Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Demoncat Dreams Can Be Derailed

Image result for nc 6th congressional district new map
Current 6th District
Image result for nc 6th congressional district new map
         New 2020 6th District

It is plain to see from the above maps that the North Carolina Sixth Congressional district has been redrawn by liberal Demoncat judges for the sole purpose of increasing my state's number of Demoncat Congressmen.  It is highly likely that that goal will be realized.
However, there is a slim chance that whichever of the two Republican who wins the March 3rd primary, has a chance to beat likely Demoncat nominee Kathy Manning.  He or she will need to target specific geographical areas, like Irving Park and Guilford College in Greensboro, Emerywood and Oak Hollow in High Point;  Jamestown's Guilford College Road area; outlying suburban, small town and rural areas of northern Guilford County, around Summerfield and Stokesdale; Greensboro western neighborhoods, like Sedgefield and Sedgefield Lakes and small town/rural southern Guilford County, particularly the Guilford County part of Archdale along Highway 62, like Millis Downs, as well as the Guilford County portions of Pleasant Garden, Climax and Julian.  These residents need to know that their congressional votes are as or more important than their votes to reelect President Trump and that they HAVE to get out and cast their ballots.
The Republican candidate needs to point out that Kathy Manning is nothing more than a Nancy Pelosi clone with a law degree and Southern accent.  They even look alike.  She is just another Baracka Hussein style activist/lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster charlatan lawyer turned professional political party hack.
Image result for kathy manningImage result for nancy pelosi

He or she will also need to reach out to the MLK Drive areas of Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem to inform those residents that they don't have to vote Demoncatic, given the fact that the Demoncats have done nothing for their people beyond keeping them on the party plantation of dependency of SNAP, WIC, medicaid, subsidized, substandard housing and other welfare programs.  Tell them it is time to free themselves, finally and for good, by teaching them that it was the Republican Party who freed the slaves in the 1860's and passed the civil rights laws in the 1960's.  Point out to them that it is time to join Kanye West, Candace Owens and others in the Blexit movement.
 Image result for blexit logo

It's A Safe Assumption and Sound Hypothesis

Call me a presumptive racist/bigot.  I don't care.  I base this presumption on statistical truisms noted and noticed from  six decades of anecdotal observation and experience.  The following story is old news, dating back to last Spring, but I just heard of it.
Image result for 13 year old beats up mother    Beronica Ruiz, of Passaic, NJ was beaten to unconsciousness and hospitalization by a "racially motivated" 13 year old who had been bullying her twelve year old son.  Taunts included "All Mexicans should go back behind the wall."
The attacker was charged as a juvenile and released to his parents (parents, plural?).  Therefore, we may never know for sure, but there are good, educated guesses that can be made, from the facts that are reported.  He was traveling in a gang of three.  Contemporary American Negroids have much more animus toward Hispanics than modern American Caucasoids.   None of the liberal media reporting the story, i.e. The Washington Post, CNN, NBC, etc. jumped at the opportunity to identify the attacker as a white supremacist Caucasoid.  With that said, it is a safe assumption and sound hypothesis that the attacker is just another street thug, in the mold of Trayvon Martin.  Image result for trayvon martin 

Image result for Bay area mother beat up by teen age girls In a similar and more recent occurrence, just last month, Maria Jimenez, another Hispanic mother of a bullied sixteen year old daughter was savagely beaten and hospitalized by the gang of girls responsible for the bullying.  Again, for the same reasons, as stated above, it's a safe assumption and sound hypothesis that these sociopaths are of the same dark brown epidermal pigmentation as the the bull dyke bullies who tortured and tormented my petite, size zero late wife during high school, which prompted her to drop out and obtain her GED at the local community college.
 Image result for black girl gangs

So much of America, especially the dumb mass Dummycrap 'guilty white liberal' Caucasoids controlling so much of America, like the media, which cover for these poor, pitiful, disadvantaged delinquents and academia, which mollycoddle these minority maniacs, like The Parkland Shooter.are killing the country, victim by individual victim.  It is time; it is past time to cease and desist from cow towing and capitulating to these hateful, hate filled hoods, as some form of group guilt assuagement.  They are not entitled to vent their race based violence because of the torturous treatment of people of their racial demographic centuries ago.  If they want to target a racially different group, let them attack and assault Arab Muslims, who to this day, enslave African Negroids
. Image result for Muslims enslave Africans

If I'm wrong, I'll apologize for assuming, delete this article and contribute to a candidate of color.  NOTE: The only prior political contribution I ever made was to a candidate of color. .

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Mutt Romney Has No Conscience

Image result for mutt romney He is just another lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan lawyer turned professional putz of a politician.  He is a perpetual prevaricator.  He is the worst of the worst Never Trumper RINO Repulsican.  He is not in the least bit conservative.
For all of those reasons, he should be recalled by the citizens of Utah.  For all of those reasons, he should be excommunicated from the Mormon Church.  For all of those reasons, he should be expelled from the Republican Party. 
I imagine that he will exhibit his pusillanimous lack of character by not seeking reelection in four years.  If he does, I hope to God, Jesus, and Mother Mary that the voters of Utah remember his treachery in openly joining the Demoncats in their asinine attempt to remove President Trump from office.