Mr. President, you HAVE to go on live national television and radio to address the country, particularly the Dummycrap voters. IN your open honest way, you must explain to them that their Demoncat congressional politicians are not letting this Wuhan Flu crisis go to waste, by using it to prostitute this legislation with hundreds of pages pork and politicization.
Explain that as you do not have authority to veto these specific sections, that this entire legislation must be nixed and returned to Congress to be rewritten without all of the election fraud, carbon off setting, abortion expansion, etc.
Let me say this of abortion in general and of government subsidized abortion in particular. This is a moralistic issue and you can not legislate morality. It hinges on the question pf when does human life begin? For me, it begins at the moment of live birth delivery. Before that time. all the way back to conception, there is potential for life and potential for still birth. That's why we observe birthdays and write birth certificates and not conception days and conception certificates.
As a libertarian, I abhor pretty much any and all governmental expenditures. But I'd rather pay a few hundred dollars for a one time medical procedure, rather than scores of thousands of dollars for lifetime support, which will carry on to multi-generational irresponsibility.
For all the ghetto gumps and trailer park trash who irresponsibly reproduce, with no way of providing financial responsibility for their mostly baseborn bastard babies, the government will provide payment for their abortions, as well as a bonus procedure of a full hysterectomy. And the sorry excuses for men who impregnate these whores and sluts shall be provided with a tax payer paid vasectomy.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
What We've Done Wrong Relative To The Wuhan Flu
Since America and other democratic capitalist countries were biologically attacked by the Chinese communists with the Wuhan Flu virus, I have been keeping track and taking notes. American response, much like American response to The Islamofascist attack on September 11, 2001, has been dismally disappointing.

I doubt that President Tom Dewey would have fired General MacArthur. As he had done much as a city prosecutor and district attorney to curb organized crime in America, he would have, as president, curbed the planetary criminality of Maoist and now Xiist China, even before it had begun. Again, thanks, Harry.
I never gave a damn about Watergate, except for Nixon's lying about it. That besmirched the office allowing the predatory, prevaricating press to denigrate any and every Republican president since.

Let's take a look at how we've dealt and are dealing with this latest Sino threat and with the communist Chinese in general.
As General George S. Patton was not allowed to neutralize the Stalinist Soviet threat in 1945, General Douglas MacArthur was relieved of his command for wanting to obliterate the Maoist ChiCom regime in the 1950's.

Because of those two historic decisions, approximately 350,000 young Americans shed their blood and the money spenders in D.C. pissed away over a trillion and a quarter dollars, by contemporary monetary equivalency. That's $1,276,000,000 and way too many American lives spent on two wars. The first two wars in American history that we did not win. Thanks, President Truman. Those two executive decisions move you from near the top of my best Commanders-in-Chief list to very near the bottom.

You had the testicular fortitude to drop the bombs in 1945. You possessed the political sensibility to be an ardent ally of the new Israeli state in 1948, despite your Baptist bred anti-Semitic bigotry. Those two positions are about all that keeps you from being ranked right at the bottom with your immediate predecessor, his cousin and our most war mongering president.

I wish that the November 3, 1948 early edition of The Chicago Daily Tribune had been correct.

The second thing we did wrong was in 1972. President Tricky Dick Nixon was the first US president to visit communist China, opening diplomatic doors, which, in hindsight, only opened upon

Nixonian presidential actions with which I have problems include:

His demented declaration of war on drugs, including the new bureaucracy and paramilitary force of the DEA. He deemed it necessary to replace the war in which we were negotiating surrender after a quarter century of war fighting with a ChiCom proxy.

His completion of taking us (US) off of the gold standard, began by our first and arguably our most truly socialist president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Thanks, Dick.
Our next horrendous mistake and the worst of them all is the one that our public officers, including the President, and the public at large are hysterically heeding the propaganda propagated by the prevaricating press.

The Wuhan Flu variation of Coronavirus is a violent, virulent virus. It can make people super sick. It can cause permanent lung damage, diminishing lung capacity by twenty per cent or more. It can reoccur in the same patient. It can kill. It's not all that much different from any and all of the other similar types of this infection, such as Ebola, SARS, MERS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, Spanish Flu and good ole plain ole seasonal flu.

