Thursday, September 12, 2024

This Is the Primary 'Principle' of the Modern American Demoncat Party

 "Accuse your enemy of what you're doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion".  --Karl Marx

A 20th century updated expansion of the original 19th century proposal:
"Accuse your opponent of what you're doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt".  --Saul Alinsky

The modern American Demoncats have learned well that this particular form of prevarication is quite effective, as Mark Twain explained in his essay Advice to Youth. 
"Truth is mighty and will prevail" (is) the most compound fracture of fact which any of woman born has yet achieved.  For the history of our race and each individual's experience are sewn thick with evidences that a truth is not hard to kill and a lie well told is immortal.  A feeble, stupid preposterous lie will not live two years--except that it be a slander upon somebody.  It is then, of course, indestructible, but that is no merit of (the liar).

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Let's The Tell Some Truths About The Current Middle East



It's not just a conflict between an established nation state and a wannabe nation state, represented by barbarous terrorist organizations.  It's a dumb mass religious war perpetrated by the practitioners of a religion whose perhaps primary goal is to enslave and/or annihilate all non-practitioners.

Next, and probably most importantly, THERE ARE NO INNOCENT PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS!!!
For the Arab Semitics who don't actually actively take up arms against Israel, they support the cause of Jewish eradication through their social, fiscal and electoral support of Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.  

The only attempted 'genocide' is that being perpetrated on the Jewish race by the murderous Muslims. 
As for their continual cry of "from the river to the sea", promoting that genocide, that phrase needs to be reconfigured to mean that Israel will exist as a wholly Hebrew state from the Jordan to the Mediterranean,  from the Gulf of Aqaba in the south up to and through the Golan Heights in the north. Though the rest of the Arab Semitic world considers the Palestinians to be 'the red headed step children' or the 'poor white trash' of their people, it is time to find them homes among their retardedly religious brethren in TransJordan, the Sinai or somewhere other than within the confines of Israel.

Here, at home in America, where so many pathetically politically ignorant dumb mass Dummycrap kids are protesting in support of the Palestinians in general and their paramilitaries, i.e. Hamas, Hezbollah, etc., this is my main message to you, particularly you goob gobbling boys and carpet munching girls:
Your homosexuality is all the Palestinian authorities and terrorists, the Iranian Mullahs, the Taliban, et al. need to know about you to execute you!  That is rather weird, as y'all like to label others, considering that the most internet searches for gay male porn is from the Muslim world and that that entire religion is based upon the deification of a war mongering, blatantly bisexual, kept man gigolo.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Here's Another Couple of Hires You Need To Announce, Mr. President


Not just for his endorsement of you and not just for removing his name from the ballots in key battleground states, Robert Kennedy, Jr. should have an important position in the upcoming Trump/Vance administration.  He has expressed interest in a posting that would allow him to pursue his passion for healthcare related issues. As a matter of principle, you can't name him as Surgeon General.  I stick with my previous suggestion of Dr. Ben Carson as Secretary of Health and Human Services,  with the primary responsibility of reorganizinf that Cabinet level department into the Deartment of Science and Medicine, to be headed by the holder of the title Surgeon General, which of course should be a surgeon, or a medical doctor, or at the very least, a hard science scientist.  
Given RFK Jr.'s expert and experienced background as an environmental lawyer, he should be appointed to the cabinet level position of Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. 

As the agency's stated mission is to "protect human helath and the environment", this position would allow Mr. Kennedy to concentrate his efforts in two areas of endeavor about which he is passionate.
The climate change alarmists and other radicals within the modern Demoncat Party have ostracized Bobby as a traitor to their cause and a sell-out.   Currently the patriarchal figure of perhaps and probably the most influential intergenarational family in Democrat Party politics, Mr. Kennedy recognizes that the modern American Demoncat party is NOT the party of his father and uncle.   That is why he left the party and now wholeheartedly endorses the candiate of the rival party.  
I have no doubt that Mr. Kennedy would perform his duties to protect Mother Earth and her human inhabitants with voracious vigor, coupled with a commitment to common sense.   

