Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Holidays!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Image result for Christmas tree

HAPPY HANUKKAH!   Image result for HANUKKAH bush

FESTIVE FESTIVUS!    Image result for festivus pole

JOYOUS YULE!            Image result for yule log

GOOD KWANZAA!   Image result for kwanzaa symbols

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

I Am Simply Heart Broken

Image result for broken heart

I have been inconsolably sorrowful four times in my life.  I mean the kind of sadness that causes uncontrollable crying, mournful and funeral weeping and wailing, and heart wrenching,  body racking sobbing.
The first was when my wife, the one true, great love of my life let me know that I wasn't hers and she left in 1985.  The second was when my best buddy, my dad died in 2007.  The third was when my political hero, the one best hope for saving our Republic, Herman Cain allowed himself to be forced out of the presidential race in 2012.  And now, Celtic Woman is no more.
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Don't misunderstand.  Celtic woman, as a touring and recording entity is still alive, if not well.
Image result for david downes  As long as musical maestro and ensemble founder and creator, David Downes remains musical director, the group shall continue to flourish, finding new fans, to join the legions of us who have loved these women for over a decade.  I fear, though that those new fans will never know the true and real Celtic Woman.  And now, it comes to my attention, that The Maestro has moved on.
During the decade or so of its existence, Celtic Woman has presented innumerable combinations and incarnations of groupings from among about a dozen breathtakingly beautiful and paramountly talented women, to perform as a vocal group who is more uplifting and inspiring than any I've witnessed. Their soaring, celestial solos and high, heavenly harmonies send physical chills through me, and wells my eyes with tears of utter joy.  With no dismissiveness or disrespect to any of these lovely, love inducing women, including the one I consider as cousin, with whom I'm most proud to share a family name, the best ensemble of songstresses was that of Chloe, Lisa and Lisa.Image result for celtic woman members

As evidenced by all of Celtic Woman's variations of vocalists, as well as shows such as
Image result for american idolImage result for the voice and Image result for america's got talent,
we know that singers, even singers who are perfectly pitched and preposterously pretty, are a dime, maybe a quarter a dozen and are totally interchangeable and replaceable.  Such is not the case with world class instrumentalists, who come along once in a generation, like Vanessa Mae did some twenty years ago.
.Image result for vanessa mae
Through all of the personnel sequences of Celtic Woman singers, there has always been one constant, one continuing bright shining star that, for me, made Celtic Woman the magical musical experience that it is.  And that is charter member, violinist/fiddler, Mairead (rhymes with parade) Nesbitt.
Image result for mairead nesbittImage result for mairead nesbittImage result for mairead nesbittImage result for mairead nesbittMairead Nesbitt

Mairead Nesbitt has given me more delight and hope over the years than any performer I've seen or heard.  Her beauty and her talent are unsurpassable.  I don't give a care about how God gifted good new member Tara McNeill might turn out to be, she shall never equal Mairead.   No one shall.Related image  Tara is perhaps more artistically versatile, additionally being a harpist and a vocalist.  But to me, that shows a lack of the concentrated commitment that Mairead has given to her violin.  And adding a singer to the group with Ms. Nesbitt's same first name doesn't placate.
Mairead's bow and smile; her verve and her vim; her love and her legs make Celtic Woman the world class act that it is.  And now, like everyone else most important in my life, she has left.  It makes finding a lone remaining, front row seat, with a seat number matching 'my' number meaningless, rather than magical and meant to be.

Monday, November 14, 2016

We Are NOT a Democracy!

