Mark Twain said that a well told lie, told over and over again will have more credence than the truth. I think that he shorted the statement by not going on to say "with the dumb masses." And America today is filled with and full of dumb masses. Look at recent election winners to see that premise as truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
So, to all of you dumb mass ghetto Gumps and trailer park trash, let me share some truth with you.
While it is generally true that all politicians are perpetual prevaricators, Baracka Hussein Obama and his Demoncat and Dummycrap devotees are the epitome of proper prevarication. And since I know that you're too stupid and/or ignorant to know what that means, I'll tell you that it means that he and they are LIARS. B. Hussein is first and foremost a lying, cheating, thieving, conniving, shyster, charlatan Chicagoland lawyer with a lost law license. Any attorney who is SO bad, so as to lose his or her law license, like Bill Clinton, is an ultimate liar
Worse than Hussein's hoodwinkery is the Repulsicans' refusal to stand up and say out loud what a baseborn, bolshevik buffoon, bald faced liar Obama is. Simply because he's Negroid, the truth can't be uttered out loud about him. John Bonehead, John McCain't make up his mind if he's liberal or conservative, Lindsay Gramnesty, Mitch McConfused about his mission, Eric Can't make up his mind, either, or any of the others won't dare publicly proclaim that OBAMA IS A LIAR AND A THIEF, as well as a Marxist Muslim.
Maybe the newly appointed senator from South Carolina will have the chutzpah to tell the truth about Obama, since he can't be labeled as a racist, though I'm sure he'd be called an Uncle Tom.