That most influential designation is based on number of electors each state has in the Electoral College, and relatively, the number of party convention delegates. For four of those states, as well as The Northern Mariana Islands, it is some form of winner take all contests. Only my beloved, befuddled home state of North Carolina is totally proportional.
So, who to vote for, according to me? I have been a Dr. Ben Carson supporter for years, ever since his notable speech at The National Prayer Breakfast. I was part of the original effort, being one of the earliest signers of the on-line petition. My guess is that he will still be on the ballot here in NC, since I'm reasonably sure that they were printed before Dr. Carson dropped out of the race. If he is, I'll probably vote for him anyway, as a matter of principle. For principle, I have never voted for a wining presidential candidate, and 2012 was the first time I ever voted for one of the two major party candidates. I wanted to write in my preferred candidate from that election cycle. But I more wanted to help make sure that the baseborn, bolshevik buffoon did not carry my state for a second time. So, I held my nose and cast a ballot for Mutt Romney. And it worked. He carried North Carolina and received our fifteen electoral votes. Didn't really help the big picture, though, did it?
Moving to the present, with perhaps one more, last chance to save our Republic, its what they now call "Super Tuesday" What used to be "Super Tuesday", which we had a few weeks ago is now dubbed "Super Duper Tuesday". There are four Republican/Repulsican candidates remaining in the race. All in all, popular, two term Ohio Governor John Kasich is a good guy, as far as career politicians go.
Governing by principles of fiscal conservatism, he has turned deficits into surpluses and reduced, in real numbers, the unemployment rate in his state. As House Budget Committee chairman in Newt Gingrich's Congress, he was largely responsible for the last balanced Federal budget. Though that was twenty years ago, Congress is what Congress is, and many of the politicos who were there then are still there now. I feel certain that Governor Kasich has sway and influence with many of them. Therefore, I again put forth Governor Kasich to be our next Vice-President, as the primary duty of that position is to preside over the Senate and vote to break ties. Also, history tells us that no Republican/Repulsican/Rebooblican candidate has ever won the Presidency without carrying Ohio. Primarily due to my personal, inherent mistrust of career politicians, I just don't want him as the man (or woman) in charge. But Kasich could and should be a GREAT Presidential advisor as Veep, and therefore a member of both the Economic and Security Cabinets.
As for our current Senators still in the race....I became a fan of Marco Rubio from the outset of his Senate career. I thought that it was a great thing to have a young, good looking man of minority group status showing that the Repulsicans were more than 'just a bunch of old white guys'. But it would seem that's he's 'federalized' his talents for wheeling and dealing that he so skillfully demonstrated in the Florida legislature, so that he has become the party's fair haired boy, since the national demise of fellow Floridian, Jeb Bush. Rubio is ranked among the most conservative Senators by such as Conservative Review and Heritage, but I have my doubts...deep doubts. He should have curtailed his overly exhuberant and premature presdential ambitions to concentrate on his Senatorial reelection, I hear that that might not have been any more successful than his current quest.
I LOVE Ted Cruz! I have since I first learned of him. Again, not just another old white guy. Rated as one of the VERY most conservative Senators. He has stayed true to his Tea Party roots and told the Senate leadership and party establishment to French kiss his Hispanic hiney hole. But also a lawyer and professional politician, who seems to employ some dirty tricks performers in his campaign staff. I had thoughts that he'd be a GREAT Attorney General. But, as I've said before, I think that he'd best serve the country where he is, uniting with fellow Senate conservatives, like Lee, Sasser, Shelby, Scott, Paul, and hopefully some Tea Party type freshmen, like Larry Holmquist from my home state.
I do hope and beseech the universal powers that be that my fellow North Carolinians will rid us of Dick Burr, who has become a dick burr, or butt pain. I beseech those same powers that voters in the other thirty-some states with Senatorial elections this year will fire their RINO Repulsican and dumb mass Dummycrap/Demoncat Senators. Maybe then, the Senate can become the conservatively based, deliberative body that it was intended to be, rather than the good ole boys' most exclusive club in the world that it has become under the leadership of such butt wipes as Mitch McConnell and dingy Harry Reid. Good Lord! They look alike. Talk about old white guys! Ted Cruz would be and should be a fabulous, fantastic, fairy tale, fantasy come true Senate Majority Leader.
So that leaves us with billionaire businessman Donald Trump. The Donald. I wholeheartedly jumped on Trump's bandwagon when he first announced. I jumped off when he disparaged Dr. Ben Carson as a doctor. There's a lot to distrust and dismiss about Trump, but not any more than with other current or potential office holders. Is he really a Demoncat? Can he beat Hitlary? He is bombastic and a bit of, or even a big blowhard. He's offensive. I'm thinking that that is exactly whom we need as President. This country was founded on offending people. Trump should be somebody who will stand toe to toe and eyeball to eyeball with Putin, Xi Jiping, Kim Jong-Un and the murderous Mullahs.
That will be especially true, if Trump picks a powerful point person as his Secretary of State. Somebody with a thorough knowledge of world history and a unique understanding of global affairs, like Newt Gingrich.
Trump could, most likely with Senate prodding, appoint truly appropriate Supreme Court Justices, like Janice Rogers Brown and Dale Wainwright to replace the dearly departed Antonin Scalia and the hopefully soon to die or retire left wing lunatic, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. And if we could get lucky enough that that smug butt, traitorous John Roberts were to be hit by a bus or encounter some other similar tragedy, Trump could, at Cruz's urging appoint former Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Wallace B. Jefferson.
For those reasons, along with his political incorrectness, for not being a lawyer or a long term politician, for the fact that the on-line, in-depth quiz says that he and I match up by a couple of percentage points more than Cruz and I do, and in line with my preferred candidate's endorsement of him, I at least reservedly endorse Donald Trump to be the next President of The United States of America.
On the other side of the political fence, I beg and beseech all dumb mass Dummycraps to vote for ANYBODY other than Hitlary Clinton. And I mean ANYBODY! Hitler, Napoleon, Attila the Hun, Catherine the Great (Horse doer)...ANYBODY!!
At least communistic curmudgeon Bernie Sanders is open and honest about his socialism, he's not majorly responsible for the deaths of two Navy SEALS in the Benghazi 9/11 attacks and he didn't steal $75,000 from my poor, hard working mill grit parents. So, I endorse Bernie Sanders as the Dummycrap/Demoncat nominee for President.