Not just for his in-depth and honest interview with you, his endorsement of you, his pledge to financially contribute millions to your cause and campaign, and his contention that he'd accept a job in your White House, you should announce your intent to nominate Elon Musk as the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors.   

As the world's richest man, one has to think that Elon knows economics. His billions make your billions seem like not just peanuts, but peanut shells.  As you are famous for saying, "You're fired!", Mr. Musk has shown that he knows the importance of streamlining an organization, to rid it of the unnecessary baggage of unneeded bureaucracy.  He would be an invaluable asset in assisting in the draining of the swamp. His last task would be eliminating this council and the job to which you appointed him 
A president should be expert and experienced enough in economic/financial matters, as you are, Mr. President, to not need a lot of advisors in that realm.  And those advisors are, or should be found in the legitimate Cabinet in the persons of the Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce.  If you can't get my recommendation  of Thomas Sowell to be Secretary of the Treasury, put Musk in that position and   immediately disband that council as unnecessary bureaucratic fluff and waste.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

It's Not Enough To Reelect Trump. He And We Need A Clear Senate Majority


The current Senate consists of 49 R's, 47 D's and 4 I's, all four of whom caucus with the Demoncats, giving the leftist libs a 51 to 49 majority.  Take into account that there are three senators who list themselves as R's,  but who can't be counted on to vote responsibly, especially when it matters most.

Susan Collins of Maine says that she shall write in Nikki Haley, once again not voting for President Trump.  Lisa Murkowski is perhaps the epitome of establishmentarian machine politcian and we all know what a RINO Mutt Romney is.  Fortunately, we're getting rid of him.  Knowing that he was going to face a most probable primary loss, he decided to tuck his puppy dog tail and retire.  Thanks for finally doing something right, Mutt.
With the Demoncats currently holding such a slim majority, it is time for voters to send a clear message that we are done with the tomfoolery and totally tyrannical treatment coming from shyster Schumer's senate.  Their are 34 regular senatorial elections and two special elections this year.  All in all, all points to a Republican takeover of the upper congressional chamber, as long as the Demoncats are prevented from stuffing the ballot boxes again, so to speak. 

Let's begin with Kommunist Kalifornia. 

There is little doubt that the honestly American, constitutionally conservative Californians have little chance to outvote the core communists who dictate statewide politics, like the felons, illegal aliens, woke welfare recipients who coninually reelect such scum as Princess Pelosi and self-avowed socialist Maxine Waters.  

The same two candidates are running in both of California's senate races.  If the same man wins both the special and regular elections, he will have a slight seniority over the other winners of regular Class 1 elections, as he will serve the final two months of deceased, demented Dianne Feinstein's term.  

I have never been one to promote the election of entertainers or athletes, but I wish, hope and pray to God, Jesus and Mother Mary that somehow the usual Dummycrap voters of metropolitan California will see Adam Shiff for brains for the embarrassment that he should be and the epitomical lying, cheating, thieiving, conniving shyster charlatan lawyer turned professional political party putz whom he is. 

Besides being a LA Dodgers and San Diego Padres baseball legend, Steve Garvey is an accomplished businessman, which is always a  better choice than a lunatic leftist lawyer.  He actually won the 'jungle primary' election for the special election and finished less than 3500 votes behind Shiff for brains in the regular 'jungle primary'.  He could become the first Republican to win statewide in California in forever and a day.  Wouldn't that be something!?!  It would be a wonderful and wondrous something!

Now, let's take a look at the other races, in alphabetical order.

In Arizona, Republican voters might have done better to choose Sheriff  Mark Lamb as their nominee.  A constitutional conservative, he knows that the primary responsibility of government at every level is to protect the law abiding and law defending citizenry.   