In none of those instances, neither by private choice or, more importantly, public mandate, did we crush the culture by shutting down our establishments of religion, our courts and incarceration facilities, our performing arts theatres and concert halls, our athletic stadiums and arenas and our recreation areas. And we sure as hell didn't purposely choose to kill the most killer economy in decades, if not in history, by mass closures of across the board businesses, affecting all aspects of American life. Not even in Beechum County, Alabama.
So, why are we doing it now? I have my theories.
If these forced closures continue, this country's, and every capitalist, quasi-capitalist and market economy on the globe will delve into a depression deeper than that decade long, Demoncat caused demise of almost everything dollar related.
President Trump, quit being such a chump! You're playing right into the hands of your political enemies on corrupt Capitol Hill and in the maniacal Marxist mass media.Cease allowing yourself to be ill advised by sellout scientists like the literary Dr.'s Floyd Ferris and Robert Stadler. Heed the lessons of truly learned men and women of reason and rationality, like Prof. Hugh Akston. 

Countermand these Demoncat governors and mayors and let Americans work before we cut the GDP in half and grow the unemployment rate from three per cent to thirty per cent or more. Those professional politicos don't give a rat's ass about the health and well being of their constituents, beyond wanting them around to vote in November.
Even they, who think that an island like Guam can be tipped over and capsized by putting too much weight on one side of it are smart enough to know that any such illness as The Wuhan Flu is going to take its heaviest toll from city dwelling, socialist dumb mass Dummycraps. Quite frankly, I wouldn't mind the populations of NYC, ChiTown, LA, San Fran, et al. being thinned a bit...or a bunch.
And for the love of God, Jesus and Mother Mary, put the kibosh on this absurd multi-trillion dollar 'stimulus' plan that will only result in Jimmy Carter era inflation.

Again, PRESIDENT TRUMP, QUIT BEING A CHUMP!!! Let us Americans of common sense and and self-preservation face this threat, as we face every threat we face in everyday life. We will adhere to sensible practices, so as not to become Wuhan Flu death statistics, just as we wear our seat belts and don't drive drunk, so as to not be among the 37,000 who die in vehicular incidents each year. and just as we do what we to not be among the 34.000 that the good ole, plain ole seasonal flu kills every year.
This 'expert' scientific and medical advice you're receiving from these gloom and doom Demoncats, Dummycraps and deep staters, who are saying that MILLIONS are going to die based on modeling, which has proven, time after time, in varied and various projections and predictions to be as or more unlikely as a Demoncat telling the truth about anything. Even if their most hysterical and highest figures were to turn out to be accurate, it would be better to lose three to four million mostly urban Americans and illegally here others than to lose all of America through absolute economic collapse.
But recent history has shown, relative to other epidemics and pandemics, the predicted and projected rates of infections and deaths have always been SO overblown in contrast to the illnesses' actualities.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Let Me Paraphrase Quid Pro Joe
When I published my last article a few days back, I didn't know the names of Charles Lieber, Zaosong Zheng or Yanquig Le. Since learning of them, I am ready to proclaim, "Well what do you know? Son of a bitch! It IS war!"
Charles Lieber is a Harvard professor. Those are two words that are generally interchangeable with communist socialist. For those of you in college, California and comparable locales, communism is a form of socialism. It is perhaps, on paper, the most idealistic and idyllic form of governance. In practicality, it is the most heinous and hateful.
Dr. Lieber is the Chair of Harvard's Chemistry and Chemical Biology department. He has received $15,000,000 in grants to perform scientific research, including biological warfare work for the US government, including our military. More recently, he has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in salary and living expenses by the ChiComs to develop a seven figure laboratory at Wuhan University of Technology and to participate in a recruitment program for the ChiComs to find and develop scientific talent for the communist regime. Wuhan, for those of you not paying attention to details, is where this present pandemic was propagated. Lieber is free on a one million dollar bond, set by US Magistrate Marianne Bowler.

