It is of the most vital importance that this year, 2020, we have the highest voter turnout in history. This must include the complacent, disinterested, cynical citizens among us (US). That group is comprised of Americans, who despite their complacency, disinterest and cynicism, still believe in, to the depths of their souls, free market capitalism and who wish to live in a free market capitalist society, governed by a constitutional rule of law. We must register to vote and get out and go to the polls, despite the alleged dangers promulgated by the lying left, relative to the Chinese biological attack, largely because of the Chinese biological attack.
As this is a presidential election year, many more voters will cast ballots than do so in midterm or odd year elections. This is due to the malevolent maleducation of so many Americans. Too many Americans believe that the president holds most, if not all sway in all levels of American politics and policies. Truth is that all politics are parochial. That means local, for those of you with a politically correct education in vocabulary. That means urban dwellers must replace Demoncat/Dummycrap mayors like Ted Wheeler of Portland, Seattle's financially secretive lesbian Jenny Durkan, sister gender bender Laurie Lightfoot in The Windy City, The Big Apple's Bill de Blasio, Atlanta's Bolshevik buffoon Keisha Lance Bottoms, and Marxist Mary-Ann Baldwin, of my home state's capital city of Raleigh.
This holds true in dozens, scores, hundred, thousands of other city chief executives and their fellow travelers on city councils across the country. Urban dwelling denizens across this country have got to learn and learn now that they must stop supporting politicians based solely on such insignificant, immaterial and irrelevant issues as their racial and gender demographics. They must recognize that these 21st century Demoncat pols are no different from 18th century Demoncat plantation masters and mistresses and their head house slaves, like Stephen, in Django Unchained.
In the same way that those dehumanizing human owners subjugated their slaves through dividing families and prohibiting their education, the modern American Demoncat Party continues those practices by promoting the destruction of the basic family unit by assuming the traditional paternal role of family support and responsibility through their myriad of welfare programs. They provide just enough sustenance to these mostly matriarchal familial units featuring baseborn bastard babies, who are, in essence, fatherless offspring to keep these impoverished ignorant citizens in line and in the foolish fold of the Left. Food stamps allow then to consume chips, soda, candy, and gum. Their nutritional needs are met through school provided meals at least twice a day, even when schools are not in session. When these urban public schools are in session, the teachers' unions which control them manifestly mal-educate these urban, mostly minority students, so that many, if not most high school graduates read, write and perform mathematics on an elementary school level and have no knowledge of economics, history or civics. These families are relegated to substandard ghetto housing and substandard health care provided by providers who barely meet professional standards and accept Medicaid patients. This Demoncatic political approach to this segment of the population dates back to LBJ's Great Society program, which in reality, should have been labeled as The Great Socialism.
Another area of concern and consternation on the local level is the election of district attorneys and high sheriffs. An avenue to the overthrow of Americanism that George Soros and his globalist fascist/ socialist fellow travelers and sycophants have discovered is to insert local law enforcement officials by pouring millions upon millions of dollars into the promotion of progressive candidates for these offices.
This has already happened in the county of my birth, just to the north of me four years ago. Long time, conservative, law enforcing Sheriff B.J. Barnes was replaced by a fired and convicted former deputy Danny Rogers, following a campaign of liberal lies and progressive prevarications.
Much the same has transpired in Maricopa County, Arizona, where long time celebrated Sheriff Joe Arpaio was defeated in the primary election.
If this trend is allowed to continue, every jurisdiction in this Republic will become Seattle, Portland, etc.
It is also imperative that we rid ourselves of governors like Comrades Cuomo and Cooper.
Andrew Cuomo is not up for reelection in New York this year. By tine he is, I imagine that many,
if not most New Yorkers will have conveniently forgotten about the thousands of their fellow New Yorkers whom Cuomo killed by forcing state nursing homes to admit China virus positive patients, when there were so many other, better options. In, but well ahead of the usual Demoncat way of revising history, Andy is already claiming that he never put the governmental pressure on his state's nursing homes. Here in the Old North State, Roy Cooper hasn't so directly killed anyone. But he has, with the aid and assistance of his appointed bureaucrat, Dr. Mindy Cohen, pretty much killed our state's economy.
