Friday, February 21, 2014

We Have GOT To Fire Harry Reid!!! 1 State At a Time: NC

As the nincompoops and numb skulls of Nevada recently reelected this power mad putz, we can't evict him from the Senate, but we damn sure can get him off of that high and mighty perch of Senate Majority Leader.
Currently, the lunatic left holds a ten vote majority in the Senate, with fifty-three Dummycraps/Demoncats and two Independents, both of whom caucus with the Dummycraps/Demoncats.  One of those two is an openly admitted Socialist.  Not that the vapid heads of Vermont will ever vote this bolshevik buffoon out of office, I'd love to be rid of Bernie Sanders This fall, there will be thirty-three regularly scheduled Senatorial races and three special elections for the Senate.  Let's hope that there are enough intelligent, informed voters who vote in those states that we might actually achieve a two-thirds majority in both Houses of Congress, so that the destructive policies implemented over the past few years can be begun to be turned back while Barry embarrassingly continues his shameful Presidency as a real lame duck President.  If we could somehow attain a Senate containing sixty-seven anti-Obama Senators and a House of Representatives with 292 like minded lawmakers, we could effectively end Obama's Presidency two years ahead of schedule, which might be in the nick of time to save our Republic  Let's begin with races involving first term, incumbent Dummycrap/Demoncat Senators who rode into office on Obama's coattails in 2008.  These people have got to be replaced if we are to have a real hope for a real change for the better.
 In my own home state, Kay Hagan defeated one term incumbent Repulsican Elizabeth Dole.  This was partly part of the Obama effect, as well as a knee jerk reactionary repudiation of anything Bush, as Mrs. Dole had been part of George W's Cabinet. Communist Kay actually did better than bolshevik Barry among North Carolina voters, winning a majority of the tally, which Obama did not.
Like the last Dummycrap/Demoncat Presidential candidate who fooled us into giving him our thirteen Electors the first time, but not the second, as incumbent President, Barry failed to filch our fifteen for a second time in 2012.  Obama's victory in North Carolina and the nation was due to that aforementioned repudiation of  the reviled Bush as anything else, despite the fact that he wasn't running against Bush.  Carter won in much the same manner, running against the despised Nixon, even though he wasn't.  In that first Jimmy Carter campaign, I am proud to say that I wasn't fooled by him, or his other major party opponent.  My first Presidential vote went to Thomas Anderson of The American Party.  Three decades and eight elections later, Barack didn't bamfoozle me and that accident waiting to happen again, John McCain't make up his mind if he's conservative or liberal, didn't either. Neither did the Liebertarians. As a matter of conscious, I wrote in votes for President and Vice-President.  As a matter of coincidence, they both are more Negroid than baseborn Barry.
Kay has been a good and loyal party hack these six years, butt kissing Obama at every opportunity, doing so in tandem with blonde bimbo Beverly when she was governor.  Though she is said to have strayed from the reservation more than all but three of her Dummycrap/Demoncat liberal loon colleagues, she has still voted Obama's wishes more than 96% of the time.  Scrambling hard to distance herself from Obama and his ruinous policies, Hagan can not avoid her obvious support of and allegiance to Obama and dingy Harry. Since Hagan's election, North Carolina has gone strongly conservative, giving the Repulsicans enough control of the General Assembly to have been able to override many of Bev Perdue's vetoes.  Such legislative control has not occurred in North Carolina since The War Between the States.  And now, there's a Repulsican governor, too.  Granted, he's a bit of a milktoast Repulsican, but he's still a Repulsican.  Hagan is going to have a tough uphill row to hoe, despite her incumbency.  The Party is funding her well, as she has twice the treasury of the most moneyed Respulsican candidate.  She is already telecasting sound bite/photo op television spots, but there are also already opposition commercials being funded by no particular individual.   She's having to do this now, rather than after the Repulsican primary election(s), which is when she and her fellow travelers would prefer to begin expenditures, so that they could throw all of their money into defaming and demonizing the opponent, which is the Demoncat way.  But so tenuous is her political positioning, she is facing primary competition from within her party ranks.  Granted, the opposition is minimal and has no establishment support.  One is a punk kid with no political experience and not much life experience.  The other is a deranged, old, retired college professor, whose only political experience is in the state of Wisconsin, from where he carpet bagged his way to North Carolina a coupla years ago.
Will Stewart for US Senate 2014,     .   .

