Friday, February 21, 2014

We Have GOT To Fire Harry Reid!!! 1 State At a Time: NC

As the nincompoops and numb skulls of Nevada recently reelected this power mad putz, we can't evict him from the Senate, but we damn sure can get him off of that high and mighty perch of Senate Majority Leader.
Currently, the lunatic left holds a ten vote majority in the Senate, with fifty-three Dummycraps/Demoncats and two Independents, both of whom caucus with the Dummycraps/Demoncats.  One of those two is an openly admitted Socialist.  Not that the vapid heads of Vermont will ever vote this bolshevik buffoon out of office, I'd love to be rid of Bernie Sanders This fall, there will be thirty-three regularly scheduled Senatorial races and three special elections for the Senate.  Let's hope that there are enough intelligent, informed voters who vote in those states that we might actually achieve a two-thirds majority in both Houses of Congress, so that the destructive policies implemented over the past few years can be begun to be turned back while Barry embarrassingly continues his shameful Presidency as a real lame duck President.  If we could somehow attain a Senate containing sixty-seven anti-Obama Senators and a House of Representatives with 292 like minded lawmakers, we could effectively end Obama's Presidency two years ahead of schedule, which might be in the nick of time to save our Republic  Let's begin with races involving first term, incumbent Dummycrap/Demoncat Senators who rode into office on Obama's coattails in 2008.  These people have got to be replaced if we are to have a real hope for a real change for the better.
 In my own home state, Kay Hagan defeated one term incumbent Repulsican Elizabeth Dole.  This was partly part of the Obama effect, as well as a knee jerk reactionary repudiation of anything Bush, as Mrs. Dole had been part of George W's Cabinet. Communist Kay actually did better than bolshevik Barry among North Carolina voters, winning a majority of the tally, which Obama did not.
Like the last Dummycrap/Demoncat Presidential candidate who fooled us into giving him our thirteen Electors the first time, but not the second, as incumbent President, Barry failed to filch our fifteen for a second time in 2012.  Obama's victory in North Carolina and the nation was due to that aforementioned repudiation of  the reviled Bush as anything else, despite the fact that he wasn't running against Bush.  Carter won in much the same manner, running against the despised Nixon, even though he wasn't.  In that first Jimmy Carter campaign, I am proud to say that I wasn't fooled by him, or his other major party opponent.  My first Presidential vote went to Thomas Anderson of The American Party.  Three decades and eight elections later, Barack didn't bamfoozle me and that accident waiting to happen again, John McCain't make up his mind if he's conservative or liberal, didn't either. Neither did the Liebertarians. As a matter of conscious, I wrote in votes for President and Vice-President.  As a matter of coincidence, they both are more Negroid than baseborn Barry.
Kay has been a good and loyal party hack these six years, butt kissing Obama at every opportunity, doing so in tandem with blonde bimbo Beverly when she was governor.  Though she is said to have strayed from the reservation more than all but three of her Dummycrap/Demoncat liberal loon colleagues, she has still voted Obama's wishes more than 96% of the time.  Scrambling hard to distance herself from Obama and his ruinous policies, Hagan can not avoid her obvious support of and allegiance to Obama and dingy Harry. Since Hagan's election, North Carolina has gone strongly conservative, giving the Repulsicans enough control of the General Assembly to have been able to override many of Bev Perdue's vetoes.  Such legislative control has not occurred in North Carolina since The War Between the States.  And now, there's a Repulsican governor, too.  Granted, he's a bit of a milktoast Repulsican, but he's still a Repulsican.  Hagan is going to have a tough uphill row to hoe, despite her incumbency.  The Party is funding her well, as she has twice the treasury of the most moneyed Respulsican candidate.  She is already telecasting sound bite/photo op television spots, but there are also already opposition commercials being funded by no particular individual.   She's having to do this now, rather than after the Repulsican primary election(s), which is when she and her fellow travelers would prefer to begin expenditures, so that they could throw all of their money into defaming and demonizing the opponent, which is the Demoncat way.  But so tenuous is her political positioning, she is facing primary competition from within her party ranks.  Granted, the opposition is minimal and has no establishment support.  One is a punk kid with no political experience and not much life experience.  The other is a deranged, old, retired college professor, whose only political experience is in the state of Wisconsin, from where he carpet bagged his way to North Carolina a coupla years ago.
Will Stewart for US Senate 2014,     .   .

There are over a half dozen Repulsicans seeking to oppose Kay, or the kid, or the carpetbagger. There will most likely be a run-off election needed to declare a Repulsican nominee.  It will probably come down to a race between State Speaker of the House Thom Tillis and political neophyte and physician Greg Brannon.
Tillis NCGA 2012.jpg 
Tillis is the party's pick and the moneyed candidate.  He has been a strong, even perhaps heavy handed leader of the legislature, resulting in Repulsican policy victories in numerous areas.  He's not a lawyer, like Hagan, he's not from a political and privileged family, like Hagan, and he's not, at least up to this point, a career politician, also like Hagan.  Tillis espouses, supports, and pushes into law, a conservative agenda that hasn't been witnessed in Raleigh since....ever.
Dr. Brannon is new to politics, seeing a need to be filled like a prescription and seeing himself as that political medicinal remedy.  As an experienced M.D., he is a vehement voice against Obamacare.  As an non-established politician, he is The Tea Party favorite with a solid, swelling grass roots campaign.  He also has some notable endorsements, from the likes of Sen. Rand Paul, the probable Repulsican Presidential nominee in 2016, Ann Coulter, famed conservative commentator and author, and pundit and editor, Erick Erickson, as well as The National Association for Gun Rights.  
Thus far, The Liebertarians nor any other party has fielded a candidate.  Except for the mad political scientist, any of these people and other dark horses I see no real reason to mention, would be better to represent my state and our country in the U.S. Senate.  And that includes a plumber turned politician who resigned his town council post with a letter to the mayor written in the Klingon language..    

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