Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here's Some History Every American Negroid Voter Needs To Know

 Slave owners, 1787-1865.....Democrats.  

President who freed the slaves, 1863-1865....Republican.  

Congress which enacted the Freedmen or Reconstruction Amendments, 1865-1870...Republican.  
I have and always shall maintain that the 14th Amendment was poorly written and has been grammatically misinterpreted.  The verbs "born" and "naturalized" were intended to apply only to the freed slaves up to that point in history, and not to every Tomas, Ricardo and Herve through time immemorial.

Jim Crow Laws, lynchings, The Ku Klux Klan, 1870- ,,,,Democrats.

The Coup of 1898 in Wilmington, NC, when and where newly elected Negroid politicians and their supporters were murdered and /or banished from New Hanover County.....Democrats, including The Red Shirts, who replaced the quelled KKK. 
The Red Shirts are just another example that red has always been the color of illiberal leftist liberal, statist, authoritarian philosophy and regimes, including here in America, until 2000, when Tim Russet  
and others in the leftist Lame Street Media reversed the traditional, historic color assignations of blue for conservatism and red for liberalism, to disassociate themselves from those politics.


The president who just crapped all over the Negroid soldiers at Ft. Brown, Texas, 1906.....Progressive; the worst kind of Democrat.  Look it up and learn about it.
Perhaps the most racist president, who re-segregated the military and civil service, 1913, Democrat.

General who desegregated the military and president who sent National Guard to enforce  the Brown vs, Board of Education ruling.....Republican.

Senator who began his political career by organizing and leading a local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan and becoming an Exalted Cyclops...Democrat. 

First Lady, Senator and presidential candidate who called Robert 'KKK' Byrd her mentor... Democrat

Then Senator and now President who gloriously eulogized Byrd and labeled Negroid children as roaches and said that desegregated schools would result in urban jungles....Democrat.  

Senators who filibustered passage of the Civil Rights Act, led by Robert KKK Byrd....Democrats.  

 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr....Republican.  

Politicians and supporters who turned loose attack dogs and opened up fire hoses on civil rights demonstrators and terrorized Freedom Riders in the 1960's...Democrats.

Most vehement opponents to school desegregation...Boston Democrats.  

President who basically destroyed the American Negroid nuclear family and created the modern plantation system.....Democrat

President with the lowest rate of  Negroid unemployment in decades....Republican

I know that this kind of American history is not taught in our public schools any longer, but I would think that at least some of this long running relationship between the American Negroid community and the two major political parties would be self-evident.  So, why do they remain the Demoncats' most loyal base of support, as FDR said almost a century ago?:

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