Many of us adhere to the warning against the "frightful despotism" relative to political parties and party politics in George Washington's Farewell Address. We are the ever growing group of Unaffiliated voters, who generally vote 'R", as the lesser of the two evils..
As independent individuals, we abhor the collectivism of communistic cohesion as practiced by the modern American left.

Because of this, the country's culture of sovereign individual rights and responsibilities is being, if it has not already been usurped by the practitioners of politically correct globalism. The fascists and socialists, with the heavy handed help of the progressive, prevaricating, propagandist press, move their movement forward to defeat and demolish capitalism. Through the irrational, emotion based scare tactics of victimization, these racists scream racism. They threaten revenue retaliation by boycotting companies which do not capitulate to their commands.
An example of this is the recently revived demand that the Washington Redskins change their name.

Perhaps we real Americans need to let these un-Americans know that we can wear New Balance, ship with the USPS and drink RC.

I switched from being a lifelong Pepsi drinker following the 2016 election and former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi's ridiculous rantings and ravings regarding President Trump.

The President proved that he is a man of principle over personality by having her join his Business Council, despite her fear based fomenting.
As sports are never going to be the same, if they continue to exist at all, because of the Chinese biological attack, I advocate that we find better ways to entertain ourselves than watching a horde of dumb mass knee jerk jocks, many of whom aren't educated enough to sign their multi-million dollar contracts. For its alliance with the CCP, the NBA should be ignored. Because of its ankle grabbing, knee bending devotion to the Marxist BLM movement, the NFL needs to be forgotten.

Because of its hard left leanings, we older Americans need to cancel our memberships with the AARP and join AMAC.

Due to Twitter's devotion to Demoncatic demagoguery, we need to Parler, rather than Tweet.

We need to eliminate any alliance with or reliance on such sources of news and communications as the modern mainstream mass media and social media.

We need to let these overly powerful putzes know that we, as the 'silent majority' or 'silenced majority' are truly the majority and that we hold and have the real power of our purse strings and pocketbooks and that we are going to quit being quiet about it.
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