Along with this most foremost fraudulence are lesser lies explaining why President Trump lost. One pundit proclaims that he didn't expand his base enough. BULLSQUEEZE! Pre- and post-election, it was shown that Donald J. Trump made significant inroads in the Negroid and Hispanic voting blocs, receiving more votes from those demographics than any Republican presidential candidate since 1960. And he received, overall, MILLIONS more votes than he did in 2016. And that only includes the amount to which the Demoncat controlled electoral system is purporting. A world renowned demographer claims that many of his voters from 2016 died off before this year's election and that many millions of Gen Zers joined the electorate to vote liberal. He also opined that Arizona was lost due to many dumb mass Dummycraps fled to Arizona from the communistic, Demoncat controlled California, bringing their dumb mass Dummycrap politics with them. Again, BULLSQUEEZE! Again, he received MILLIONS more votes than he did four years ago.

That is going to come back to bite the butts of Governor Kemp and Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, as well as possibly others, who chose to utilize these election tampering travesties of technology.
North Carolina does not use Dominion machines, so the Demoncats had to revert to more traditional means and measures of malfeasance, like ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing. Nearly every statewide race was decided by a margin of just a percentage point or so, and took days, if not longer to There is no way in the Old North State that I shall ever be convinced that we somehow immediately knew that Comrade Cooper had won the gubernatorial contest by four and a half percentage points. vote.
(REMINDER: Dave Leip uses correctly color coded electoral maps, so that Blue connotes conservative capitalism and Red denotes liberal fascism/socialism.)
Dominion systems have been denounced as demonstrably defective by such Demoncat luminaries as Fauxchahontas Warren and Mean Little Amy Klobuchar.

Even without the mounting mountains of evidence of manipulated machine malfunctions, hundreds of sworn eyewitness affidavits attesting to ballot dumps at 4 a.m., Demoncat operatives doctoring Dummycrap ballots, local Demoncat officials, even at the point of a loaded government gun, not allowing partisan Republican observers to observe, I already knew that it is a lie.
How do I know? I am a pre-political correctness university educated political scientist, who spent much of my working life in sales and marketing and most of my life researching and observing America presidential politics.
When I went to bed at 3 a.m. on election night, Trump and John James were leading China Joe and putz sucker Peterson 53% to 47%. Trump was ahead by the same amount in Wisconsin. In Pennsylvania, the President held a 700,000+ vote lead. When I awoke the next morning, all of those races were tied at 49%. Again, what a bunch of bullsqueeze! And how did the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania send out 1.8 million mail-in ballots and receive and count 2.5 million? How did Wisconsin count more votes than there are voters?
Only once since casting their electoral votes for numbskull native son, Jimma Carter, has Georgia voted for a Demoncat presidential candidate. In 1992, Bullsqueezer Bill topped George H.W. Bush by 43.47% to 42.88%. Ross Perot garnered 13% of the popular vote in Georgia and 19% nationwide, depriving Bush of a near landslide victory in the state and across the country. As far as Nevada is concerned, well, we all know that that state has no virtue, only vices.
And there is no way in Hell's Hades that crime boss Biden got eleven million more votes than Baracka Hussein O did in 2008.
That's how I know. I know through observant common sense. I know by not being just another air headed, Dummycrap for brains, political ignoramus socialist snowflake, who believes everything the mendacious media tells us to believe. That's also the primary reason I do not and shall not wear a largely ineffectual face covering in the face of the Chinese biological attack, which had as its primary purpose, the elimination of President Donald Trump, through death by virus or electoral defeat by deceit.
They failed in their assassination attempt. We have to hope that they fail in this ruse, as well, or the Republic dies.
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