Thursday, October 13, 2016

It's Definitely A Choice of Lesser of Two Evils This Time

Donald Trump is a billionaire businessman who accumulated his wealth over a lifetime in the  private sector by making shrewd business deals..  He is a big headed, big mouthed, bombastic blowhard, who like most alpha males has been, and may still be, a chauvinistic dogmatist.  Big deal.  Bully.
Hitlary Clinton is a multi-millionaire who has accumulated her wealth over the past few years in the public sector, by selling state secrets and government access to the highest bidders.  She s a lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan lawyer, turned professional political party hack, who stole my parents' life savings.  She is also a national traitor and murderess.
SO, in her last weeks, last ditch efforts to throw the kitchen sink at Donald, Hitlary and her cohorts in the lame street media have dredged up this old tape of Donald being Donald; a man's man and a ladies'  man blowing hard with Jeb Bush's cousin.  Now, they get these...women to say that Mr. Trump did all these horrid, horrible things to them decades ago, much like Hitlary's manwhore, rapist husband did undoubtedly do to women like Paula Jones, Kathleen Willy and Juanita Broaderick, all of whom was denigrated and denounced by Hitlary.  It's the same crud, crap and crapolla that the Demoncats threw at Herman Cain four years ago, when he was recognized as the one Republican who could dethrone King Baracka.  All because it is clear as a glass of Luzianne iced tea, that Trump can trounce Hitlary.
All of this comes out in a glop, to detract from the real news story of the day, The WikiLeaks reports on further Clinton collusion, conspiracy and corruption, and the basic fact that Hitlary has no positive record on which to run, or any sound policies with which to govern. One of her big promises is to help displaced coal workers, who she plans to make jobless by destroying the American coal industry. She promises work in the field of renewable energy.  How many Solyndras will that take, Hitlary?
I don't give a flying good good gahoot if Donald did try to feel up some woman on an airplane.  Just as I know that Herman Cain never did that of which the Demoncats and the yellow fourth estate sensationalists claimed he did, I have serious doubts about Donald's alleged transgressions.  The man is a BILLIONaire, for goodness sake.  Gold digging women throw themselves at men like Trump on a daily basis.  He/they don't need to pursue women in such a way, as is being alleged.  
What there is no doubt about is Hitlary's collusion in allowing the second Nine Eleven attack, in 2012, and the subsequent cover up that included the unwarranted prosecution and conviction of some little unknown, no-name filmmaker,  all to protect the reelection of her baseborn, bolshevik boss and take attention away from her unlawful and treasonous act of utilizing that private email server.  And make no mistake...despite FBI Director Comey's insistence. Hitlary intentionally, with full knowledge and intent ordered the installation of that server, so that she could communicate out from under watchful watchdog eyes, to let Americans be killed in Benghazi, and so that she could enrich herself and her equally vile husband/political partner..
So, which evil is lesser in your mind?