There are over a half dozen Repulsicans seeking to oppose Kay, or the kid, or the carpetbagger. There will most likely be a run-off election needed to declare a Repulsican nominee.  It will probably come down to a race between State Speaker of the House Thom Tillis and political neophyte and physician Greg Brannon.
Tillis NCGA 2012.jpg 
Tillis is the party's pick and the moneyed candidate.  He has been a strong, even perhaps heavy handed leader of the legislature, resulting in Repulsican policy victories in numerous areas.  He's not a lawyer, like Hagan, he's not from a political and privileged family, like Hagan, and he's not, at least up to this point, a career politician, also like Hagan.  Tillis espouses, supports, and pushes into law, a conservative agenda that hasn't been witnessed in Raleigh since....ever.
Dr. Brannon is new to politics, seeing a need to be filled like a prescription and seeing himself as that political medicinal remedy.  As an experienced M.D., he is a vehement voice against Obamacare.  As an non-established politician, he is The Tea Party favorite with a solid, swelling grass roots campaign.  He also has some notable endorsements, from the likes of Sen. Rand Paul, the probable Repulsican Presidential nominee in 2016, Ann Coulter, famed conservative commentator and author, and pundit and editor, Erick Erickson, as well as The National Association for Gun Rights.  
Thus far, The Liebertarians nor any other party has fielded a candidate.  Except for the mad political scientist, any of these people and other dark horses I see no real reason to mention, would be better to represent my state and our country in the U.S. Senate.  And that includes a plumber turned politician who resigned his town council post with a letter to the mayor written in the Klingon language..    

Sunday, February 16, 2014

It's a Four Day, Double Holiday Weekend

St. Valentine's Day is not a holiday in the strict sense that Presidents' Day is.  And Presidents' Day does not have the intrinsic holiness that a real holiday should.  A holiday, from holy day should be a commemoration of one great person, event, or ideal.  Valentine's Day does that in triplicate, remembering a great and grand human being, who taught a great and grand human ideal, that love, more specifically, courtly or romantic love is perhaps the greatest and grandest human event.St-Valentine-Kneeling-In-Supplication.jpg 
Presidents' Day is a politically correct pile of poop, made up by a cowardly Congress comprised of too many poltroons to name and a pusillanimous President named Lyndon Johnson, when they enacted The Uniform Monday Holiday Act.  It is supposed to be an honor to the great and grand man whose specific birthday had always been a recognized national holiday, as well as a nod to the war mongering nincompoop whose close on the calendar birthday was widely, but not universally celebrated, as was Washington's.
 Now, it is taken as a day to honor all forty-three Presidents, grand or grotesque.  And the great majority of them were more grotesque than grand.

Let us begin with our first President, until the recent days of political subterfuge, was affectionately and respectfully referred to as "The Father of our Country".  George Washington is perhaps the one and only truly great president that we've ever had.  He was the one and only one who didn't actively seek out the job.  He had it put upon him by consensus of his countrymen, to the tune of 85% the first time and 98% for his reelection.  He was the one and only one who didn't subscribe to party politics, wisely warning us against it in his farewell address.  Some label him as Federalist, which was a political philosophy largely rooted in and based on his Presidency's programs and practices.  It was a party tag applied to him after he was incumbent in the office.    He was the one and only one who recognized that the presidency is supposed to be a finite executive authority, rather than an infinite fiat of personal power.  Knowing that two terms is an appropriate maximum time for a person to be President, he refused the continued call of his contemporaries to serve a third term, or even take a lifetime appointment.  It would be an honored and observed tradition for a century.  And he was not a lawyer.  Honored with his portrait on the basic $1 bill.
John Adams was the first in a long of lawyers to occupy the White House.  Adams was the first of three men to come in second in two consecutive Presidential elections.  He was the only one of the three to try and succeed on a third run.  He was a blow hard leftist from Massachusetts who spent millions of American taxpayer dollars (and that's 18th century millions) trying to placate a bunch of religiously retarded Islamic pirates (sound familiar?)
Thomas Jefferson, though brave as brave could be during the nation's formative years of the 18th century, lacked courage of conviction as the first President of the 19th century. He had written that all men are created free, but owned other humans, bedding at least one of them and procreating baseborn babies, while moving beyond his primary profit operation of agriculture to be just another lawyer turned professional politician  He did, at least curtail the millions going to the murderous Muslims and sent the Marines.  Semper Fi!    Sort of left-handedly complimented in the front and back of the $2 bill.
