Sunday, August 26, 2018

Arizona Can Give America a Great Gift This Year

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Image result for arizona

Like the Phoenix, for which the capital city is named, the voters and the governor of the great state of Arizona can cause the state to rise from the morass of mediocrity that its voters have created in their share of the composition of the United States Senate.  AZ can give us (US), in one year, which is a great historic rarity, two good, Constitutional conservative senators to replace the two Demoncats in Repulsican clothing with whom it has been saddling the Republic for years and decades.   Jeff Flake has always been a flake with his head up the butt of John McCain't Tell The Truth.  And John McCain't Tell The Truth has always been a spoiled brat opportunist, whose great symbolic thumb down gesture to defeat the Obamacare repeal bill was really more of a gesture of giving Arizona voters who reelected his lying arse the finger....much like he did to all of America in 2008, when as a preposterously preposterous, prevaricating presidential candidate, he did all he could to throw the election and saddle the nation with the baseborn bolshevik buffoon, up whose butt John McCain't Tell The Truth stuck his head for eight years.
On Tuesday, Arizona Republicans will vote between Congresswoman Martha McSally, former state senator Kelli Ward, and former Maricopa County sheriff, Joe Arpaio.
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At first glance, Col. McSally is just another Repulsican establishment politician. being endorsed by the most repulsive Repulsican, Kentucky senator and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.  
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But Martha McSally is much more than that.  She is a retired USAF colonel, who rose through the ranks through merit and achievement, unlike John McCain't Tell The Truth, who rose through Naval ranks to the same level as Col. McSally through familiar influence from within the Admiralty.  She was a fighter pilot, like my dad was during World World II, with the Army forerunner of the Air Force.  She became a combat pilot and a command level pilot.  As one, who, as a youth aspired to be an Air Force officer, before being declared 4F, I have greatest respect and highest regard for that.    
Though mostly identified as a moderate, Congresswoman McSally has demonstrated conservative convictions in a number of legislative actions and her overall support of the Trump agenda.  And I shall presume that the sense of duty and honor she gained as a very specialized Air Force officer will cause her to continue that course.
Dr. Kelli Ward is the more obviously conservative candidate of the two front running women in this race.  As a Tea Party candidate, she opposed John McCain't Tell The Truth in the 2016 primary, but his ability to manipulate and prevaricate, garnered from decades of incumbency, won out.  She is endorsed by Kentucky's other, GOOD senator, Rand Paul, Image result for rand paul
as well as conservative commentators Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Mark Levine.  
Image result for sean hannity Related imageImage result for mark levine
Perhaps the primary reason we need her in the US Senate is that besides her personal political/ philosophical opinion, as a physician, she has a professional viewpoint on the importance of repealing Obamacare.   
Sheriff Arpaio, I have great respect and regard for you as well, sir.  My desired duty as an Air Force officer would have been in the OIS, or OSI, as it's now named, so I have an allegiance to law enforcement officers, especially ones with your reputational renown.   But sir, you have no prayer for finishing better than third in this race.  You are a very polarizing personalty, and at 87, you are just too old for this.  I wish that there some way that you read this and heed my request to withdraw and throw your support to Dr. Ward.   Otherwise, all you are going to accomplish  is what Teddy Roosevelt and his 'Bull Moose' Progressive Party did in 1912, Related image
giving us Woodrow Wilson.  Image result for $100 000 bill

Image result for current arizona governor  Governor Doug Ducey will soon have to appoint someone to take the finally dead John McCain't Tell The Truth.  He says that he won't choose himself, which, from what I've read of the man, would be a palatable pick.  My first and fondest choice would be most recent past governor, Jan Brewer.Image result for current arizona governor  I absolutely adore this woman, for more than just that famous picture.  She expressed no interest in running for Flake the flake's seat, probably because at age almost 76, she didn't want to take on that kind of six year long commitment.  But to fill McCaint Tell The Truth's seat for two, or maybe even four years would be appealing to her.  And it would put a REAL Republican in that seat for the first time in three bloomin' decades.
Presuming Col. McSally's victory in Tuesday's primary election, the most logical and principled pick would be Dr. Ward.  She gave McCaint Tell The Truth a run for his big money in 2016, and if it weren't for Sheriff Arpaio muddying the waters, splitting the conservative populist vote in this year's primary race, she would be running neck and neck with, or ahead of Col. McSally.  She is obviously well considered by a goodly number of Arizona citizens.
The one monumental mistake that I pray to God, Jesus and Mother Mary that you don't make, Governor, is appointing McCaint Tell The Truth's widow, Cindy McCain to sit in that senatorial seat.   Image result for cindy mccain 
I haven't placed a serious wager since Super Bowl III, when I KNEW, along with Joe Namath that the Jets were going to win, but I'd consider it a safe bet that if she were put in that position, she would feel betrothedly bound to lengthen his legacy of Demoncatic deception and skulduggery. 
Didn't we get enough of that type of foolishness with Jean Carnahan, and Muriel Humphrey?
Image result for jean carnahanImage result for muriel humphrey


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