemeat out of Ken Salazar.   It would be that way all of the way throughout Obama's cabinet of crazies and my envisioned Romney staff.

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