I am sick nearly to death of hearing everyone from Presidents and other politicians to the head of NPR News to regular, run of the mill rummies calling the United States a democracy.  The Founders and Framers knew that democracy is just a polite term for mob rule.  They also knew that true democracy was virtually physiologically impossible.
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 Image result for US Constitution
Written into Article IV of the U.S. Constitution is the statement "The United States shall guarantee... a Republican form of government."  Sorry, Demoncats and Dummycraps.  But on the bright side of it for you uneducated dumb masses, that has nothing to do with the Republican/Repulsican/ Rebooblican political party.  It simply means that an eligible electorate will choose by majority vote, fellow citizens to represent the constituency of the whole, to make law and decide direction to be taken relative to issues of the day, also by majority vote.
A true democracy would be a socio-economic system in which the entire eligible electorate would vote on every proposed law and issue of governance from dedicating a new post office or park, to approving or disapproving political appointees, to declaring war.  Through the contemporary technology of 'smart phones', that could be done in modern day America.  We could continue to elect our governmental officials as we already do, to devote their full time and energy to the business of governing, creating bills and composing declarations that they would approve or reject by majority vote.  At that point, each eligible voter would receive messages from his or her congressman/woman, senators, justices, vice-president and/or president, explaining the issue at hand. Then each of us would enter our vote of acceptance or disapproval, with the majority opinion prevailing, so that the result would be pretty much instantaneously known with electronic readouts and printed hard copies of each vote at both ends of the process.  That would, of course, require really smart smart phones equipped with small printers.  
The trouble with that, however lies in the often needed necessity for secrecy and dispatch, particularly in diplomatic decisions and military matters.  It would also lend itself to a mob mentality of the majority trampling the rights of a minority, by ignoring rule of law.
All in all, our form of constitutional, democratic republican form of governance has worked well for two centuries and three decades.  We should probably keep it, pretty much as is.  We could tweak a few things for the twenty-first century.  In the Preamble, change the word "welfare" to "prosperity". Do away with the Senate.  Declare that law shall be uniform throughout the country, based on the four components principle of criminality of perpetrator, victim, demonstrable loss or harm, and force or fraud.  Improve the wording of the First Amendment's religion clause to address the individual's right to peaceably and personally practice his or her belief system, rather than the rights of a collectivist church.  Delete the archaic mention of militia in the Second Amendment. Directly elect the president and vice-president, as we do and would continue to do with our congressional representatives.  That would entail ensuring the absence of electoral fraud by dead Dummycraps/ Demoncats and otherwise ineligible persons voting.        

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Don't Become Just Another Pussy Politician, Mr. President-Elect

That is not the purpose for which we elected you.  I'm hearing some more than slightly troubling 'things'.  Bob Corker for Secretary of State and fourth in line to your new job?  OH MY GOD!!!!
PUH-LEASE!!!  At least he's not another lackey lawyer, but he is an epitome of professional party politician and an apex of Repulsicanism. Image result for Bob Corker  Just because he is Chairman of The Foreign Relations Committee doesn't mean that he should be Secretary of State in a Donald Trump administration.  It just means that he is part of the establishment against which candidate Trump has been railing for months.  Listen to Levin, et al., Mr. President-Elect.
While I shall propose that he does have the appearance which we need to be showing to the rest of the modern world, he does NOT have the purpose we need to be telling the modern world, particularly the modern Muslim world of ninth century, religiously retarded stone age savages with twenty-first century weaponry, who have been at war with us (U.S.) since George Washington's eighteenth century Presidency.  Image result for mullahs and missiles 
It is time to stop putting forth femininity and female faces as the face of America in dealing with the rest of the world, especially that part of the world forcing us (U.S.) to deal with them at the point of a loaded gun, as Ayn Rand would say.
Image result for condoleezza riceImage result for madeleine albrightImage result for hillary clinton what difference does it makeImage result for John Kerry

