Saturday, July 27, 2024

Here's Some History Every American Negroid Voter Needs To Know

 Slave owners, 1787-1865.....Democrats.  

President who freed the slaves, 1863-1865....Republican.  

Congress which enacted the Freedmen or Reconstruction Amendments, 1865-1870...Republican.  
I have and always shall maintain that the 14th Amendment was poorly written and has been grammatically misinterpreted.  The verbs "born" and "naturalized" were intended to apply only to the freed slaves up to that point in history, and not to every Tomas, Ricardo and Herve through time immemorial.

Jim Crow Laws, Lynchings, The Ku Klux Klan, 1870- ,,,,Democrats.

The Coup of 1898 in Wilmington, NC, when and where newly elected Negroid politicans and their supporters were murdered and /or banished from New Hanover County.....Democrats, including The Red Shirts, who replaced the quelled KKK. 
The Red Shirts are just another example that red has always been the color of illiberal leftist liberal, statist, authoritarian philosophy and regimes, including here in America, until 2000, when Tim Russett  
and others in the leftist Lame Street Media reversed the traditional, historic color assignations of blue for conservatism and red for liberalism, to disassociate themselves from those politics.


The president who just crapped all over the Negroid solderis at Ft. Brown, Texas, 1906.....Progressive; the worst kind of Democrat.  Look it up and learn about it.
Perhaps the most racist president, who resegrated the military and civil serice, 1913, Democrat.

General who desegrated the military and president who sent National Guard to enforce  the Brown vs, Board of Education ruling.......Republican.

Senator who began his political career by organizing and leading a local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan and becoming an Exalted Cyclops...Democrat. 

First Lady, Senator and presidential candidate who called Robert 'KKK' Byrd her mentor... Democrat

Then Senator and now President who gloriously eulogized Byrd and labeled Negroid children as roaches and said that desegrated schools would result in urban jungles....Democrat.  

Senators who filibustered passage of the Civil Rights Act, led by Robert KKK Byrd....Democrats.  

 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr....Republican.  

Politicians and supporters who turned loose attack dogs and opened up fire hoses on civil rights demonstrators and terrorozed Freedom Riders in the 1960's...Democrats.

Most vehement opponents to school desegregation...Boston Democrats.  

President who basically destroyed the American Negroid nuclear family and created the modern plantation system.....Democrat

President with the lowest rate of  Negoid unempolyment in decades....Republican

I know that this kind of American hstory is not taught in our public schools any longer, but I would think that at least some of this long running relationship between the American Negroid community and the two major political parties would be self-evident.  So, why do they remain the Demoncats' most loyal base of support, as FDR said almost a century ago?:

Monday, July 22, 2024

Here's Kackling Kamala In A Nutshell


Kamala Harris is an epitomic coastal California communist.  Did she actually admit that openly in an interview with Salty Cracker on his TV show in 2020?  I'm still seeking video confirmation of that claim.  She is the epitomic San Francisco socialist, even more so that her bay area neighbor and fellow putain, Pelosi.. 

 She is the quintessential example of lunatic leftist, lying, cheating, thieving, conniving shyster charlatan lawyer turned professioal political party pute.  
She got her political start by being a 29 year old adulteress with then sixty year old Willie Brown, perhaps California's most powerful Demoncat politician at that time, who still dresses and looks like the pimp whom he is.

As her demonstrable dumbness even overshadows Biden's dementia, I seriously doubt that Mayor and Assembly Speaker Brown was her first illicit tryst with ones who could advance her amoral ambitons.   I would imagine that that began with law school and college professors and perhaps even high school teachers, because she is REALLY stupid. She is undoubtedly the prime example of the power mad putain/wickedly wanton woman who purposely puts herself in postions to be in the right place at the right time to put the right penis and/or clitoris in her mouth.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Here's Who You Need to Hire to Help, Mr. President

 First and foremost, congratulations on your choice of Senator J.D. Vance to be your Vice-President.  He is whom I had concluded as your best option.                        As the vice-president's primary constitutionally mandated duty is to be President of the Senate, I have always been of the opinion that a vice-presidential candidate should be a senator who shares ideology with the president.  I would genarally prefer somene with more senatorial experience, but Sen. Vance meets and exceeds so many of other criteria, he is indeed the best pick for the job. Presently age 40, he will be ready to take over the White House in four years as the third youngest president in history, perhaps with one of DJT's offspring as his Veep.


