Saturday, January 21, 2012

Who Is John Galt? And Who's His Uncle?


For those of you who don't know who my nephew is, I ask you, I beg you, I beseech thee not to vote this year, for you are too stupid and/or ignorant to responsibly exercise that privilege.  And it is a privilege, not a right to vote.  Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is anyone granted the right to vote in a Federal  election.      Now,  225 years after its composition and ratification, primarily due to technological advances and societal progress, particularly in the areas of transportation and communication, perhaps it needs to be updated for the 21st century.  If  I were so commisioned to create such a document, you can bet the farm; you can bet my farm, that that privilege would have to be provably earned and not just willy nilly given to every citizen who manages to attain the age of majority, and/or to any unidentified individuals who manage to find their way to the polls, probably with the help of Demoncat/Dummycrap community organizers.  Present day politicians, which is a job title which would be an anathema to the Founders and Framers, continually and constantly call for inclusion, when we should be seeking ways to exclude the dumb masses who view government as the ways and means of their every day survival.  This insipid inclusion should take in sixteen and seventeen year old children, according to Islamofascist Congressman Keith Ellison.  What an idiot.  What an example that liberalism is a mental disorder.
My nephew, on the other hand, is the personification of perfection in human politics, philosophy and physics. He is wholly objective and entirely rational.  He may be the reincarnation of Ben Franklin, as I might be the reincarnation of John Hancock.   He is the most purely intelligent and honestly intellectual human to date, as I might be the wisest man alive, as his aunt contends.  He knows, as does Jean-Luc Picard, that the highest human calling is to the truth, whether it's personal truth, historic truth, or scientific truth.  He is the man who will stop the motor of the world and may have already begun that task.  He is the ultimate American.


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