Zaosong Zeng is a Chinese national and a Harvard affiliated cancer researcher, and an associate of Dr.Lieber. He was arrested at Logan airport trying to board a plane for China, with twenty-one vials of biological research containing cells he allegedly stole from a Boston hospital, where he worked. He is being detained.
Another Lieber colleague, Boston University physicist and Chinese Army lieutenant is safely home in Communist China.

I know that all of this sounds like a story line from one of the terrorist episodes of NCIS or Hawaii Five-0. It is all circumstantial conjecture, conspiracy theory and coincidence. But Gibbs' Rule #39 states that "There is no such thing as coincidence." And Leroy Jethro is generally correct.
I cannot dare to think that the ChiComs would dare launch this most insidious attack on America without the aid and comfort of more than just one American leftist Ivy League professor. It is my contention that the Demoncat Party is complicit in this catastrophe. As with his admitted corruption in Ukrainian affairs Quid Pro Joe Biden accepted a billion and a half ChiCom dollars in the name of his air headed, drug addicted son, Hunter.

It is no long leap to presume that that payoff was for more than just communist sympathizer/ collaborator Biden influencing more sweetheart trade deals. It is possible and maybe even probable that the ChiComs received assurances that elected Demoncats and the Deep State would provide cover for the communists in their plot to assassinate our President, or in case of failing that, to crash the markets and kill the economies of the United States and other capitalist countries in their most insidious attack on the democratic world. Previous attacks, using substandard steel, carcinogenic drywall and poison pet food pale in comparison.

Of course, it was, is, and shall forever be, a foregone conclusion that the modern media, especially the American news and social media shall promote any propaganda that pushes any agenda left of centrist capitalism, particularly if it deemed to be demeaning or detrimental to President Trump, in particular, or Republicans/conservatives, in general.
Let's assume that all of the above is conservative claptrap and the ravings of a right wing wacko. Let's look at the possibility that this pandemic was allowed to happen naturally through stupid socialist governance; the same stupid socialist governance that allowed the deforestation of Poplar trees in China, so that they now have to get their wooden chop sticks from an American entrepreneur in south central Georgia.
These Chinese chumps, despite their despotism, permit the production and purchase of exotic wild animal meats, in unregulated, unhygienic 'wet markets' to make deadly dangerous dishes like bat soup, civet cat stew, barking deer dinner and lab rat lunch, from test animals acquired from Dr. Lieber's bio-warfare laboratory at WUT.

In the meantime, as we move to kick these communist killers to the curb, we can start by ceasing the political correctness of calling this outbreak Coronavirus or COVID 19. Let's join President Trump by properly proclaiming it to be what it is: China virus. Better yet, let's label it as The Wuhan Flu, since this is not the first virulent virus China has introduced to the planet's population in recent years.
Remember SARS from 2002-2003? It was a Coronavirus epidemic originating in China. In that case, it took the ChiComs three months to inform the world.
We can expect this kind of contagion catastrophes to continue, as long as a centuries old culture with centuries old health/hygiene standards, including food safety protocols and a political philosophy of world domination is allowed free trade and travel with and among the civilized nations of the world.

Dr. Lieber is the Chair of Harvard's Chemistry and Chemical Biology department. He has received $15,000,000 in grants to perform scientific research, including biological warfare work for the US government, including our military. More recently, he has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in salary and living expenses by the ChiComs to develop a seven figure laboratory at Wuhan University of Technology and to participate in a recruitment program for the ChiComs to find and develop scientific talent for the communist regime. Wuhan, for those of you not paying attention to details, is where this present pandemic was propagated. Lieber is free on a one million dollar bond, set by US Magistrate Marianne Bowler.

I know that all of this sounds like a story line from one of the terrorist episodes of NCIS or Hawaii Five-0. It is all circumstantial conjecture, conspiracy theory and coincidence. But Gibbs' Rule #39 states that "There is no such thing as coincidence." And Leroy Jethro is generally correct.
I cannot dare to think that the ChiComs would dare launch this most insidious attack on America without the aid and comfort of more than just one American leftist Ivy League professor. It is my contention that the Demoncat Party is complicit in this catastrophe. As with his admitted corruption in Ukrainian affairs Quid Pro Joe Biden accepted a billion and a half ChiCom dollars in the name of his air headed, drug addicted son, Hunter.

