Thursday, September 12, 2024

This Is the Primary 'Principle' of the Modern American Demoncat Party

 "Accuse your enemy of what you're doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion".  --Karl Marx

A 20th century updated expansion of the original 19th century proposal:
"Accuse your opponent of what you're doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt".  --Saul Alinsky

The modern American Demoncats have learned well that this particular form of prevarication is quite effective, as Mark Twain explained in his essay Advice to Youth. 
"Truth is mighty and will prevail" (is) the most compound fracture of fact which any of woman born has yet achieved.  For the history of our race and each individual's experience are sewn thick with evidences that a truth is not hard to kill and a lie well told is immortal.  A feeble, stupid preposterous lie will not live two years--except that it be a slander upon somebody.  It is then, of course, indestructible, but that is no merit of (the liar).

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