However, Kari Lake is also a constitutional conservative and a devotee of Trumpian policies.  She should probably be Arizona's governor right now, but was subjected to the same sort of electoral shenanigans so prevalent in the 2022 and 2020 elections.  
However, most any Republican, or even Repulsican or Rebooblican will be a better choice than the Demoncats' nominee, uberprogressive, Ruben Gallego.
As most Demoncats running for office in a tossup or generally conservative state do, Gallego is trying to pass himself off as moderate or even as a conservative Demoncat.  If nothing else, his oppostion to Arizona Senate Bill 1070, the anti-illegal immigraton law belies that notion.  And there are plenty of other elses.  
I generally ALWAYS give preferential consideration to a United States Marine.  But, I have to wonder how a man with a Harvard education could only attain the rank of corporal.

Connecticut is probably a lost cause, as the Dummycrap voters there still think that their party is the party of Joe Lieberman. 

As is self-evident, it is not.  So, it is pretty much a far gone conclusion that two term incumbent Chris Murphy, just another one of those attorneys turned politicians for whom the Demoncats are so famous will beat whichever Republican wins that partys primary in a few days.  Of course, either of them would be the lesser of the two evils paradigm.


Ahh, Delaware.  Our first state.  The teeny tiny state with the most corporations.  The home of Godfather Joe Biden.  
State Dummycraps have chosen professional politician/bureaucrat Lisa Blunt Rochester to replace retiring, forty year Capitol Hillian, Tom Carper. 

She's a good choice for them, I suppose, as she has congressionally voted in 100% lockstep with the Biden-Harris progressive program.  

The R's have nominated Eric Hansen, a masters level graduate of the Yale  School of Management.  He has worked as a private sector corporate executive with such Fortune 100 companies as Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble and #1 WalMart. 

He positions himself as a businessman and a political outsider.  He says that "both parties have failed Delaware families and the nation."He is so correct.  That is why I would love to see the state of Delaware, first to ratify the Constitution be the first to rectify the evils of the two party system by electing Michael Katz, MD, MBA,  of the Independent Party of Delaware.

Though formerly a Dem, I have to support a candidate whose party primarily promotes laissez faire capitalism,  with fiscal conservatism and limited government, along with environmentalism.  As the IPOD espouses a center-right stance, I'm pretty sure that Dr. Katz would caucus with the R's.  But, in reality, Dr. Katz will most likely just pull away enough votes from Mr. Hansen to assure Demoncat victory.  

In Florida, one term incumbent Republican Rick Scott is highly favored to win the party primary and and squeak out a general election win.  

Whoever the Dummycraps vote for in their August 20th primary, probably a liberal loser/past office holder like Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, the communist ex-congresswoman from southern Miami-Dade or Brian Rush, the defeated, disgraced, disbarred leftist lawyer/state representative, who only got six per cent of the party's primary votes in his failed senatorial run a couple of years ago,
The general election will probably be closer than it sould be.  Thats just another example of why we should rescue the few conservative Cuban refugees, enlightened Jews and similarly minded others and wall off the easternmost, coastal portions of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties, so that that area can become its own independent city-state, a satellite state of the SPRA (Socialist Peoples Republic of the Atlantic) or part of the CCCI (Carribbean Communist Cayes and Islands), along wih the likes of Cuba, Hispanola, Puerto Rico and Jamaica.  I'll post about that in more deetail in an upcoming post.
Ahh, Hawaii...paradise lost and lost cause for political hope.  We should cut it loose,  returning it to its monarchy.  Through treaty, we'd trade for their tourism, pineapples, coffee, and cannibus while keeping Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam and operating the observatory and tsumani warning station, et al.

In Indiana, conservative congresssman Jim Banks should hold that Republican seat being vacated by Mike Vaughn, who is retiring to run for governor. 