North Carolina's top notch tourism industry had been pretty much squashed. Just recently Cooper, as a political calculation, has allowed some re-openings. But they are of such a limited capacity, they are all but meaningless. Though the progressive, propagandist pollsters claim that Cooper has a double digit lead over his Republican opponent, Lt. Governor Dan Forrest, I just can't imagine Dan losing.
All anecdotal evidence that I see along with Forest's stellar debate performance last night tell ne that Comrade Cooper is gong to be a one termer.
There are only eleven gubernatorial races this year. The one which interests me the most, besides my own is in Washington. Though they can't vote to rid themselves of their Marxist mayor until next year, I hope beyond hope that besieged Seattle citizens will join with the conservative majority who populates ninety some per cent of the state's geography in ridding themselves and the rest of us (US) of idiotic Governor Jay Inslee. Reminder: Dave Leip's electoral maps are correctly color coded as Red equals Leftist Demoncats/Dummycraps and Blue connotes constitutional conservatives.
On the federal level, in races possibly more important than the presidential contest, there are far too many to mention them all. It is going to be difficult for the R's to regain a majority in the House of Representatives. They lost their majority in 2018, amidst all the lies of Trump/Russia collusion. One of my biggest worries for this election is born of this proposed universal mail-in voting, particularly in the state of California. Several Congressional R seats flipped to D in 2018. I have no alarm how fraud prone postal voting might affect the outcome in that state's presidential balloting. The ghetto gumps and barrio buffoons of the major metropoli will outvote the land mass majority in any statewide race. But I fear that Demoncat debauchery will be such that not a single Republican will win a seat in the House of Representatives.
I also know that the R's are starting with a two seat deficit from my home state. Liberal judges usurped legislative authority by redrawing congressional district lines, so that the traditionally Republican 2nd and 6th districts will be forever Demoncat. I do hold the hope that firebrand farmer/businesswoman/ military mom Sandy Smith might unseat lying, cheating, conniving, shyster charlatan, liberal lackey lawyer from one of the worst law schools on the planet, turned professional political party putz and Princess Pelosi lapdog, G.K. Butterbutt.
The newly redrawn 6th district had a slim shot at the R's holding the seat. They had a young Hispanic woman named Laura Pichardo running, but went with pasty faced old Caucasoid male Lee Haywood.
As I told the local Rebooblicans, he doesn't stand a snowball's chance in Hades in a minority majority district with three MLK Drive neighborhoods, three minority state universities, and several other campi, including an HBCU. Now the vast majority of folks in The Triad NC MSA will be represented by a Nancy Pelosi carpetbagging clone with a fake Southern accent and a law degree.
One Congressional race which I shall be watching with great interest is Maryland 07. I am so hoping that enough Baltimore residents will awaken to the fact that Demoncats, like their incumbent and previous race baiting, racialist representatives, Kweisi Mfume and Elijah Cummings have done nothing for them and have the sense to elect Kimberly Klacik.

I understand the historic necessity of the Senate and why Ben Franklin devised such a device to accompany the necessary Electoral College. But in a 21st century America, where nationalism overshadows federalism, a body like the Senate is obsolete and should be unnecessary. It is, in my vision of 21st century America. That is only because in my 21st century America, an educated, enlightened, aware electorate chooses the best and brightest among themselves to represent themselves in Congress. And those chosen actually do the work for which they are chosen to do, rather than sluffing it off to a gaggle of overeducated, under-intelligent Ivy League egghead staffers and an overblown bloated bureaucracy. In these recent times of recent Congresses, populated by pillocks who think that an oceanic island can be tipped over and capsized by putting too much weight on one side of it, the Senate remains a necessary evil.
It is from instances such as that and submoronic Marxist Maxine Waters promising to nationalize the energy sector that me thank the powers which be for the US Senate..This year, PAC's and Super PAC's, which staunchly support such idiotic ideologues as the above two, are pouring gazillions of global currencies into our Senate races to elect such outright evils as Mark Kelly and Cal Cunningham. On the surface, both men sound like the kind of candidates whom I could wholeheartedly support.
Kelly was a Navy captain and highly decorated naval aviator, receiving medals with the combat "V" for valor. He was an astronaut. He is an author and was a private industry executive. But deeper than that, Kelly is married to one of the most liberal lunatics to ever walk the halls of Congress.