I had thought long, hard and seriously about Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina.  

  But I have concluded that he will serve us best where he is, ESPECIALLY if the Senate Rebooblicans/Repulsicans have the common sense and foresight to make him the Senate Majority Leader, when they gain the majority in the Senate next year, replacing tired, ooooold Turtle, Mitch McConnell.  
  Let The Turtle serve out his time and retire (or die) as Chairman of the prestigious Appropriations Committee and the longest serving party leader in Senate history.

Mr. President, you should proceed to name at least some of your Cabinet Secretaries and other agency directors, to aid in the campaign.  They could be especially helpful by appearing at functions where current O'Biden secreataries and officals are appearing to instigate on the spot, impromptu debates.  

In light of the recent assassination attempt, let's start by naming Dan Bongino to replace woke ass, piss poor pick for the position of Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle.  An NYPD police office and Secret Service Special Agent, assigned to presidential protection for two presidents, and an instructor at the Secret Service Training Academy, Dan knows what the service is supposed to be and do.  He is a well educated man, with two Masters degrees, including an MBA, so he knows how to administrate.  And he is a stauch spoorted ot yours, Mr. President.  

In the same arena of activity, name former Arizona sheriff and founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, Libertarian Party member Richard Mack would to be a sound assignee  to take over and lead ICE, TSA, Customs and Border Protection and Border Patrol. Though derogatory and defaming allegations have been levied against Sheriff Mack, many like those leveled at you, Mr. President, none of those compare to the actions taken and performed by the treasonous traitor, Alejandro Mayorkas current Secretary of Homeland Security.  

Speaking of Alejandro, he should be replaced by Eric Prince, retired Navy SEAL officer and founder of Blackwater. Security.  His experience and expertise is that of protecton and security, particularly national security, as opposed to that of sleazy, slimy, lunatic liberal, lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan lawyer turned professional political party putz, which is Mayorkas'background.  

After presidentially pardoning him for the political prosesecutions and convictions, so similar to your own, appoint Rudy Giuliani as FBI Director, to spearhead invetigations into the real and actual crimes committed by lunatic leftist politicians and bureaucrats, along wth their supporters in the forms of gangs, cartels, and othe communistic criminals. who so vehemently and falsely accused you and him.  

In other areas of governance, let's keep Dr. Ben Carson in the Cabinet, but this time, in the more appropriate role of Secretary of Health and Human Services.  
  His primary task will be the complete revamping and reorginzation of that department into the Department of Science and Medicine, to be overseen by The Surgeon General of the United States.   After all, there is nothing in the Constitution regarding welfare state federal  supply of 'human services'. That is an arena, to which, in a free capitalist republic should be attended by family, friends, neighbors, churches and charities. 

I was going to recommend appointing helicopter platoon leader and successful logistics comapny owner/operator John James of Detroit as Secretary of Transportation. 

He came fouteen and a quarter percentage points closer than expected to unseating long time socialist senator Debbie Stabenow in 2018.  Much like in the presidential and several other senatorial races in 2020, he was declared a close loser to incumbent idiot Gary Peters. 

In 2022, he flipped the Congressional seat for Michigan's 10th district from Demoncat to Republican by a narrow margin.  As long as he wins his reelection bid this fall, as expected, he should remain there, given the narrow margin of majority the R's hold in the House.   If the Demoncats somehow manage to to flip that seat, Captain James would be an excellent choice to retool that department, to include reinstalling the USPS as the cabinet level department of the United State Post Office, responsible for overseeing transportaion and and comunications operations, with its departmental seniority reinstated as fifth among the cabinet departments, bossed by The Postmaster or Postmistress General.  After all, the Constitution does state that it is the responsibility of the federal government to "establish and maintain post roads". He would definitely, demonstrably demonstrate what a fool "Mayor Pete' is.

For Secretary of the Interior, I woud recommend Sarah Palin, with the directive to pare down that cabinet level department to become the Domestic Affairs Division within the State Department, on par with the Foreign Service.  

Christi Craddick, the current chairwoman of the Texas Railroad Commission should be tapped as Secretary of Energy, with the mandate to streamiline that department to subcabinet level within the Commerce Department. 

 Speaking of that department, which is Constitutionally mandated, in that it is the government's role "to regulate commerce", tap your presidential primary opponent, Vivek Ramaswamy.  