It is no long leap to presume that that payoff was for more than just communist sympathizer/ collaborator Biden influencing more sweetheart trade deals. It is possible and maybe even probable that the ChiComs received assurances that elected Demoncats and the Deep State would provide cover for the communists in their plot to assassinate our President, or in case of failing that, to crash the markets and kill the economies of the United States and other capitalist countries in their most insidious attack on the democratic world. Previous attacks, using substandard steel, carcinogenic drywall and poison pet food pale in comparison.

Of course, it was, is, and shall forever be, a foregone conclusion that the modern media, especially the American news and social media shall promote any propaganda that pushes any agenda left of centrist capitalism, particularly if it deemed to be demeaning or detrimental to President Trump, in particular, or Republicans/conservatives, in general.
Let's assume that all of the above is conservative claptrap and the ravings of a right wing wacko. Let's look at the possibility that this pandemic was allowed to happen naturally through stupid socialist governance; the same stupid socialist governance that allowed the deforestation of Poplar trees in China, so that they now have to get their wooden chop sticks from an American entrepreneur in south central Georgia.
These Chinese chumps, despite their despotism, permit the production and purchase of exotic wild animal meats, in unregulated, unhygienic 'wet markets' to make deadly dangerous dishes like bat soup, civet cat stew, barking deer dinner and lab rat lunch, from test animals acquired from Dr. Lieber's bio-warfare laboratory at WUT.
This may be an unintentional launch, coming our of one such local market in Wuhan called Hua'nan. The earliest patients, workers at this market fell ill the second week of December. Following events, which have led to this new viral infection to grow from a local health concern to a planetary pandemic were not unintentional. The only action Chinese authorities take for the next two weeks are telling Wuhan area doctors to shut up and shut down their communications, warning others of the implications of this viral outbreak. By the middle of January, the ChiComs admit that there is a problem and promise that they are on top of it. On January 23rd, Wuhan and three others cities are put on lock down, but only after five million people have left the city to join hundreds of millions of their countrymen traveling domestically and internationally to celebrate the lunar new year holiday with friends and family all over the country. Finally, during the last week of January, the ChiComs begin implementation of strict measures to combat the disease's spread among their own people, knowing that they have successfully introduced it to the rest of the world.
Even if this second scenario is more likely than the treasonous American scientist selling his soul to engineer this contagion hypothesis, it is still purposeful and planned biological warfare by the ChiComs.

Either way, Richard Nixon's historical, much heralded diplomatic opening of China in 1972, has come back to bite us (US) in the ass too many times. It is perhaps the epitomical example of the road to Hell being paved with good intentions.
It is now time, in 2020, to openly and adamantly admit that China is composed of not just inscrutable Orientals, but also of communist killers. It is time to terminate ties with this totalitarian regime. It is time, it is past time to bring American manufacturing, especially critical American manufacturing, like pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, communications and computerization home. Since we don't employ slave labor in American manufacturing, as is done in Chinese factories and as we don't falsely manipulate our currency, as China does with theirs, goods may cost more. I will happily pay extra to see the almost currently non-existent Made in America/Made in USA label.

Whether it's Chairman Mao or President Xi, Chinese leadership has no love loss for America. And this American sees nothing to love about China.

In the meantime, as we move to kick these communist killers to the curb, we can start by ceasing the political correctness of calling this outbreak Coronavirus or COVID 19. Let's join President Trump by properly proclaiming it to be what it is: China virus. Better yet, let's label it as The Wuhan Flu, since this is not the first virulent virus China has introduced to the planet's population in recent years.
Remember SARS from 2002-2003? It was a Coronavirus epidemic originating in China. In that case, it took the ChiComs three months to inform the world.
We can expect this kind of contagion catastrophes to continue, as long as a centuries old culture with centuries old health/hygiene standards, including food safety protocols and a political philosophy of world domination is allowed free trade and travel with and among the civilized nations of the world.
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