James Madison was another Ivy League elitist lawyer who manged to get us in our first, all out war as a Constitutional Republic.  But at least his wife was a babe.
James Monroe, was another swell headed lawyer, whose Doctrine might have made the United States practically a continent, as well as a country, but at what cost, over the long haul?  Pictured on the $5000 bill.
John Quincy Adams, another over-educated, liberal lawyer like his father, was the first to show that the Presidency could be a format for familial fiat, though he accomplished little, if any during his one term.    
Andrew Jackson continues the uninterrupted line of lawyers invading the White House, but at least he also had a career as a military commander.  Probably deserves the front and sort of back honorarium of the $20, which was once a high, rare denomination for the common man to possess, but is contemporarily the most commonly consumer held and spent cash note bill.  Should probably be on Mt. Rushmore.  .
Martin Van Buren was another New York attorney who, as President, oversaw the country's first economic depression.
   William Henry Harrison was a sad eyed Southerner, who, at least for one month, broke the lawyers' stranglehold on Presidential power.  His vocation is listed as that proudest of professions, Farmer, but his career was in military command.
Lawyer John Tyler took over the Presidency after Harrison's death and only held it for the remainder of that term
 James K. Polk, my state's first representation in the Executive Branch was a UNC lawyer who put us into war with our neighbor to the south.                                                                     Zachary Taylor, professional soldier, was the general whom Polk sent to make mincemeat out of Mexico and to spit in Spain's eye, by taking Texas and California by military might, which may have been right.
How much respect or regard can one really have for just another squinty-eyed, shyster New York lawyer who only served the last years of  Taylor's term, as the last Whig President, with a name like Milliard Fillmore?
Franklin Pierce, another Dummycrap lawyer lackey.
James Buchanan...see just above at Franklin Pierce.
Abraham Lincoln...considered by consensus to be one of our very greatest and grandest Presidents.  First, he was a uneducated lawyer who was, by and large, a big, back yard brawler and bully.  He divided the nation as no President or other figure ever had, or has, dependent on how the rest of Barry's Presidency goes.  He divided the nation to such an extent that about half of it left to become its own sovereign state.  Being the bully that he was, he marshaled the military might of the United States to invade and wage war on the new nation to the south, by such unconstitutional mandates of suspending the Constitutionally specifically mandated right of habeas corpus and by ordering the first American military draft.  He was responsible for more American death and destruction than any President in history.  His intentions and motives may have been moral and just, as most Progressives' promises are, but his actions were illegal.  Should NOT be on Mt. Rushmore.  Not sure if he even deserves the front and back honorarium of the once awe inspiring, but now common $5 bill.

More to follow this week as we 'celebrate' Presidents' Day by giving the government and bank employees another paid day off and with countless retail sales, administered by a bunch of private sector workers who don't get holidays.

Now, to continue, with perhaps the most craven politician to hold the office of the Presidency, Andrew Johnson.  As you can see in his photo, he has sort of a Napoleanic thing going on.  Though a native North Carolinian, it was not North Carolinians who put this drunken, half assed tailor into politics.  Tennessee did that, even sending him to the U.S. Senate after his miserable stint in the White House.  But at least he wasn't a lawyer.
U.S. Grant, drunkard and general dumb ass.  Any commander could have won that campaign, given the imbalance of military resources.  Administration of scandal unseen up to that time and  rivaled since by few, including the present one.  Appropriate face for the $50 bill.
Rutherford B. Hayes.  Rutherford.  Really?  Another damned lawyer. James Garfield.  Another lawyer.
Chester A. Arthur.  You guessed it, another lawyer.
Grover Cleveland, the lame ass lawyer, whose biggest claim to fame is being listed twice in the Presidential chronology.  .
 Benjamin Harrison.  Making two decades of lawyers in The White House.Grover Cleveland again and again, still a damned lawyer.  Also, the first President in a century to seek a third term.  Guess he figured that since they weren't consecutive, it would be okay. But his own party didn't think so and nominated someone else.  Had his picture  put on the $1000 bill.

There is one thing I'll say for these one term lackey lawyers of the late nineteenth century.  They could damn sure sport some facial hair!
William McKinley, the first clean shaven, elected President in forty years.  The first reelected President since Grant, though that evidently didn't set well with everybody, as he was shot and killed shortly after his reelection.  Maybe it was because he was a lawyer.  Had his picture put on the $500 bill.
