Saturday, August 24, 2024

Here's Another Couple of Hires You Need To Announce, Mr. President


Not just for his endorsement of you and not just for removing his name from the ballots in key battleground states, Robert Kennedy, Jr. should have an important position in the upcoming Trump/Vance administration.  He has expressed interest in a posting that would allow him to pursue his passion for healthcare related issues. As a matter of principle, you can't name him as Surgeon General.  I stick with my previous suggestion of Dr. Ben Carson as Secretary of Health and Human Services,  with the primary responsibility of reorganizinf that Cabinet level department into the Deartment of Science and Medicine, to be headed by the holder of the title Surgeon General, which of course should be a surgeon, or a medical doctor, or at the very least, a hard science scientist.  
Given RFK Jr.'s expert and experienced background as an environmental lawyer, he should be appointed to the cabinet level position of Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. 

As the agency's stated mission is to "protect human helath and the environment", this position would allow Mr. Kennedy to concentrate his efforts in two areas of endeavor about which he is passionate.
The climate change alarmists and other radicals within the modern Demoncat Party have ostracized Bobby as a traitor to their cause and a sell-out.   Currently the patriarchal figure of perhaps and probably the most influential intergenarational family in Democrat Party politics, Mr. Kennedy recognizes that the modern American Demoncat party is NOT the party of his father and uncle.   That is why he left the party and now wholeheartedly endorses the candiate of the rival party.  
I have no doubt that Mr. Kennedy would perform his duties to protect Mother Earth and her human inhabitants with voracious vigor, coupled with a commitment to common sense.   

Not just for his in-depth and honest interview with you, his endorsement of you, his pledge to financially contribute millions to your cause and campaign, and his contention that he'd accept a job in your White House, you should announce your intent to nominate Elon Musk as the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors.   

As the world's richest man, one has to think that Elon knows economics. His billions make your billions seem like not just peanuts, but peanut shells.  As you are famous for saying, "You're fired!", Mr. Musk has shown that he knows the importance of streamlining an organization, to rid it of the unnecessary baggage of unneeded bureaucracy.  He would be an invaluable asset in assisting in the draining of the swamp. His last task would be eliminating this council and the job to which you appointed him 
A president should be expert and experienced enough in economic/financial matters, as you are, Mr. President, to not need a lot of advisors in that realm.  And those advisors are, or should be found in the legitimate Cabinet in the persons of the Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce.  If you can't get my recommendation  of Thomas Sowell to be Secretary of the Treasury, put Musk in that position and   immediately disband that council as unnecessary bureaucratic fluff and waste.  

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