As the last in a line of North Carolinians that goes back beyond the American Revolution, I harbor deep feelings for this state and its people. Sometimes, I am as proud as proud can be. Then, there are weeks like this one, coming just a couple of weeks after a majority of state voters confirmed that North Carolina is, even if the country isn't, a theocracy.
NC is in the national news again in a triple jeopardy situation. I am so ashamed.
Firstly, we have Tonya Dixon-Neely, the hyphenatedly named, hyphenated American, who is supposed to be a proud member of the 'profession' of teaching. But like so many current ill informed, ill educated, probably ill conceived, illiberal liberal 'educators' who indoctrinate rather than instruct, Dixon-Neely has shown herself to be an Obamabotic ignoramus, like the grand majority of union protected, government school indoctrinaires.
Besides being union protected, Dixon-Neely is doubly protected, being Negroid. She is supposedly being 'punished' by being suspended. As it is a suspension with pay, I am sure that this dumb mass Dummycrap is having a grand vacation, at the taxpayers' expense, reveling over how she's getting over. The student invloved, nor his parents want Dixon-Neely fired. Well, I DO!!! And I want her barred from working in ANY tax payer supported school for all time. I don't even want her working as a custodian or cafeterian. This kind of Marxist mush head has no business being in contact with students in an institution of learning.
I really wish that I hadn't finally found that one picture that I was able to find of Dixon-Neely. She appears to be a bright and beautiful woman. But appearances do deceive, don't they? I would love to have been able, in good conscience, to post the following image which I found, labeled as "a composite of what Tonya Dixon-Neely or any other mindless Obama-bot teacher might look like". It is amazingly close to what I pictured in my mind before finding the one image of her that I could find, which makes her look more like a prostitute than a teacher.
As Dixon-Neely is in a protected class within a protected class, there are those who are already coming to the defense of her indefensibility. And they show their continuing and constant stupidity by misspelling their new found heroine's name.
Secondly, we have this kooky, Caucasoid Christian preacher advocating that we lock up the lesbians and homosexuals inside an electrified fence until they die off. This type of ignorance is even stupider than that of Dixon-Neely's. As a North Carolinian, as a Caucasoid and as a past preacher, I am mortified to have anything in common with Charles Worley. He exemplifies everything that is ignorant, unknowing, unaware, unacquainted, unapprised, unconversant, uninformed, uncultivated, unversed, uninstructed, untaught, uninitiated, untutored, unschooled, unguided, unenlightened and witless. I do wonder if he doth protest too much?
In all of the years of ed-you-ka-shun to which I know that these two 'professional' people were exposed, were neither of them exposed to proper English? Of course, in Dixon-Neely's case, that is known as "white English", so we's not sposed to dis her by axin bout that kind of thang. And I thought that my drunken, hung over Negroid high school science teacher, from whom the class learned nothing but how to quietly play rummy on the board was bad.
Of course, the epitome of embarrassment is John Edwards. I still feel the guilt of knowing that he is all my fault. I humbly and whole heartedly apologize to my fellow North Carolinians and Americans. If I hadn't squandered and screwed up my youth, I would have been in position in 1998 to take that Senate seat as a Libertarian, before they became the Liebetarians. It would have been a simple matter of having the testicles to appeal to my fellow state residents by simply asking, "Do you want to keep this fat, jowly Demoncat turned Repulsican professional political party hack representing you?" and "Do you want to replace Lauch Faircloth with another lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster charlatan, lackey lawyer who is a dyed in the wool, to the depth of his soulless soul Demoncat who wants to be a professional political party hack?" The Libertarian candidate that year, Barbara Howe, didn't have the ovaries to ask. If she had, I'd bet that she'd have gotten more than just two per cent of the vote.
The one thing that confuses me about all the money involved with this harlot of a whore and her baseborn bastard baby is why couldn't John just reach into his deep pockets and cover it himself? He was, as he is, a multi-millionaire from his days of hoodwinking jerk brained juries by channeling dead babies and other such shenanigans that I'm sure that he made very believable, as he is the consummate prevaricator. I'd suppose that that is why his lawyers in this case didn't put him on the stand. An attorney can't present a witness that he or she knows is going to lie and everyone knows that John Edwards can only speak by lying. The same is probably true of his lawyer daughter, too.
I can't WAIT to see how ashamed and embarrassed I'm going to be when NC hosts the Dummycrap/ Demoncat convention in a few months. But I WILL be proud of my state again in November when we will have learned our lesson, as we did with Jimma Carter, and award our fifteen electoral votes to someone other than the half breed, Bolshevik buffoon, Barry Soetoro.
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