Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Democracy Died in America Tonight." GOOD! GREAT!! GRAND!!!

If the results of the Wisconsin recall elections mean that democracy has died in America, that is a better result than for which we could have ever hoped.  For those of you government educated dumb mass Dummycraps who believe that I am writing treason, that's just another example of just how ignorant you are.
This country was never designed to be a democracy.  It was founded and grew to planetary greatness as a representative republic, rooted in the rule of law.  As the Founders and Framers knew and as a too small minority of contemporary Americans know, democracy is merely a polite term for mob rule.  In the early days of the Republic, the term democrat was perhaps the most negative epithet, meaning one who panders to the masses.  And that is, of course, what modern day Demoncats do.  They pander to the masses of Dummycraps, be they Trade Unionists, Negroids, Hispanics, brood mare women whose sole purpose in life is to f#<! as many mooching men as possible, thus producing as many baseborn, bastard babies as possible, like our present President.  And the pandering is always done to groups, consisting of individuals with no sense of individuality.  These are persons with no personal personality, beyond what the collective tells them to think, believe, say and do.
I was fortunate enough to be born and raised in a right to work state, where I, as a talented individual am free to offer my talents to an employer to perform work that he or she needs done, without the interference of some talentless union shop steward.  Through my individual efforts and merit, I can qualify for raises, promotions and other benefits, without some third party acting as negotiator between me and the employer.  As a somewhat intelligent and educated American, I can speak for myself.  I don't need to have a portion of my pay taken away and given to fat cat, do nothing union bosses, so that they can negotiate for me.
Even the most liberal of the liberal hack politicians, Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew that unionization has no place in the governmental work sector.  There was a time when people were hired to work for the government based on individual merit and/or accomplishment.  They were tested and examined, and the ones who scored highest and performed best were hired.  Now, government hiring is based on quotas of ethnicity and other entitlements.  By and large, these hirees are not the best and brightest, but the bullies and the big-mouths.  With the protection of outlandish union agreements perpetrated by political poltroons, these entitled unionists believe that they are forever entitled to wages and salaries, benefits and bonuses unheard of in the private sector.  They easily overlook the fact that they automatically and inherently have the most revered of all employment benefits, that being job security.  Of course, such security is supposed to be based on the individual's work ethic of achievement and accomplishment, rather than the collective's collective bargaining arrangement of equal outcome, rather than equal opportunity.      

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