For those of you among my 6200 page views, you know that I've never voted for a winning Presidential candidate in my life...until now. Repulsed by Repulsicans and despising Demoncats, I have cast ten votes for President, or more accurately for Presidential Electors. Most were for Libertarians, like Ron Paul, when he was a Libertarian, before they became the Liebertarians.
I voted for Ross Perot in '92 and wrote in Gen. Colin Powell in 2008, before he became just another political putz. Four years ago, for the first time ever, I held my nose tightly and voted for a major party candidate in the form of Mutt Romney. I had to do what I could to guarantee that the big eared, baseborn, bolshevik buffoon didn't win my state's electoral votes two elections in a row. And he didn't.
This year, though in earlier articles, I was less than overwhelming in my support of Donald J. Trump, I was actually thrilled to vote for a major party candidate who is not a lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan lawyer turned professional political party hack, like Hitlary, whose crimes include stealing my parents' life savings. God, I hate hatE haTE hATE HATE that fake blonde bimbo bitch!
Mr. Trump, I want to wish you the heartiest congratulations and extend my most heartfelt gratitude!
As you've managed to do throughout your business career, now, as CEO of the Republic, you need to go ahead and announce some of the good people who will help you with that awesome undertaking.
Though he says he doesn't want such a position as this, you need to convince Newt Gingrich that he needs to be our Secretary of State. As a student and professor of history, he won't allow us (U.S.) to repeat the grave mistakes made throughout history.
You should go ahead and name Chris Christie to be your Attorney General. Let it be known that his first task will be to utilize his experience and expertise in prosecuting political corruption to indict and incarcerate Hitlary Clinton And if King Baracka grants her some form of blanket pardon, prosecute that Muslim Marxist. Next, name Dr. Ben Carson to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, with the mandate to dismantle The Unaffordable Care Act, to be replaced with a workable, free market solution.
Next, call on Carly Fiorina to be Commerce Secretary. With her corporate experience with mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations, she would be excellent in spearheading a major downsizing of the executive bureaucracy, by absorbing the departments of Labor, Agriculture, Energy, HUD, and the SBA.
And perhaps most importantly, name Rudy Giuliani as Homeland Security Secretary to secure the borders (without a wall), shut down Islamic fascism on the web, and rid our Republic of Islamoburgs and gangs.
and retired four star admiral William McRaven as Secretary of Defense. Adm. McRaven was commander of Naval Special Operations and the longest serving SEAL at the time of his retirement.
And Mr. Trump, see if you can get John McCain't decide if he's conservative or liberal and Lindsay Gramnesty to accept appointments as Secretaries of the Navy and Air Force, to get their RINO dumb masses out of the Senate. I'd wager that governors Nikki Haley and Doug Ducey could find a couple of real conservatives to appoint to the Senate, as Gov. Haley did a few years back in Tim Scott, who I want to see displace Super RINO Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader.
And while you're at it, Mr. Trump, you could hire me to listen to nine to twelve hours of talk radio daily and submit reports of anything said of import to you and your successful administration.
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