In Maine, 'Independent' Angus King is just another leftist lawyer who is as and/or more liberal than any Demoncat.  He is sure to win his third senatorial election to join Maine's aforementioned  RINO senior senator Susan Collins.  
Though she is and because she is an outspoken actionary on topics such as China, SARS 2 and election fraud, Republican nominee Demi Kouzounas probably doesn't stand a snowball's chance in Hades to represent the muddle minded minions of snow drenched Maine.  
That's why I favor letting them go, along with their numbskull neighboring states to their west to form their own little democratic socialist nation-state to be called New Quebec, or some such. 

Maryland presents the same type of overly optimistic hope that California does. With octogenarian leftist lawyer/professional politician Ben Cardin finally retiring, this is a seat  that could unexpectedly flip to the R's.
If somehow, the conservatves of the Eastern Shore and rural western Maryland could turn out and outvote the Baltimore Bolsheviks and government dependent Dummycraps, businessman and name recognized popular politician Larry Hogan could pull out a mini-miraculous win over leftist lawyer/professional politician, communist County Executive in suburban Washington, DC, Angela Alsobrooks.

Massachusetts is of course a lost cause.  Bigoted, Bolshevik Bostonians of today are not the same type of Bostonian Americans of 250 years ago.  As they will blindly, ignorantly and overwhemingly reelect wacky Warren, they have lost sight of what Americanism is supposed to be.  They shouldn't be part of America, as they are primarily a pile of poop brained progressive putzes and putes, as is their senator.

In swing state Michigan, four term incumbent idiot Debbie Stabenow read the writing on the wall and decided to finally retire.
             2000 Senatorial election                         2006 Senatorial election
        2012 Senatorial election                 2018 Senatorial election

As long as the R's can prevent a repeat of Detroit ballot box stuffing, former FBI agent and eight term congressman Mike Rogers should defeat socialist soliologist Elissa Slotkin, flipping that seat to the R's.

Minnesota is a lost cause, as it has been for like four decades.  The Demoncats there proclaim their radical socialism in the name of their party, the DFL.  Communist Klobuchar will win her fourth senatorial election, as communist Kamala and wacko Walz will win the state's ten electoral votes.  

Republicans Roger Wicker, Josh Hawley and Deb Fischer should undoubtedly keep their seats, representing Mississippi, Missouri and Nebraska.

Now, for a couple of Demoncat seats that could easily flip...
Montana: where the sky is big, men are men and sheep are nervous, as one lifelong Montanan told me once.  Widely considered to be one of the, if not the most vulnerable Demoncat senate seat, held by lying liberal/liberal liar, flat topped fatboy Jon Tester, it could and should be taken away by Republican nominee Tim Sheehy.
Another liberal lying about his conservatism, Tester has voted in lockstep with the Obama-Biden-Harris regime 97% of the time.  He is outspending his opponent at a three to one ratio, and falling back on the same lame line he used in his narrow victory in 2018; that he is a native Montanan, while his opponent is not.  Sheehy is a Naval Academy graduate, Navy SEAL and owner/operator of an aerial firefighting and wildlife management services company., all of which should appeal to a majority of Montana voters, even if he isn't a native Montanan.  He has longer tenure and deeper roots there than the carpetbagging Hollywood Californians who have taken up permanent and part time residences in the state, who will undoubtedly vote Demoncat, as they are overwhelmingly Dummycraps.

In Nevada, if the R's can control vote count manipulation in Vegas and Reno, and conservatives throughout the state outside of those metro's get out and vote, Army Ranger Captain Sam Brown, recipient of The Bronze Star and Purple Heart should unseat one term liberal Jacky Rosen.

