Well, the first round of the live quarter final shows is done and America has voted. All in all, I'm pleased, as the three acts for whom I voted all went through to the next round, though I was heart stoppingly horrorfied that Angel City Chorale had to be saved with an extra round of voting.

Some ardent fans of the show wrote on line afterwards that it doesn't take talent to sing in a choir. To mesh and meld 150 voices together as entertainingly and inspirationally as ACC does takes tremendous talent, and they deserve further attention and exposure.
Vicki Barbolak continues to bring the funny and has been seen and will be seen enough that I think that whichever judge said it, she will be the star and a writer of a new and hilariously successful sitcom called Trailer Nasty or Shut Your Little Baby Face.
When the sibling band We Three and the faux art rapper were brought out on stage for the first elimination announcement of the results show, I just wanted to cry, because I just KNEW that political correctness would beat out true musical mastery. But like the 2016 presidential election, the voters got it right! HUZZAH!
But they missed on another count. And the judges can be held responsible for this tragedy, as well, as they split two to two, giving the decision back to the fans, who picked that supposedly pitiably poverty stricken pack of prevaricators over Mochi. Again, I'll ask, if they are so dirt floor poor, how do they afford those costumes and ankle boots, not to mention what it costs for that many people to cross the Pacific Ocean and stay for weeks in America? And why aren't they competing in Pilippinas Got Talent? And why isn't Mochi performing in Japan Got Talent, as he's performed his Diabolo act all over the world? Or why aren't both of them putting on their acts in Asia's Got Talent, which another current AGT quarter finalist, The Sacred Riana won last year?
In the same vein that the USA began letting our professional athletes compete in The Olympics some decades back, to give us a fighting chance against the government sponsored, basically professional athletes from countries like The Soviet Union and East Germany, I shall capitulate and concede that professional performers, even one like Shin Lim, who has already amassed a net worth of a million dollars from his act, which includes a Massachusetts mansion and a $50,000 Porsche', should be allowed to compete, as long as they're not already household name, common knowledge famous, and as long as they are AMERICAN, whether by birth, naturalization, or even long term legal residency. Sir Simon (I know that the queen hasn't knighted him, but she should), said once in one of his pre-show prologues that AGT is open to acts from all over the world. He probably has said the same about Britain's Got Talent. I shall presume that it is safe to assume that Simon Cowell is a 'guilty white liberal' Caucasoid of that lunatic liberal artistic mindset that prosperous countries like the US and the UK should have totally open, non-sovereign borders, so that any and every undocumented, unvetted welfare mooch, criminal and terrorist from any and every where on the planet are welcomed to invade. But I still love and respect him as a talent scout, star maker and programming producer.
Unlike his other and others' talent shows, like Idol, X Factor, The Voice, World of Dance and So, You Think You Can Dance?, all of which cater to only one artistic genre', AGT presents performers from a myriad of artistic and entertainment genre's. The same is true of all of the Got Talent shows from around the globe, including BGT , which I have come to love also, through the miracle of YouTube. That love extends to all four of their judges, Amanda, Aleesha, David and of course Sir Simon, as well as the show's hosts Ant and Dek. I don't always get the British sense of humor, but it generally translates.

I have been disappointed and dismayed sometimes over the years like when Micheal Grimm and Olante Dogs won. I have been all but enraged when acts like this year's stupid spitters, spitting on and in each other and others; the fat Mongoloids bumping their obese bodies together; and the Russian spies move through, leaving behind genuinely fun and entertaining American acts like Wyoming resident, French Accent, or Hamster Wheel, from Minnesota.
Despite any disappointments and dejections the judges and the voting AGT audience have given me, the show has much more often made me jump up and cheer out loud, laugh out loud 'til I cried, and cried for sentiment and for joyous inspiration. Since the inception of the Golden Buzzer, I LOVED those moments profoundly at the time they occurred (except for Chris Hardwick's this year and the guest judge's one for the beautiful old lady dancer). I have watched so many of those performances over and over to always be glad that I did.
And Judges, please come up with some additional adjectives beyond amazing, incredible and special for describing acts, especially Golden Buzzer acts. Words like astounding, astonishing and breathtaking come to my mind when I watch.
AGT has given me a profound appreciation for opera, particularly soprano opera, which I used to consider high pitched screeching. Thank you, Jackie Evancho, Arielle Baril and Laura Betran for opening my heart and mind to a spectacular performance art, when performed correctly, as all three of you do. I look at and listen to these gorgeous, gifted girls and I know that there is a divine creative force in the universe, responsible for life, laughter, love and all else honorable and humane in humanity.
And thank you Sir Simon Cowell and NBC for bringing them and so many others into my home. One note to NBC: If there is any way you can get my local affiliate, WXII, channel 12, to boost their signal, or move their transmitter off of Sauertown Mountain, so that we on the far fringes of the market may better receive your programming, please do so. Or get channel 5, in the neighboring market to boost their westerly signal. Or both. 😉
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