Sunday, January 22, 2012

At This Point, It Just Doesn't Matter

Fifty-two weeks from now,  we will be witnessing a Presidential inauguration.   Will it be an encore presentation of the Hollywood-like. lascivious lavishness for which Barry and Muchelle have become so famous or infamous?  Or will it be a putrid production of political pervasiveness and perverseness by just another professional political party putz of the 'opposite' party?  Either way, it will be an ungodly, unholy, unnecessary expenditure finaced by another ridiculous raiding of the public treasury.
I have always agreed with the premise that any of the Repulsican candidates would be a better occupant of the Oval Office than the baseborn, Bolshevik bafoon who is its present occupier.  Among the four who remain in the race to face Obama, none of them truly give a truly opposite alternative to Obama's and his Demoncats' crony capitalism-fascism/statism progressing to solicialism.  No one remains in the race to offer Constitutionally conservative free market, entrepeneurial capitalism as the preferred and primary path to the prosperity of the proverbial promised land of milk and honey that is the United States of America.
Because none of the 'final four' are definitively different from Obama, I'm not sure that any of them can unseat the Muslim Marxist.   
Romney is a pink faced version of Obama with a better suit and a Wall Street type background who is and will be perceived negatively by too many voters from too many backgrounds.  Because of his experience and expertise in high finance and organizational operations, he could have served well as Secretary of Commerce. Governor Perry, I admire and appreciate your vision that many cabinet level bureacracies need to be eliminated or streamlined and reorganized into sub-cabinet levels of scope and authority.  However, Commerce isn't one of them, as it is perhaps the cabinet department with the most specific constitutional provision.  And you know it has to be wrong, now that Obama has come out with a plan to reorganize Commerce, but in a Demoncatic way that would not result in downsizing, but in another burgeoning ballooning bureacracy.  Not so much for his brain frozen inability to name the three agenicies he wants eliminated, but picking one that shouldn't be is reason enough for Rick to just remain in Austin being evidently a good governor of a great state, with the added directive of dispatching and deploying the Texas Navy the length and breadth of the Rio Grande from Brownsville to El Paso.
Romney would be the most powerful and influential Commerce Secretary ever, his department being elevated in seniority rank to right behind the first four, which date back to George Washington's first term.  Mitt would oversee the divisional developments of newly restructured, downsized versions of present day cabinet level agencies Small Business Administration and Council of Economic Advisors and cabinet departments of Agriculture, Labor, Energy and HUD.  That would put him  eighth in line to the Presidency, if his ego would accept such an historically imporatant posting that's not the top position.
Newt Gingrich is just another, fat, jowly white haired professional politician, too much like John McCain't, whom Romney couldn't beat four years ago and who couldn't (or wouldn't) overcome Barry's bulll squeeze and balderdash.  Newt also has negatives that outweigh his positives for too many voters.  At least he's not another lackey lawyer turned pro politico.  He is, however, perhaps, one of those elitist academicians turned pro politico.  Because of his knowledge and understanding of his chosen field of study of history, he would have been great as fourth in line to the Presidency, serving as a strong, truly pro-American Secretary of State with the communicative skills so necessary for that job.
Rick Santorum might be the epitome of shyster, charlatan lawyer turned political pro.  His big mouthed views on Federally meaningless, moralistic non-issues of homosexual marriage and abortion will haunt him more than help him.  And for all of his talk of his conservatism, he is too well remembered in his home state and beyond as another mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy, opportunistic politician who was a vocal supporter of Pennsylvania's premier RINO, Arlen Specter.  And consciously or subconciously, Americans have rediscovered the fallacy of promoting Senators to President.  Santorum has more Senatorial experience than the present President or the other two Demoncrap contenders from '08.  If not for the Specter spectacle, he would probably still be serving, still holding his high leadership position among Senate Repulsicans and Republicans.  Because of that experience, he would have been a good ticket headliner to be first in line to the Presidency as President of the Senate....or Vice-President of the United States, for those of you who don't know that the Vice-President's primary Constitutional function is presiding over the Senate.
Ron Paul has been a wonderfully conservative libertarian voice in the wilderness of Congress for a long time...maybe too long, as is the case of so many in Congress.  As a military and private practice physician, Dr. Paul would have made a perfect pick to be the last Secretary of Health and Human Services, reorganizing it into the Department of Science and Medicine, assuming the elevated to Cabinet level office of Surgeon General, overseeing the likes of the US Public Health Service, the CDC, the NIH and the downsized from Cabinet status EPA.
Regardless, the election of President is once again turned into a popularity contest of style over substance, where prettiness and personality are more important than policy practicality.  And we, as the American electorate are given yet another quadrennial choice of a lesser of two evils.  But as I said, even any of these four are better than baseborn, Bolshevik Baracka.  Our best hope for the Republic's survival and revival is electing an overwhemingly conservative Congress who can and will run roughshod over and override Obama's objectives.  I'll do what I can here in NC to help rid the House of such demonic Demoncraps as Price, Kissell, Watt and Miller, as well as Romney endorsing, establishment Repulsicans Howard Coble and Virginia Foxx.  That should have been and now should be Michelle Bachman's aim and ambition: to lead an even more close to total Tea Party takeover of the House of Representives, wherein she would be elected Speaker of the House, second in line to the Presidency and the person perhaps most prominent and powerful in terms of promoting and projecting policies and programs. She could show Nancy Pelosi how a real American woman keeps a House. just as Herman Cain could have shown ill-conceived, half breed Barry how a real American black man overcomes.

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