Theodore 'Teddy" Roosevelt.  Nice 'stache.  Nice idea with the national parks systems, though it stretches the general welfare clause quite a bit, giving later Presidents like his communistic kinsman and LBJ something on which to base their unconstitutional lunacy.  Vocationally, he's called author, naturalist/conservationalist, ornithologist, and publicist.  Born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, he was an Ivy League elitist, studying law, but dropping out of law school to go straight into politics, with the stated intent of being one of the governing class".   Egomaniacally sought what would have been pretty much a full third term as a third party candidate, finishing second in the race.  Most mostly ill-educated Americans know Teddy's party only as The Bull Moose Party, when in actuality, it was established and registered as The Progressive Party.  It was during this era of progressivism's infancy in America that The Socialist Party showed up in Presidential politics with Eugene Debs as their candidate.  Roosevelt shouldn't be on Mt. Rushmore, either.  At least he wasn't a lawyer.  He's listed as a publicist.  Is that anything like community organizer?
.William H. Taft.  Another nice 'stache.  And another damned lawyer.  The fattest President, weighing in at about 340 pounds.  Taft was TR's hand-picked successor, but whizzed Teddy off so much that Roosevelt opposed his reelection so vehemently that he sought another, nonconsecutive term in office, effectively giving the White House to the proper professor on a silver platter.
 Woodrow Wilson, campaigned for and won reelection on the slogan that he kept us out of war, but got us into it pretty much after his reelection.  An educator who kicked Teddy's progressivism into high gear as only an Ivy League elitist Dummycrap could.  The man on the face of the $100,000 bill.  The President under whose watch were enacted the Constitutional amendments that were the first two of the twentieth century and the worst two of all time, establishing the income tax and changing the methodology for selecting senators.  A sickly weakling, whose wife ran  The White House more than he did.
 Warren G. Harding, gave us only our second pair of consecutive Chief Executives who weren't lawyers.  He was a newspaper editor, whose administration's many scandals probably contributed to his death in office.
Calvin Coolidge takes us back to rule by lawyer, which is not to be confused with rule of law.
Herbert Hoover gets the blame for the depression, though it certainly wasn't his fault.  An educated engineer, Hoover was probably one of our smartest Presidents and probably should be on Mt. Rushmore.
Following family fame, Colonel Roosevelt's communistic kinsman, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is considered by many, mostly REALLY dumb mass Dummycraps to be the greatest President ever, when in reality he was probably absolutely the worst, present President excepted, of course.  The only way his dumb ass could get us out of the depression was to get us into WW II.   The apex of arrogance, he sought three reelections and thanks to the height of American voter ignorance, won them all.  It was in Roosevelt's first run that The Communist Party campaigned for The White House.  In seeing that Roosevelt was indeed a fellow traveler, they didn't afterwards. The epitome of elitist scum lawyer, he married his cousin...and a butt ugly, mud fence ugly cousin, at that!
Harry S Truman, a simple Baptist farmer who was thrust into the national limelight without really pursuing it.  Left the family farm to become a failed merchant, as his haberdashery went bankrupt during The Great Depression.  Studied law with no undergraduate degree, but quit night law school, and got elected as a local judge.  All in all, a decent, honest man and a good President.  He had the chutzpah to drop the bomb, but not the balls to let MacArthur finish the job a few years later.
Dwight Eisenhower was responsible for the best, biggest, Constitutionally mandated project in the history of the country:: The Interstate Highway System, considered to be one of the marvels of the modern world.  Gave in his farewell address, the most ominous warning since Washington's farewell address' admonitions regarding foreign policy and political parties, when he said, "beware the military/industrial complex."  And that was from a five star general.  But he surely didn't know how to pick a Vice-President, who was the accepted successor to run for the office after Eisenhower.  Ike would have been urged to seek and probably would have won a third term had the 22nd Amendment not just been enacted.  Designed to prevent another despotic domination of executive authority, like we had just endured with FDR, the Amendment's mostly Repulsican supporters probably regretted pushing it into law, as Ike would have been a much more benign, ambassadorial administrator, as he had been as WW II's top general, in comparison to the belligerent bolshevik boss of bosses, FDR.  As America's most recent wartime military Supreme Commander,  he may have accepted the challenge, or honored the tradition set by America's first military Supreme Commander.  We'll never know and we'll never know how history may have been altered. On perhaps the only negative notes, which are doubly negative, given Eisenhower's military background, he chose not to win in Korea and it was he who sent us to Viet Nam, as a favor to his French buddy, de Gaulle.
