Thursday, February 1, 2024

America's Still Gasping For Air

When I posted my article, RIP USA, I fully expected her to be nothing more than a western hemispherical extension of China and the CCP by now.  But we're not, yet.  And I see a sliver of hope that we might survive if we can survive to November's elections and January's inaugurations.                                            First and foremost, we constitutional conservative, law abiding and defending citizens can not allow to happen again what occurred four years ago, i.e., illegal ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing in various forms, etc.  We must be sure that every vote cast is cast by a living, legally registered and identified citizen.  We must be assured that vote counts are physically accurate and not prone to computerized manipulations.  Most importantly, we must hold the hope that it does still matter that we vote en masse!                                                                                                                                                   



Saturday, October 29, 2022

A Message to Democrats, Dummycraps, and Demoncats From an Unaffiliated Voter

 If you are a true American Democrat, and not one of the other two; if your rationality trumps your emotionality, so that you realize that your Party has strayed from the liberal capitalist politics of Jefferson and Kennedy;

Don't vote for ANY candidate with a 'D' behind his or her name.  The modern American Democrat Party has moved so far to the left of the political spectrum that they have become nothing more than a western hemispherical subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party.

If, for whatever reason or excuse, you just can't vote for a  Republican/Repulsican/Rebooblican, 

Vote Libertarian, vote Green, vote for yourself.  That's what I quite often do.

If you're in a state that allows them on the ballot, vote for one of the Socialist or Communist Party candidates.  At least they're honest about it.  

Monday, February 1, 2021

RIP, USA 1787-2021

   The Ugliest Presidential Election In History:

 Fraud, Voter Intimidation And A Backroom Deal.

Is this a story about the events of November 3, 2020?  It could be.  It should be. But it is the 'reporting' of events of November 7, 1876.  


Unlike this time, there were incidents of impolitik electioneering practiced by both political parties.  The most heinous acts were committed by Demoncats utilizing 'repeaters', or duplicate ballots and by their paramilitary 'Red Shirts' preventing Negroid Republicans from voting.  (There's another historical reference that red is the traditional color of leftist/statist/totalitarian governance.)  In perhaps the weirdest twist in the history of American presidential politics, to which I can find no Constitutional basis, a special Electoral  Commission of five Congressmen, five Senators and five Supreme Court Justices elected Rutherford B. Hayes 8 to 7.  Just before Inauguration Day, 1877, Congress declared Hayes the winner by one vote in the Electoral College.   A bipartisan deal was struck at the (ironically) Negroid owned Wormley's Hotel, in which Demoncats would allow Hayes the victory, on condition that he immediately withdraw federal troops from the former CSA.  That ensured the suppression of civil rights for Negroids for another century, under Demoncat rule of force, rather than republican rule of law.  If Demoncat Samuel Tilden had been chosen as President, he most likely would have exercised the same prerogative as Commander in Chief, without any deal making necessary.

144 years ago, it really didn't matter.  Either man, or either party would adhere to and promote some form of the principles and practices of capitalism.   Now, a gross of years later, there is a gross difference.  The modern Demoncat/Dummycrap party has moved across the political spectrum's center point from an overtaxing and overregulating capitalist welfare state based on need, rather than ability to an outright totalitarian fascist/socialist state based on collectivism, rather than individualism.

That question is as relevant today as it was in 1776. Of course the number 3,000 is dreadfully low and the words "and appointed bureaucracy" would follow "elected legislature".  


Of all the truths which I have learned as an educated political scientist and as an informed American, even more than political parties, bureaucracy is the beastly behemoth that will destroy democratic governance, so that we, the people will never know the names or faces of all those who killed us.  We'll know a few, like Doctors Fauci and Cohen.


 Well, we exceeded the life expectancy of a representative republic like us (US) by about a generation.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Celebrate While You Can, Ameirca

I was so proud of so many of my fellow Americans who defied and/or ignored the 'orders' of their hypocritical, holier than thou health officials

, et al.,

double-dealing, inegalitarian governors
, et al.,
and moralistic, megalomaniacal mayors
,et al.

to stay home, not gather not celebrate Thanksgiving.  And now, of course, they're telling us the same shiite concerning Christmas.

It has been bittersweet for me to see many residential Christmas decorations go up early and in such magnitude.   It is so because I foresee that this will be the last Christmas and Thanksgiving which Americans are allowed to observe and celebrate before President Kami (pronounced Commie) Harris hands the country over to Chairman Xi and the Chinese Communist Party .

Of course, we can say good-bye to other religious holidays and observances, like Easter, Chanukkah, Ramadan, and Yom Kippur,

Celebrations and observances like Rosh Hashana, Muharran and New Years Day will be observed, but all will be celebrated starting on the night of the new moon between late January and late February, to honor some mythical or other subhuman animal..

Patriotic American holidays and observances, like Constitution Day, VE Day, VJ Day, Veterans' Day, Memorial Day, and Independence Day will be history and shall disappear completely through revisionist history.  

Presidents' Day will become Leaders Day, to honor a few American presidents, like the Roosevelts, Baracka Hussein O and Kami (pronounced Commie) Harris, but will primarily promote the likes of Marx and Mao, with reverent readings of their writings, and of course, Kim Jong-un and Chairman Xi.

We will, of course, lose Columbus Day.  Christopher Columbus should never have been honored as the man who discovered America.  I can see honoring him as perhaps the first corporate capitalist or the most monumental robber baron marketeer.  

We'll still be allowed to observe MLK Day, for obvious reasons.  A not so obvious or known reason is that although he was a registered Republican, he did espouse socialist/communist political philosophy.

Then, there's Election Day.  We'll still have Election Day.  It will be much like election days in Cuba, Venezuela and Russia, where ridiculously unrealistic vote totals kept and are keeping the likes of the Castro's, Hugo Chavez/Nicolas Maduro and Vladimir Putin in power for decades.

I heard an anecdote years ago that said, "someone who speaks two languages if bi-lingual.  Someone who speaks three languages is tri-lingual.  Someone who speaks several languages is multi-lingual.  Someone who speaks one language is an American.  Americans, whether you speak English/Ingles or Spanish/Espanol, there's at least one new language we'll soon need to learn and know:
Now, that's something to celebrate, huh?