New Jersey presents a peculiar picture this election cycle.  Lawless lawyer and 3+ term senator Bob Menendez was finally convicted of some of his crimes on July 23, 2024. 
These included federal corruption charges, i.e., bribery, wire fraud, and acting as a foreign agent.  He plans to appeal.  Because of the indictments hanging over him and the wideespread denunciation from  many, including his own party's fellow senators, he declared in the Spring of 2024 that he woud not seek the party nomination, but left open the possibility of running as an Independent.  Some sources still list him as an Independent candidate running in November.  Following his conviction, he said that he would resign his senate seat, effective August 20, 2024.  
Upon that occurance, it will be up to New Jersey Demoncat governor, progressive Phil Murphy to appoint a replacement to fill the seat until next Jabuary.  He'll probably pick party nominee Andy Kim. 
If so and if Kim wins the general election in November, he will have seniority over other first time elected senators.  Kim may have a tougher time than would usually be expected by a New Jersey Demoncat candidate.  If Bob Menendez does indeed appear on the ballot as an Independeent, he will surely garner votes from the low intelligence/low information voters.  He will also lose voters to Green Party candidate Christina Khalil and Socialist Workers Party candidate and WalMart deli worker Joanne Kuniansky.  
Green Party candidates are always going to garner some appreciable votes in a state like New Jersey.  Kommunist Kuniansky received 4,012 votes in her failed run for governor in 2021.  
Republican candidate Curtis Bashaw could back into a victory. 
That is, if he doesn't lose too much support to the Liebertarian candidate, Ken Kaplan and conservative Christian, pro choice and 2nd Amendment proponent Independent candidate Patricia Mooneyham.
Largely conservatve southern Jersey, which is the portion of the state that makes it The Garden State, could outvote the knuckleheads of Newark and surrounding environs, seeing the common sense in conservatism, as Congressman Jeff Van Drew did when he left the leftists of the Demoncats  because of the party's politics and practices to become a rational, responsible Republican..
Wouldn't it be wonderful and wondrous!?!

 New Mexico and New York are long lost lost causes.  Let NM join with coastal communist California, urban Arizona, Las Vegas and the Marxist metro's of Colorado to become Unidos Estados del Norte Mexico. 
NYC and the other urban areas of upstate NY ar always going to outvote the geographically much larger area of the Empire State.  Give it over to the Socialist Peoples' Republic of the Atlantic and The Iron Range Republic.  We are stuck with Marxist Martin Henrich and communist Kirsten Gillibrand.

Repubican Kevin Cramer is a pretty sure bet to win a landslide victory over his Democratic-NPL opponent, Katrina Christiansen, to represent the citizens of North Dakota for a second term.

In Ohio, Columbian born businessman Bernie Moreno could conceivably beat three term Demoncat Sherrod Brown.
Hopefully, there are enough Ohioan voters who are tired of and troubled enough by Brown's and the Demoncats' liberal, progressive politics and policies that they will end his reign of ruin as the only statewide Demoncat in office.  Moreno is not necessarily a stauch supporter of Trump, but DJT sees enough in him that he endorsed him.  As a businessman and Washington outsider, he could and should be seen as a senator who can help Trump drain the swamp.   As a Columbian-American, he could and should have an added appeal to Ohio's half a million Hispanic residents.

Pennsylvania....beyond the ghetto gumps and gangsters of Philadelphia and the trade unionists of Pittsburg, Pennsylvanians are a hale and hardy people who believe in the constitutional conservatism of God, religion and guns.  Hopefully, there are enough Philadelphians who are tired of the constant terrorism of crime run rampant on their city streets and not being able to afford the basic necessities, let alone anything non-essential.  If so, the Demoncats won't be able to stuff enough of the city's ballot boxes to reelect ther current three termer Bob Casey or Harris-Walz.  
And in choosing Walz as her running mate, over Pennsylvania's popular Jewish governor, that could add to the Rs' hopes of carrying the state, senatorially and presidentially.  Casey is not generally as radical leftist as the Demoncat party, as a whole,  but he is still a leftist lawyer who's never done anything but run for and hold political office.  
The Republican nominee, David McCormick is a native son, a West Pointer, Army Ranger officer and a PhD holding businessman.  All of that is surely a better choice than just another lackey liberal lawyer/career poilitican.

Tiniest state Rhode Island and Providence Plantations could make the biggest statement in this year's senate elections by firing three term lawyer/politician Sheldon Whitehouse.  But they won't.