John Kennedy.  A lawyer, yes, but the last truly Democrat President before they all became Dummycraps and Demoncats.  Cut top marginal tax rates in half, backed down the Soviets in our hemisphere and heightened the fight against communism in general on the other side of the planet and in space.  He was the last President to serve as his own Chief of Staff.  If he hadn't been assassinated by secret powers that be, the planet would probably be a much different and better place.  Deserves to be on Mt. Rushmore more than Lincoln.
Lyndon B. Johnson, probably the foulest reprobate to ever hold the office.  He should have been the one shot in Dallas, rather than being one of the conspirators.  His may have graduated from Teachers College, but his major was politics.  He taught high school just until he could land a job as a behind the scenes bully for Texas state politicians whom he knew through his politician father, before bullying his way into winning a special election to Congress in 1937.  He stayed in the House of Representatives through WW II, also serving as a Naval officer, whose primary duty was to be FDR's bully.  After the war, he stepped up to the Senate, bullying and bamfoozling his way to victory in a highly contested and controversial race, with an ambitious eye looking to The White House.  After quickly rising through the ranks to the top levels of Senate leadership, his turn and time had come.  But he was outmaneurvered by the candidacy of Kennedy's Camelot, much  like Hussein's Hope and Change did to Hitlary a half century later.  Kennedy reluctantly offered Johnson the Vice-Presidential candidacy, not expecting Johnson to accept.  He did accept, though because he knew, as Kennedy knew, that the general election, particularly in Electoral College rich Texas, could not be won without him on the ballot to oppose incumbent Vice-President Nixon.   LBJ also realized that he would not be able to achieve the Presidency through the usual means of working for a two term President.  Even if he had been allowed to serve in that capacity in an eight year JFK administration, he realized that he would be too old to run in 1968, as a non-incumbent President, and would finish second in the party nominating process to Attorney General Kennedy as he had to Senator Kennedy. LBJ also became aware that because JFK's charisma and continuing high popularity that he wouldn't be needed to win the general election.  Kennedy could have and happily would have chosen anybody else, probably Adlai Stevenson, to mend some intraparty fences, or some other oldster, so that the Presidential nomination and general election would have been open to Robert, regardless of whom the Repulsicans would have run.  With all of this in mind, Johnson became the most vile of evil, or evil of vile, by colluding with colleagues and cohorts creating the cruelest conspiracy to kill Kennedy, as that would be his only way and means to attain his unabashed ambition.  That ambition was the impetus that gave us the televised version of blatantly prevaricating through negative campaigning in Presidential politics.  Upon obtaining office, he was aggrandized for his Great Society, which was a blatant pandering for the Negroid vote, whom he verbally pronounced as Niggras, for himself and the Demoncat/Dummycrat party as a whole.  In a half century of retrospect, many, if not most Americans have come to realize that that society has not been so great, after all.   Approaching the '68 election cycle, Johnson could see the writing on the wall.  Despite his adored domestic policies, his horrendous handling .of Viet Nam had killed any candidacy for reelection, or even renomination, which his power mad personality desperately coveted.                
Richard Nixon was a crook and  perhaps, the cheatingest, thievingest, lyingest, connivingest, shyster, charlatan lawyer to hold the office,. present President excepted, of course.  I hate that he studied law in my home state.  He took us totally off of the gold standard and gave us the DEA. As perhaps the first real RINO Repulsican President since T. Roosevelt, he was the epitome of pusillanimous Presidential politician, choosing to surrender, rather than win the war that his Presidential boss had started almost twenty years earlier.   An absolute ass and asshole.  Enough said.
Gerald Ford should have never been President and should have never pardoned Nixon.  A nice, clumsy guy, who at the heart of it all was just another dumb head jock, lunkhead lawyer and professional politician.  But he was the only Eagle Scout President.
.Jimmy Carter, just a wide eyed Socialist IDIOT.  An Annapolis graduate, Carter was a Naval officer for a shirt time, before reigning his commission to return to the family farm.  Every year that he was in charge of the family farm, it lost money, whereas every year that his drunken, alcoholic brother Billy managed the farm's affairs, it showed a profit.  He Jimmy first went back into farming, it was Roslyn who handled the books, while they lived in public housing for a time...the only President to have done so.  With his military background, which some have said could have led him to the Admiralty, one would think that he wouldn't have been such a foreign policy failure and military moron as the Commander in Chief. He opened up the world to the rise of militant Islam and killed the neutron bomb program.   Definitely one of the overall WORST Presidents ever, present President included.