Yeah, yeah, yeah; I know that technically John Boy Poodle Boy Kerry is male.....
And before any of you start screaming and crying that I'm an anti-feminist, sexist, male chauvinist misogynist, let me remind you that I have recommended qualified women for many high level positions, and shall continue to do so, including later i this article.  Of the four aforementioned, at least Condi was actually qualified through her intelligence, understanding, experience and expertise.  And looking at her doesn't make me want to barf.  But this position of Secretary of State, at this time in history, needs to be filled by a strong willed and witted, learned and intelligent man of traditional and forceful American faithfulness and leadership; the kind of faith and forward thinking and moving that founded this Republic and fostered it to become the greatest nation state of countrymen and women in the history of humanity, before another kind of men and women reversed its course toward ravaged ruination.
.Image result for king barack Image result for queen hillary
In the five centuries and a decade since the American experiment began, more has been achieved and accomplished than in the millennia of mankind previous to that.  Culturally, politically, socially, economically, technologically, America became the apex and the zenith of what the world should and could be.   From The Mayflower Compact to the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation to the Constitution of the United States, Americanism has shown that the most beneficial profit and progress can be recognized by the simple principles and practices of individual rights, personal responsibility and the rule of law, where every person is equal before the law..
We need a man as Secretary of State who can communicate that committedly and convincingly to the rest of the world, as well as to the American electorate.  
 Image result for newt gingrichThroughout his life, Newt Gingrich has demonstrated that he is such an American.  College professor of history, co-author and architect of the Contract with America, 50th Speaker of the House, best selling author, thoughtful and thought provoking commentator on our times, Dr. Gingrich is the best man for the job.  However, Newt says that his interests in aiding the Trump administration are more in a vaguer, broader (and probably unconstitutional) advisory capacity, rather than in an actual, constitutionally mandated cabinet posting.
If Dr. Gingrich can't be persuaded to take on this awesome opportunity, I would suggest the Rev. Franklin Graham.
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Image result for jeff sessions  There is talk of naming of Senator Jeff Sessions of my mother's home state of Alabama being your Chief of Staff.  As he was one of the first, if not the very first senator to endorse Donald Trump, on what would have been her 91st birthday, I can see why the President-Elect might would want to reward Sen. Sessions in such a way.  But let's accomplish two very important goals here, Mr. President-Elect.  Jeff Sessions does fall into my normally detested description of lawyer turned politician.   But he has been one of the rare gems among that ilk.  He has been principally stalwart, consistently ranked as one of the Senate's most constitutionally conservative members, political correctness be damned.  With some very important committee assignments, including a very important chairmanship of the Subcommittee for Strategic Forces, Sen. Sessions can best serve the new administration and America by staying where he is, as an ally to the administration, banding together with other Senate conservatives, like his state mate, Richard Shelby, Mike Lee, Tim Scott, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, even Marco Rubio, to form a new leadership coalition in the Senate.  Image result for richard shelby Image result for mike leeImage result for tim scott
Image result for rand paulImage result for ted cruzImage result for marco rubio
Tht might make the Senate the deliberative body that it was intended to be, rather than the 'The Most Exclusive Club in the World', that it has become, under the leadership of Mitch McConnell, etc.  Image result for mitch mcconnell

The Republicans/Repulsicans/Rebooblicans hold a very narrow majority in the Senate and the conservative conservative contingent of that needs to stand up to make sure that the entire caucus will stand up to and not capitulate to the likes of lunatic liberal Demoncats/Dummycraps/Socialists like Ed Markey, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Al Franken, Dick Turban, uh, I mean Durbin and Bernie Sanders.
Image result for ed markey Image result for Elizabeth WarrenImage result for cory bookerImage result for al frankenImage result for dick turbanImage result for bernie sanders
And maybe even more important on this matter, Mr. President-Elect.  Show the same independence, integrity, and intestinal fortitude as President that you did as candidate, by becoming the first President since Jack Kennedy to serve as your own Chief of Staff.Image result for john kennedy

He knew, as you should know, Mr. President-Elect, that such a position only adds another, probably unconstitutional, unnecessary bureaucracy.  Start your budget cutting there and really earn that $400K a year that we'll be paying you for the next several years.  And remember the lessons from 24, House of Cards and now Designated Survivor.  It's almost always the Chief of Staff mucking things up.
And a couple of thoughts to show that I'm not that anti-feminist, sexist, misogynistic, male chauvinist some might deem to don me.  Many have said, and I wholeheartedly agree, that Ted Cruz would Tme Court.  But not just yet.  Maybe if and when Ruth Biddy Ginsberg dies or retires to keep her pledge to move to New Zealand, or wherever in the event of a Trump presidency.Image result for ruth ginsburg  Make real history, Mr. President-Elect by nominating Judge Janice Rogers Brown to fill Justice Scalia's seat on the bench,Image result for Janice Rogers Brown  As a California Supreme Court Associate Justice and a federal Appeals Court Judge for the D.C. circuit, she has shown herself to be a libertarian originalist, opposing Affirmative Action and judicial overreach, while championing capitalism over socialism.  And she is detested by such groups as the National Association of Always Complaining People, National Organization of Women, National Council of Jewish Women, The Feminist Majority Foundation, People for the American Way and Senate Demoncats.  She has to be just absolutely top notch.
And you can replace the criminal and hopefully soon to be impeached and convicted Commissioner of the I.R.S. John Koskinen with Michele Bachmann, who should have been Speaker of the House, rather than crybaby John Boehnhead.
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Her reputation as a top drawer tax attorney, her stalwart Congressional service, and her consistent constitutional conservatism would make her an ideal candidate, especially considering that she is a principled, if not practical proponent of The Fair Tax Act, provisions of which would abolish the Internal Revenue Service.  Image result for fair tax

Her first task would be to bust The Clinton Foundation, bankrupting and imprisoning Billary and Hitlary.    Image result for bill and hillary crooks