On Tuesday July 15, 2014, voters who are registered as Republicans, or as unaffiliated voters who voted in the May Republican primary will choose a replacement for long serving and finally retiring Howard Coble. That's assuming, of course, that the Dummycrap/Demoncat Laura Fjeld (and no, that's not a typo...at least not on my account) won't fool enough district voters to fall for the standard, stereotypical line of Dummycrap/Demoncat donkey droppings. Hopefully, enough of them will see her as just another ambitious, popularity seeking bimbo, like the bimbos who fooled us into picking them to be governor and senator. We were, at least smart enough to only allow bolshevik Beverly one term, as it appears is going to be the case with communistic Kay. It looks like this Dummycrap diva doesn't even have as much to offer as those two idiots did. Proudly proclaiming that she's not a career politician, I would assert that that's simply because she's just reached an age and connections level to start a career as just another professional political party hack. Living in uber liberal Orange County, she is endorsed by a handful of uber liberal Dummycrap/ Demoncat politicians, the state teachers' union and something called EMILY'S List, for her pro-abortion stance. She might not be a career elected politician, but she has spent years in the state's liberal bureaucracy, after getting her undergraduate and law degrees from two of the most liberal campi in America; Bryn Mawr and California-Berkeley and twice being named as a "Super Lawyer"
One would think that whomever the R's put up against her would be a better choice, but that is not necessarily the case. Phil Berger, Jr. is another ambition driven lackey lawyer who is a career elected politician, and son of the same, who's looking to climb the establishment ladder from county district attorney of questionable judgments and actions to congressman of dedicated boot licking and soul selling for the sake of political upward mobility. He is the standard, stereotypical fat assed, jowly jug head, much like his main big endorser, Congressman Coble. He is the epitome of the establishment Repulsican, who will undoubtedly fool a lot of Rebooblicans. If elected, you can bet that he won't do anything to make sure that Howard keeps his long time promise to not collect his congressional pension. Of course, Howard never expected to have to retire.
Mark Walker has spent his life earning a living as a business executive and as a pastor. Though I've never been overly hyped about preachers in office, they're a damned better choice than lawyers. Truly new to the political arena, Mark Walker really seems to be a real American with an ardent desire to actually serve a constituency of fellow citizens, rather than one of self- and special interests. He has my endorsement for the run-off and the general elections.