Ever since the Chinese Communist Party attacked us (US) and the rest of the world with their SARS-2 biological weapon, their colleagues, comrades, and cohorts in the modern American Demoncat Party have been waging their own special brand of warfare against all things Christian and capitalist, which are perhaps the two most basic philosophical foundations of Americanism. A primary target for these soulless socialists and traitorous Trotskyites has been our holidays.

Maybe the Marxists' and Maoists' most impressive victory thus far has been the shuttering of the churches, by declaring them non-essential. Despite very specific prohibition of such action in the First Amendment, we, as the Silenced Majority have allowed and continue to allow ourselves to be kowtowed by the communists in the Bolshevik bureaucracy.

This, of course prevented us from observing and enjoying the highest of the high holy days of the Christian faith.

Similarly, we weren't allowed to remember the memory of Americans heroes of the highest regard on Memorial Day.

And the American enemies, foreign and domestic, sure as Hell and Hades didn't want us (US) to commemorate or celebrate the founding of this most fortunate of nations.

Though not necessarily a specific holiday, Summer was commercially cancelled by the closing of beaches, retreats, resorts, restaurants and recreational facilities.

Now, I hear that they are saying that our national day of giving thanks for the bounty and blessings bestowed upon us by our Country and Creator are to be Zoomed.

I can't wait to hear how they plan to cancel Christmas.

But you know, I haven't heard a peep about not observing Labor Day, which celebrates trade unionism, a primary pillar of collectivist communism.
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