In Tennesse, Marsh Blackburn is a shoo-in to win re-election, as is Texan Ted long as the R's keep an eye on illegals voting in the Rio Grande area of southeast Texas.  

Utah's senate seat that is up for election this year is presently, technically held by a Republican.  But that Republican is one of those establishmentarian Never Trumpers, who is as likely to side with the D's as with the R's.
Knowing that he was going to face being primaried, Mutt decided to retire after one term to slink away with his senate pension.  The state's party voters haven't done us amy great favor in putting up a more suitable replacement for Romney.  They selected who sounds like just another wolf in sheep's clothing RINO, in the person of  former Demoncat, Congressman John Curtis.  
I think that we'd be better off if Utah voter were somehow able to break away from our disasterous two party mindset and elect Independent American Party candidate, Carlton Bowen. 
A native son and distinguished Air Force veteran, espousing a party platform of traditional values, traditional money and our tradition of freedom, Bowen would be a better senator than that conniving Connot and would be the best choice among those two and Demoncat nominee, skier, moutaineer, climate alarmist activist and 'content creator' Caroline Gleich.
As with Delaware, I dare to dream.

Vermont's insistence on electing and reelecting an octogenarian, openly self-proclaimed socialist is reason enough for me to cut those politically ignorant unAmericans loose.
I would want to establish a trade treaty with them for their maple syrup, along with Maine's lobsters and timber.  

In Virginia, if it weren't for the DC big government bureaucrats residing in Loudin, Prince William and Fairfax Counties, the ghetto gumps of Richmond and the trade unionists of the Tidewater, Virginia would still be a solidly conservative commonwealth.  In the same way that we were happily surprised by the recent gubenatorial election of Glen Youngkin, maybe we can be likewise elated if Navy Captain Hung Cao can unseat longtime liberal, Hitlary running mate Tim Kaine. 

In Washington state, the lunatic liberal voters of Seattle-Tacoma are going to outvote the other 99% of the state's geographical area to once again saddle us with lifelong political party putain, Maria Cantwell, who can't do anything well.  
That's just another reason for cutting that metropolitn northwest portion of the state loose to become its own independent nation-state, perhaps The Politburo of the Pugent.

West Virginia is a pretty sure bet to flip to R.  Longtime, rather conservative 'blue dog' Democrat Joe Manchin, finally got tired enough of his party's progressive policies to quit the party and now quit the Senate.  That means that the state's overwhelmingly conservative electorate will elect current two term governor, Jim Justice.  
Justice is much like Manchin.  He was initialy elected governor as a Demnocat.  After rallying with President Trump in 2017, he switched his party affiliation and got reelected as a Repulsican, as I am quite sure he will in this year's senatorial race against Demoncat Glenn Elliott, Liebertarian David Moran and idiot independent Progressive Michael Sigmon..  

Wisconsin...another state where the muddle minded, Marxist metropolitans, this instance of Milwaukee/Madison generally make sure that they outvote the rest of the state, by whatever means necessary.  If the R's can prevent them from doing that this year, President Trump and Trump endorsed senate candidiate Eric Hovde should carry the state.

Solid R state Wyoming is sure to return John Barrasso to his seat for a fourth term.  

Welll, there is one seat definitely favored to flip from D to R.  There's like seven current D seats rated as toss-ups or barely favoring the Demoncats.  And there are a couple of which could shock the nation and the world.   It should definitely be an  R majority in the chamber, if only by the slimmest of margins, like the Demoncats and their "Independent" socialist cohorts presently hold.  It could even be a cloture proof supermajority, if last year's enacted rule requiring two-thirds majority went back to the previous rule requiring three-fifths majority.  Do I dare dream?  
And do I dare dream, that upon securing a majority, of any measure,  the Repulsicans/ Rebooblicans will do the Republican right thing to do by relieving the going senile as Godfather Joe,  tired old Turtle of his too long held party leader position and replace him with Tim Scott?