Ronald Reagan is whom I have to blame for all of these Hollywood types  neand entertainers getting into politics.  Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Franken, and now Clay Aiken.  OMG, Clay Aiken thinks he's qualified to be MY Congressman!  But all in all, Reagan was a good, very good, maybe even great President.  He should probably be on Mt. Rushmore and definitely should be the one and only face on our gold dollar coin.
George H.W. Bush was the son of a Senator, who became a millionaire business after his WW II stint as a Naval Aviator.  He moved on to a career as politician/bureaucrat, who, as chief investigator for The Warren Commission gets my blame for being the individual most singularly responsible for the cover up of Jack Kennedy's murder.  But at least, he wasn't a lawyer.
 Bill Clinton, another lawyer whose unbridled narcissism led him naturally into politics, where he brought more shame and disrepute to the office than any before him, or after him, present President excepted, of course.  Borrowing from the playbook of another Demoncat, southern governor and Presidential candidate, who extended his gubernatorial authority beyond its mandated time constraints by getting his wife in office, Billcrapper has sought and continues to seek a continuation of his Presidential aspirations through his equally or more despotic spouse.  Billcrapper and Hitlary  stole $75,000 from my parents.
George W. Bush, historian and business executive with an MBA, rather than a JD or LLD, was all in all a good President, until the 2006 Demoncat take-over of Congress, at which time, he became Princess Nancy's bendover boyfriend to let her strap it on to him whenever and however she wished.  I always applauded that he did make a response to the Islamic attack of 9-11-01, but I maintain to this day that he was a pussy about it.  A billion people should have been killed the following Friday, at time of high prayers, by bombing every mosque, every madrasa, every government building and every piece of real estate remotely rumored to be associated with Islamic terrorism from Morocco to Malaysia,  as a follow-up to cruise missile strikes in the middle of those happy holy demonstrations on 9-11, including the one in Dearborn, Michigan and on every Islamoburg within our sovereign nation's borders.
 Baracka Hussein Obama...lying, cheating, thieving conniving shyster, charlatan Chicagoland lawyer leading the most corrupt and despicable administration in history.  And considering what we've experienced in 200+ years, that's saying something.  Socialist, aspiring communist.  Marxist Muslim, or Muslim Marxist.  Along with his Attorney General and U.N. Ambassador, has brought shame to the American Negroid like no other in our history.  Wish more of them realized that!  If the nation survives him, he will go down as THE WORST OF THE WORST!  My biggest fear, this Presidents' Day, 2014, is that this community organizer will organize some catastrophe, some malady to make martial law the law of the land, extending his abominable administration beyond its legal limits.  Failing that, he could possibly try the Wallace/Clinton strategy with Muchelle, my belle.  After all, she's the same type of hypocritical Lear jet/limousine liberal lawyer as Barry, espousing the same communistic claptrap.  I don't much fear the rumored 2016 ticket of Hitlary and Muchelle, or Muchelle and Hitlary, for that very reason...they're both too narcissistic and self-centered for second billing.
But I DO greatly fear an absolute power grab by Hussein himself, somehow ignoring the 22nd Amendment. As much as he ignores the body of the Constitution, what's in paying no heed or mind to a dinky little recent amendment?
So, there you have it.  The forty-three men whom we are supposed to be honoring and commemorating with this federal holiday.  There's not a lot to hold in high esteem is there?... unless you count high crimes and misdemeanors.  27 lawyers have been 63% of our Presidents.  Seems like more than that.  The only really good two among them had other 'real' careers in farming and military command.  Let me say this about lawyers and my obvious contemporary disdain for them. I'm not saying that every lawyer is a lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster charlatan.  But enough of them are that they've pretty much painted the whole profession as such. There was a time in America when only the best and brightest, the most ethical and even tempered could become attorneys and practice law.  That concept was pretty much becoming a thing of the past by the mid 19th century, so that today, anybody with tuition money enough to buy a law degree from the likes of North Carolina Central University can be a lawyer...and a governmental Chief Executive.  As I've heard it said, we get the government we deserve, relative to how we vote.