Unlike last time, I can only hope that this time, there will be enough Arizonans who are intelligent and informed enough to vote for Colonel Martha McSally, a true American heroess.
If they aren't, I shall much more easily relinquish the state to The Unidos Estados del Norte Mexico.
2014 Senatorial results. REMINDER: Dave
Leip's maps are correctly color coded as
Red equal liberalism; Blue equals conservatism.
In this year's Senate race in North Carolina, we are confronted with perhaps the most epitomical example of choosing the lesser of two evils. Incumbent Repulsican/Rebooblican Thom (I pronounce it with the diphthong with he stupidly spells it) Tillis is a professional political party putz.
At least he's not another lackey liberal lawyer, like his major party opponent. Tillis was a fair to middling Speaker of the House of the state General Assembly. But once he got to the Senate, he stuck his head up senior Senator Dick Burr's butt to become just another D.C. swamp monster, in the vein of John McCaint Tell The Truth If He's Liberal Or Conservative.
Thom could probably assure himself of victory if he were to inundate the airwaves these last couple of weeks with a simple ten second ad telling the most simple truth of truths. He should look right into the camera and say, "Yeah, as your senator, I suck. I absolutely suck the dirt off of rocks. But Cal Cunningham sucks worse. I am your lesser of two evils."
I really don't care about Cunningham's recently revealed adulterous constant cvnt hunting. I expect as much of a sleazy, leftist lawyer. And I know, by and large, Dummycraps don't care about such either. They proved that wit pencil penis Bill Clinton. What despairs me most about Comrade Cal Cunningham is not that he's just another liberal lackey lawyer turned professional pol, is his misinformation about his military service. He makes himself out to be some courageous warrior who received the Bronze Star. He volunteered for active duty following 9/11, knowing that as a JAG lawyer, he would never be in any combat danger. And he sure as hell doesn't explain that his Bronze Star does not have the V for valor, which is awarded to soldiers for bravery on the battlefield. Cal, like most every officer who serves a tour of duty, received his Bronze Star, without the V, for "meritorious service", which means he drug his fat ass into his law office when he had to do so.
I really don't care about Cunningham's recently revealed adulterous constant cvnt hunting. I expect as much of a sleazy, leftist lawyer. And I know, by and large, Dummycraps don't care about such either. They proved that wit pencil penis Bill Clinton. What despairs me most about Comrade Cal Cunningham is not that he's just another liberal lackey lawyer turned professional pol, is his misinformation about his military service. He makes himself out to be some courageous warrior who received the Bronze Star. He volunteered for active duty following 9/11, knowing that as a JAG lawyer, he would never be in any combat danger. And he sure as hell doesn't explain that his Bronze Star does not have the V for valor, which is awarded to soldiers for bravery on the battlefield. Cal, like most every officer who serves a tour of duty, received his Bronze Star, without the V, for "meritorious service", which means he drug his fat ass into his law office when he had to do so.
What worries me most about this race is that we have five parties on our state ballots this year. I fear that too many disgruntled, dismayed, disillusioned Rebooblicans will vote Libertarian or Constitution Party, giving Comrade Cal a narrow victory.
I wish that there were some way to delete both the major party candidates from our ballots and let us choose from the two minor party candidates.
The globalist Left is fanatically and frantically financing the opponents of senators like Majority Leader Mitch McConnel and Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, et al.
I don't see them being successful in those efforts, like they may be in Arizona and North Carolina and maybe Maine. Of course, losing Susan Collins would be no great loss. She sides with the Left about as much as or more than she does with the right side.

To the dyed in the wool Dummycrap voter, especially minority voters, especially Negroid voters, let me give you a graphic graphic, detailing the parties' relationships with your people. Of course, the top left picture of Bull Connor's police siccing attack dogs on truly peaceful protestors could be replaced with Connor's firefighters fire hosing them, Dummycrap segregationists promoting separate but unequal education, or leftist anarchists burning down the Republic.
To close, let me say, in the simplest and strongest terms, like President Washington, I detest party politics and political parties. I do not need the collectivism of party membership to justify or validate my individualistic Americanism. But of the two major contemporary American parties, the Republicans/Repulsicans/Rebooblicans are ALWAYS the lesser of the two evils compared to the Democrats/Demoncats/Dummycraps. I would just as soon vote for the Pansexual Peace Party.
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