Saturday, February 8, 2014

There's A Race To Replace Kay

After only one term in office, U.S. Senator Kay Hagan is facing strong opposition in her quest for a second term.  Securing office in the 2008 election, riding the coattails of the baseborn, bolshevik buffoon still inhabiting The White House, it is my strong hope and belief, that in the same way that North Carolina were not fooled twice by him, they won't be fooled by her again.  Hagan has been nothing more than an Obama butt kissing political party hack, backing most every dumb mass declaration of Baracka and Harry Reid, voting the Dummycrap line 96% of the time.  She has made what I see as ingenuous maneuvers to separate herself from Baracka and Dingy Harry, but I'm thinking that it's going to be to no avail.  Seeing that her reelection is in doubt, many have already jumped aboard the train to derail her candidacy, including fellow Demoncats.
Will Stewart, in stark contrast to Hagan, comes from meager, apolitical beginnings and is not another shyster, charlatan lawyer turned professional politician.  He touts many conservative/libertarian stances, like support of the military and cannabis reform, but also is in favor of many other reforms, including immigration reform, which would most likely include amnesty for illegals and the Constitutionally misinterpreted practice of recognizing anchor babies as citizens.  As a young, idealist, Stewart would be a more palatable choice than Hagan, but particularly because of his youth, he would no doubt quickly become just another party hack.
Fred Westphal, PhD, is a seventy-something year old retired college professor and is called a political activist.  He proudly proclaims affiliation with AARP, the ACLU, and the Union of Concerned Scientists, though he, himself is not a scientist.  He is a proponent of the global warming hoax and believes that our school children should be made to study global warming coursework.  He is a political opportunist and wannabe politician, having run for Wisconsin governor in 2010, before carpetbagging his way here to North Carolina.
From the Repulsican side of the aisle, there is Thom Tillis, the Repulsican of all state Repulsicans.Tillis NCGA 2012.jpgAs Tillis  entered politics in 2006, after a career as a business consultant, I shan't label him as a career politician, but he is a politician's politician, rising to the rank of Speaker of the House in only four years in the state legislature.  Though he espouses and leads in the implementation of conservatism, he is the state party establishment's choice and the monied candidate..
 Greg Brannon, MD is the Tea Party Express candidate and has developed a wide reaching grass roots campaign.  He has the backing and endorsements of  FreedomWorks, Sen. Rand Paul, Erick Erickson, talk radio commentator and proprietor of, conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter and The National Association for Gun Rights.
 Heather Grant, NP is a decorated military veteran and native North Carolinian.  She calls herself a Constitutional conservative and wears her religion on her sleeve.
Rev. Mark Harris is president of the state Baptist convention and has some noteworthy endorsements from in-state professional politicians like I. Beverly Lake and Robin Hayes, as well as Mike Huckabee.
Dr. Edward Kryn is a retired physician and emigre from Canada.  Having seen the horrors of socialized medicine, he has a unique perspective among the candidates on the key issue of Obamacare.
. Ted Alexander is the former, two term mayor of Shelby.  His stated primary focus would be a war on Lyndon Johnson's infamous war on poverty.  A worthy cause, indeed.
Other GOP potential candidates have but a couple of weeks to decide whether to announce and file.  The list includes a couple of shyster lawyers, a career municipal politician and lobbyist trainer, and one of the few, truly good Congressional Representatives this state has sent to Washington.
James P Cain.jpgPhoto of Kieran J. ShanahanSue Myrick, Official Portrait 112th Congress.jpg.
Indian Trail Councilman David Waddell, whose term would have expired in 2015, decided to boldly go where no politician has gone before and tendered his resignation this week in the Klingon language.David Waddell is the write-in candidate for the Constitution Party.  He's a plumber turned local politician, being a conservative voice in the liberal wilderness of the Indian Trail town council.  He resigned his council position after two years, doing so in the Klingon language.
Libertarian Party of North CarolinaMy old party, the Liebertarians, evidently lost ballot access, as they don't seem to be fielding a candidate in this important race.
Except for the nutty professor, any one of these candidates, including the Klingon kook, would be a better senator for North Carolina than communistic Kay.  She can espouse all of the moderate to conservative rhetoric she wants and avoid being seen with Obama when he visits the state, but as this state's voters saw through Barry's line of crap the second time around, so shall we recognize Kay Hagan for the rapscallion whom she is.

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