Friday, November 6, 2020

The Republic Wil Fall. The Lights Will Go Out

Take it back just sixty years.   The Kennedy crime family, along with the Chicago mob and The Windy City's mayoral machine, defrauded a presidential election.  Kennedy was better than Nixon.  The Democrats of that era were liberal, but they were still capitalists and Americans.  Robber baron criminal capitalists and Americans,  But, still.... 

After turning on the forces who helped him defraud the American people, Jack was murdered by them.  His successor, LBJ, whose Texas style criminality was compatible with that of the Chicagoans, went on to assume the power to which he had always felt himself entitled, as all Demoncats do.  He rejuvenated the progressive programs and policies of the Roosevelt cousins to begin the Republic's steady decline toward the left spectrum politics of statism, found in fascism and socialism. 

Every Demoncat president and presidential candidate since then has advocated some form of fascism and/or socialism.   At least with Jimma Carter, I honestly don't think that he was part of an organized crime family or criminal organization.   

Since Jimma, the Clintons, Gores, Obamas and now the Biden's have all been moving to weaken and debase, through their own debasement, America, while enriching themselves through great grand theft, multiple murders, rapes, child trafficking, pornography and prostitution, general deviancy and high treason.  As you can see below, they're laughing and smirking at us (US).   

If we allow these people to be unaccountable for this currently ongoing act of treasonous criminality, none of the others can ever possibly come to light, so that the light of representative governance and the lights of reality will go out.





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