Reinstate another primary opponent to her old job as Ambassador to the U.N.  She seemed quite capable and competent in that position.  

Nominate Virginia governor Glen Youngkin as Secretary of Education, with the directive to totally dissolve that department..  The displaced bureaucratic employees could help alleviate the teacher shortages around the country.
In leaving the governorship early, he would be leaving the executive branch of Virginia govenrment in the capable hands of Lt. Governor Winsome Sears.  

Secreatary of Labor should be Hameet Dhillon.  A graduate of Dartmouth and the UVA School of Law, she is a well educated attorney, specializing in employment law.  She is a long time party player and an advocate of yours, Mr. President.   Her primary task will be to reclassify the department as sub cabinet level, becoming a branch of the Commerce Department.

Secretary of Agriculture should be NC's long time Agriculture Commissioner, Steve Troxler.  He is a past president of the Southern Association of State Departments of Agriculture and the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture.  More importantly, he is an actual farmer.  His primary objective will be the same as Ms. Dhillon's. 

Announce Joe Manchin as your intended Secretry of Veterans' Affairs.  His long experience on the Senate Committee for Veterans' Affairs gives him the knowledge needed to perform that task, with the primary task being to streamline that department to sub-cabinet level within the Defense Department.

Your Press Secretary should be Candace Owens.  Period.  If you haven't already, make up with her for the obviously nothing more than a misunderstanding.

 She would show jerk headed jennyass, Karine Jean-Pierre that a woman of color can earn a position through talent, rather than woke demographics and can do that job with intelligence and integrity.  

Now, for the big four; the original four, being fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh in the line of presidential succession.
Secreatary of State: Ann Vandersteel.  
  She is so much more tha just a bright blue eyed blonde beauty.  She is a strong willed woman of courage and commitment, insight, intelligence and integrity.  She is keenly aware of world events and knowledgeable about what America's role in those affairs should be.  She has been labeled by the left as a conspiracy theorist, which tells me that she is onto the truth relative to the communist cabal in America.  She would be a great American face to present to the rest of the wacky, woke world, particularly the Islamofascist Muslim world.
Secretary of Treasury.  I would recommend Thomas Sowell.

At 94 years of age, some might consider him too old.  He'd likely decline, as he did with offers from the Ford and Reagan administrtons.  But neither of those offers were of this calibre and not so well suited to his experience and expertise. 

Secreatry of Defense: Tulsi Gabbard.  
Lieutenant Colonel Gabbard knows that wokeness in the military does not win wars or keep the peace.

Now, perhaps the most importnt one of all; Attorney General.  Alan Dershowitz. 

Dershowitz describes himself as "a liberal Democrat in politics, but a neutral civil libertarian when it comes to the Constitution."  With that in mind, it is an easy conclusion to say that Prof. Dershowitz will passionately and purposefully pursue prosecutions of the legitimate illegalities prepertrated by corrupt Demoncat politicians, beauracrats and their supporters over the past few years, which will make him undoubtedly unpopular among his fellow Dems, much like John Adams was ostracized by his fellow Patriots, when he defended the British soldiers involved in The Boston Massacre case.  On the other hand, he will not tolerate any revengeful retributions, relative to party politics, of which President Washington warned us in hs Farewell Address.  Unlike modern American Demoncat progressives, Dershowitz is a capitalistic classical liberal rather than a far left fascist/socialist.  And unlike his fellow octogenarian, Godfather Joe,
 Professor Dershowitz is still sharp as a tack and perhaps the keenest legal mind in the country, particularly in the arenas of constitutional and criminal law, completelycommitted to correct constitutionality and the rule of law. 

There's most of your team, Mr.President.  For Cabinet and 'cabinet level' positions not mentioned, those should be immediately abolished or downgraded to sub-cabinet status.  

As an afterthought, let it be known that you will nominate Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court. 

Though his voice is SO important in the Senate, I'm sure that Governor Abbott will appoint someone as good to take Senator Cruz's seat.  A magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, where Professor Dershowitz labeled him as "off the charts brilliant."   He clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist.  He drafted the pleadings for filing with the Florida and federal Supreme Courts in the case of Bush v Gore.  As Texas Solicitor General, he has appeared before the US Supreme Court nine times, more than any praticing attorney in Texas or current member of Congress.  As a strict constructionist, he would be a, if not the most perfect choice.